Releases: OpenEVSE/openevse_esp32_firmware
Releases · OpenEVSE/openevse_esp32_firmware
What's Changed
- Bump gui-v2 from
by @dependabot in #876 - Bump StreamSpy from 0.0.1 to 0.0.2 by @openevse-bot in #875
- Bump gui-v2 from
by @dependabot in #877 - Updated the Root certificate for LetsEncrypt by @jeremypoulter in #846
- Display the 'old' LCD message in place of the host/time by @jeremypoulter in #874
- Bump gui-v2 from
by @dependabot in #879 - Bump Adafruit MCP9808 Library from 1.1.2 to 2.0.2 by @openevse-bot in #847
- Bump Adafruit NeoPixel from 1.12.2 to 1.12.3 by @openevse-bot in #878
- Bump gui-v2 from
by @dependabot in #885 - Certificate management by @jeremypoulter in #695
- Bump espressif32 from 6.7.0 to 6.8.1 by @openevse-bot in #887
- Be more agressive about clearing the boot lock by @jeremypoulter in #888
- Tweaks to the release workflows by @jeremypoulter in #889
Full Changelog: v5.1.1...v5.1.2
Development Build
Important: This release does not work with the Ethernet module
Whats New
- 99bfd6f: Initial addition of the elecrow_esp32_hmi boards (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- 2151248: Initialise the FSF screen (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- f851b59: Removed LVGL for now and added some demo screens for the LCD (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- 5f88ed7: Initial code to render a boot screen and charging screen (with some random text) (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- 36c3365: Adding PNG lib and tweaking the SPI speed≈ (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- 03469f2: Limit the fonts we load (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- 40e5501: Render the boot screen as component parts so we can save flash space. (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- 4425505: Adding builds to the CI (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- 2df92a3: Update Charge screen (Chris Howell) #745
- a738ef6: Delete gui-tft/ChargeScreene.png (Chris Howell) #745
- d5e1219: Blanked Screen (Chris Howell) #745
- c05b752: Updated charging image (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- 8a8e1ba: Added rendering the text values (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- 58513a3: Get the live delivered power (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- f79bfe1: Split out the bits of the charge screen that are a little harder to render in code (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- d95fb3d: Render a lot of more of the UI in software to make the update faster (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- a99cdd4: Remaining values are now live (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- 0a96137: Updated to continually update the display (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- aa0a7d8: Fixed flickering when updating the text, by rendering to a sprite first (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- 4c29270: Fixed flicker on progress bar update (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- 13a90e6: Use fill sprite as it can be faster (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- 3c055f9: Merge branch 'master' into elecrow_esp32_hmi (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- 83dfa20: Merge branch 'master' of into elecrow_esp32_hmi (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- 69b3b7d: Adding status icons (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- c41df86: Latest GUI (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- 5ef3b7f: Added switching the status icon (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- ed7d7c4: Merge branch 'master' into elecrow_esp32_hmi (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- bfb2514: Adding options to build for the new TFT OpenEVSE board (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- 79384cb: Ignore .pem files (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- baea014: Moved LEDs to GPIO26 as GPIO10 conflicts with the internal flash chip (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- eb3ce9a: Merge branch 'master' into elecrow_esp32_hmi (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- d944e64: Swap the serial ports on the dev verion of OpenEVSE WiFi TFT so it is easier to upload/debug via serial (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- 5056653: Fix for crash during initial setup (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- 31d0788: Merge branch 'master' of into elecrow_esp32_hmi (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- 98fc63b: Enabled 16MB flash on the TFT boards (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- 6069bd7: Fixed memory monitor to not depend on the OpenEVSE module being detected (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- f867740: Disabled debug messages (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- fd44f89: Adding in some more initilisation/memory debug logs (Jeremy Poulter) #745
- Minor update to fix release version name
What's Changed
- Bump gui-v2 from
by @dependabot in #758 - Updated release checks for GUI v2 by @jeremypoulter in #759
Full Changelog: v5.0.1...v5.0.2
- Make service level setting available
What's Changed
- Change C to Celsius for OCPP MeterValue by @mcardillo55 in #726
- Broken link Fix #732 by @glynhudson in #734
- Added Support for wt32-eth01 board - Update platformio.ini by @jdgarcia99 in #743
- Attempt 2 at fixing URL to Client ID list by @jeremypoulter in #736
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #749
- Bump gui-v2 from
by @dependabot in #751
New Contributors
- @mcardillo55 made their first contribution in #726
- @jdgarcia99 made their first contribution in #743
Full Changelog: v5.0.0...v5.0.1
Important: This update requires a manual upload of the .bin
firmware file via the web interface (Configuration > Firmware > Update > Select File). 'Direct Install' from Github is not possible. Be sure to select the correct firmware file for your hardware
What's Changed
- Disable all non-read-only RAPI commands #702
- Remove GUI V1
- Expose restart and max_current through MQTT #620
- Add limit and limit/set to MQTT #637
- Solar PV divert self consumption optimisations #590
- Fix WiFi AP #673
- More accurate firmware file names #712
- Support configuration updates through MQTT #714
- OCPP update #682
- Add Hungarian translation
- Fix Setup Wizard quit button
- Various bug fixes
All Changes
What's Changed
- Updates to build the divert_sim again by @jeremypoulter in #605
- Some RFID fixes by @KipK in #607
- Divert_sim testing by @jeremypoulter in #612
- publish esp32 macaddress by @KipK in #613
- Fix for working on different timezones by @jeremypoulter in #614
- Fix for unknown inputs in release asset upload by @jeremypoulter in #617
- Update screenshots and docs for UI V2 by @glynhudson in #623
- fix time not updated immediately after NTP change by @KipK in #624
- Changes to update millis based on the time simulated time by @jeremypoulter in #626
- add branch name to local build_version by @KipK in #629
- Expose restart and max_current through mqtt by @mathieucarbou in #620
- add missing max_current in model and api.yml by @KipK in #633
- Divert_sim summary by @jeremypoulter in #627
- Separate test/function per dataset so the rest report is a bit more verbose by @jeremypoulter in #636
- The newer ESP32 IDF can do core dumps in the coredump partition by @jeremypoulter in #561
- Gui v2 switch by @KipK in #635
- add /limit /limit/set to mqtt by @KipK in #637
- New InputFilter class by @KipK in #590
- New settings / flags (#595) by @KipK in #618
- Expose config and config updates through MQTT by @mathieucarbou in #634
- update gui ( fix wizard race condition + remove required ocpp pass ) by @KipK in #655
- switch from 404 to 200 response from REST API when there's no error by @KipK in #658
- update gui statics by @KipK in #671
- fix ap wifi wrong by @KipK in #674
- Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 in /tesla_login by @dependabot in #694
- Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 in /tesla_login by @dependabot in #698
- Updated pre-build GUI files by @jeremypoulter in #701
- Fix #434: Implement Uptime by @mathieucarbou in #700
- More accurate build names by @jeremypoulter in #712
- Support configuration updates through MQTT /config/set by @mathieucarbou in #714
- Block all RAPI commands that are not the read only
ones by @jeremypoulter in #702 - Changes to block until the LCD update has completed if the
is set by @jeremypoulter in #705 - Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #717
- OCPP update and clean up by @matth-x in #682
- Fix GUI update rules when BUILDSRC_DIR is not defined by @cscott in #719
- Bump gui-v2 from
by @dependabot in #722 - Updated GUI files by @jeremypoulter in #723
Full Changelog: v4.2.2...5.0.0
V2 GUI pre-release
- 0767bbb: The newer ESP32 IDF can do core dumps in the coredump partition (Jeremy Poulter) #561
- 39a8136: Merge branch 'master' into jeremypoulter/core_partition (Jeremy Poulter) #561
- 2fb1253: Merge branch 'master' into jeremypoulter/core_partition (Guillaume S) #561
- 6877db0: Merge branch 'master' into jeremypoulter/core_partition (Jeremy Poulter) #561
What's Changed
- When using UI V2 it's now possible to update directly from github releases rather than uploading the update file manually, this update method is preferable since it removes the possibility of uploading the incorrect update for the hardware.
- New user interface ( both UI V1 and V2 are available on this release, each platform have 2 files builds ending by "_gui-v1" and "_gui-v2" )
- New network manager
- New energy meter, count session kWh, daily, weekly, yearly, total (on esp32)
- New Limit engine based on time, energy, SOC, range ( UI V2 only ). Limits can be set from main page for session limits, and Config / Evse for system limits ( survive session & reboot )
- OCPP upgrade to security profile 2 & improvements
- Better three-phase setup calculations: new three_phase parameter to set in Config / Evse tab ( UI2 only ) .
- and a lot of bug fixes ( see full changelog below )
- EmonEVSE and other T2 socket un-thethered openEVSE setups should update OpenEVSE module firmware to >= 8.2.3
- 8.2.3 OpenEVSE fw will prevent a charge at startup if the Wifi/Ethernet module hasn't unlocked it first (BOOTLOCK), ( requires ESP32_WiFi
firmware >= 4.2.1), update is not mandatory.
- Bump gui from
by @dependabot in #500 - Bump qs from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 in /tesla_login by @dependabot in #494
- Ui2 build by @KipK in #503
- fix #505 missing claims _version init by @KipK in #507
- fix #505 by @KipK in #511
- Event send missing "mqtt_connected" at connection / error by @KipK in #514
- do not set Scheduler claim if evse module communication is not ready by @KipK in #518
- Quick and dirty filter to ensure no >127 chars are sent over the websocket and hense valid UTF-8 is sent by @jeremypoulter in #515
- Delete the simulator by @jeremypoulter in #504
- Adding building of v2 UI by @jeremypoulter in #487
- Bump actions/cache from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #522
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #526
- Bump actions/setup-node from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #525
- Bump actions/setup-python from 2 to 4 by @dependabot in #524
- Bump actions/download-artifact from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #523
- OCPP upgrade by @matth-x in #506
- No longer endlessly loop twhen switching from NTP -> Manual time by @jeremypoulter in #531
- Adds is_threephase virtualbool switch. by @KipK in #528
- Enable Shaper with Divert mode active by @KipK in #530
- fix current shaper for threephase + amp display by @KipK in #534
- New Limit engine for Wifi module. by @KipK in #535
- fix #452 reevaluate claims if amps > pilot by @KipK in #532
- Bump gui from
by @dependabot in #543 - Fix for infinate loop in getNextEvent by @jeremypoulter in #549
- Update to the latest ESP32 core by @jeremypoulter in #544
- Removed old config update/save functions in place of the generic API by @jeremypoulter in #542
- Unlock Evse module when Wifi module is ready by @KipK in #548
- Allow shaper to use same topic as grid_ie by @KipK in #551
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #555
- Re-work of the network manager by @jeremypoulter in #533
- change dev builds file names by @KipK in #563
- fix mqtt_retained regression by @KipK in #565
- Support for updating directly from GitHub by @jeremypoulter in #562
- fix system limits not restored at reboot by @KipK in #568
- change default "CN" country code to "world safe mode" ("01") by @KipK in #567
- ping pong over websocket by @KipK in #564
- replace old counter from OpenEVSE module with new EnergyMeter class on ESP by @KipK in #556
- API error and warning fixes by @jeremypoulter in #570
- reset session_elapsed if no vehicle at reboot by @KipK in #571
- fix #558 config erased at reboot by @KipK in #576
- Removed _waitingForEvent as Wifi module control everything nows. by @KipK in #579
- dynamically set build version using current git tag/shorthash by @KipK in #538
- Various Time zone fixes by @jeremypoulter in #569
- add missing energyMeter data to emoncmss_publish() by @KipK in #580
- some EnergyMeter fixes by @KipK in #583
- Fixes to the auto version number script by @jeremypoulter in #589
- loop energyMeter.update() even when not charging by @KipK in #596
Full Changelog: 4.1.7...v4.2.2
What's Changed
- add upload_progress event to websocket by @KipK in #471
- improvment & fixes of MQTT /override topic by @KipK in #485
- add "claims_version" event sent at each claims change. by @KipK in #474
- override version + fixes by @KipK in #486
- publish override_version after claim engine has treated it. by @KipK in #489
- fix #496 #492 increased json object size by @KipK in #497
- Current Shaper now use "max_current" instead of "charge_current". by @KipK in #495
- Bump express from 4.17.1 to 4.17.3 in /tesla_login by @dependabot in #499
- fix missing shaper_updated in /status by @KipK in #501
Full Changelog: 4.1.6...4.1.7
Updating Firmware
Firmware can be updated via the web interface. Be sure to select the correct firmware for your hardware and unzip before uploading .bin
Toggle 'advanced' display tab to view the hardware info on the main OpenEVSE tab:
Firmware | MD5 |
bootloader.bin | 633fdf6c2eaa137d81eb1e037c82c1a5mc |
openevse_esp32-gateway-e.bin | 824918fab878077b318e828657dd33a6 |
openevse_esp32-gateway-e.bin | 720b7580d94d5df514dfd4b48132904d |
openevse_huzzah32.bin | 2890dd53a100d9df29d105d9719c04b8 |
openevse_wifi_v1.bin | 506aa7c43ebf2c9a1115fbee8112686 |
partitions.bin | 95ff55176b05845b099191ebc17e3b46 |