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535 lines (399 loc) · 32.7 KB

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535 lines (399 loc) · 32.7 KB


  • #138 Deprecate KtIterable<T>.sumByDouble in favor of KtIterable<T>.sumBy which now works for int and double
  • #140 KtMap.getOrDefault now returns V instead of V?
  • #140 Fix KtMap.groupBy returning KtMap<K, KtMutableList<T>> instead of KtMap<K, KtList<T>> causing generic type problems in further processing


  • stable dependencies
  • Improve KtSet.contains performance



New package:kt_dart/standard.dart library containing Kotlins loved standard extensions

  • #120 Standard extensions let, also, takeIf and takeUnless
  • #120 TODO([String message]) top-level function which throws NotImplementedException
  • #120 repeat(int times, void Function(int) action) top-level function

More cool updates

  • #124 KtList.of and KtSet.of now allow null as parameters. Same for listOf and setOf
  • #131 Chain Comparators with the new thenBy and thenByDescending functions.
  • #126 Allow const .empty() constructors for KtList, KtMap and KtSet (Thanks @TimWhiting)
  • #127 plus, minus operator overrides for KtSet, returning KtSet and not KtList as the KtIterable operators do


  • #124 KtList.of and KtSet.of now allow null as parameters. Same for listOf and setOf
  • #120 Standard extensions let, also, takeIf and takeUnless
  • #120 TODO([String message]) top-level function which throws NotImplementedException
  • #120 repeat(int times, void Function(int) action) top-level function
  • #126 Allow const .empty() constructors for KtList, KtMap and KtSet (Thanks @TimWhiting)
  • #127 plus, minus operator overrides for KtSet, returning KtSet and not KtList as the KtIterable operators do


  • Fix unused import


The library has be upgrade to use Static Extension Methods.


This update also includes extensions for Dart collections which allow easy interoperability between dart and kt.dart collections using the .kt and .dart getters.

  // New: Converting dart collections to KtDart collections (mutable views)
  final KtMutableList<String> ktList = ["hey"].kt;
  final KtMutableSet<String> ktSet = {"hey"}.kt;
  final KtMutableMap<String, int> ktMap = {"hey": 1}.kt;

  // Converting KtDart collections to dart collections
  final List<String> dartList = KtList.of("hey").dart;
  final Set<String> dartSet = KtSet.of("hey").dart;
  final Map<String, int> dartMap = KtMap.from({"hey": 1}).dart;

Note: ["Hello", "World"].kt returns a KtMutableList<String> and mutations are reflected on the original dart list. It is not a copy! Because it doesn't copy it is very cheap and only syntax sugar.

To convert dart collections to their immutable kt.dart counterparts use: .toImmutableList(), .toImmutableSet(), .toImmutableMap()

  // New: Make dart collections immutable
  final KtList<String> list = ["hey"].toImmutableList();
  final KtSet<String> set = {"hey"}.toImmutableSet();
  final KtMap<String, int> map = {"hey": 1}.toImmutableMap();

Possible breaking changes

  • Relax sortBy/sortByDescending, maxBy/minBy typing to work better with ints and doubles #116
// Was: int doesn't not implement Comparable<int> but Comparable<num>
// minBy therefore required some help to figure out the correct type (<num>) 
users.minBy<num>((it) => it.age);

// Now: minBy doesn't require the Comparable (num) to have the same same as the value (int).
users.minBy((it) => it.age);
  • Remove unnecessary generic R from KtIterable.zipWithNext #118

New Extensions

  • KtPair and KtTriple now have a new toList() function to convert the values to a KtList
  • KtList?.orEmpty() returns an empty list when the list is null
  • KtSet?.orEmpty() returns an empty set when the set is null
  • KtMap?.orEmpty() returns an empty map when the map is null
  • KtMap.ifEmpty(() -> defaultValue) returns the default value when the map is empty
  • KtIterable<KtIterable<T>>.flatten() flattens the nested collections to KtIterable<T>
  • KtIterable<KtPair<T, U>>.unzip(): KtPair<KtList<T>, KtList<U>> unzips list of pairs to list of their first and second values
  • KtIterable<Comparable<T>>.min() returns the smallest element of any comparable iterable
  • KtIterable<Comparable<T>>.max() returns the largest element of any comparable iterable


  • New extension Iterable.toImmutableList(): KtList
  • New extension Iterable.toImmutableSet(): KtSet
  • New extension KtIterable<num>.average(): double
  • Relax sortBy/sortByDescending, maxBy/minBy typing to work better with ints and doubles
// Was: int doesn't not implement Comparable<int> but Comparable<num>
// minBy therefore required some help to figure out the correct type (<num>) 
users.minBy<num>((it) => it.age);

// Now: minBy doesn't require the Comparable (num) to have the same same as the value (int).
users.minBy((it) => it.age);


  • Rename (List|Set|Map).immutable() extension to .toImmutableList() to match Dart SDK naming schema.
  • Remove int.rangeTo(X) extension. Please use the dartx as replacement which offers the same extension
  • Remove extension to create a KtPair. It's too general and should be offered by the dart SDK not a 3rd party package


New .dart extensions to convert KtDart collections back to dart collections.

  // New: Converting dart collections to KtDart collections (mutable views)
  final KtMutableList<String> ktList = ["hey"].kt;
  final KtMutableSet<String> ktSet = {"hey"}.kt;
  final KtMutableMap<String, int> ktMap = {"hey": 1}.kt;

  // Converting KtDart collections to dart collections
  final List<String> dartList = KtList.of("hey").dart;
  final Set<String> dartSet = KtSet.of("hey").dart;
  final Map<String, int> dartMap = KtMap.from({"hey": 1}).dart;


KtDart makes full use of darts static extension methods, introduced with Dart 2.6.

The public API stays unchanged and is backwards compatible.

Improved interopt with dart collections

It is now easier then ever to convert dart to ktdart collections and vice versa. Use the .kt property to convert dart collections to KtDart collections. (Note: .kt create a view, which allows you to mutate the original dart collection).

  // New: Make dart collections immutable
  final KtList<String> list = ["hey"].immutable();
  final KtSet<String> set = {"hey"}.immutable();
  final KtMap<String, int> map = {"hey": 1}.immutable();

  // New: Converting dart collections to KtDart collections (mutable views)
  final KtMutableList<String> ktList = ["hey"].kt;
  final KtMutableSet<String> ktSet = {"hey"}.kt;
  final KtMutableMap<String, int> ktMap = {"hey": 1}.kt;

  // Converting KtDart collections to dart collections
  final List<String> dartList = KtList.of("hey").asList();
  final Set<String> dartSet = KtSet.of("hey").asSet();
  final Map<String, int> dartMap = KtMap.from({"hey": 1}).asMap();

Tuple improvements

KtPairs can now created with the extension.

final KtPair<String, int> pair = "foo".to(42);

Also, KtPair and KtTriple now have a new toList() function to convert the values to a KtList.

New Extensions

  • KtList?.orEmpty() returns an empty list when the list is null
  • KtSet?.orEmpty() returns an empty set when the set is null
  • KtMap?.orEmpty() returns an empty map when the map is null
  • KtMap.ifEmpty(() -> defaultValue) returns the default value when the map is empty
  • KtIterable<KtIterable<T>>.flatten() flattens the nested collections to KtIterable<T>
  • KtIterable<KtPair<T, U>>.unzip(): KtPair<KtList<T>, KtList<U>> unzips list of pairs to list of their first and second values
  • KtIterable<Comparable<T>>.min() returns the smallest element of any comparable iterable
  • KtIterable<Comparable<T>>.max() returns the largest element of any comparable iterable


diff v0.6.1...v0.6.2

  • #96 Dart 2.0.0 comparability. (Was only Dart 2.1.0 compatible).
  • #97 Fix broken links to lib classes in documentation
  • #97 Adjust analyzer rules. Add new ones and explain why others aren't active. Adjusted the code accordingly


diff v0.6.0...v0.6.1

  • #92 Improve pub score by changing comments to ///


diff v0.5.0...v0.6.0

This major update of kt.dart add 10+ extension methods for KtMap and makes working with maps even easier.

Behavior Changes

The properties KtList.list: List,KtSet.set: Set are now deprecated and Map was removed. Those properties where used to convert kt.dart collections to dart collections. Instead use the new KtList.asList(): List, KtSet.asSet(): Set, KtMa.asMap(): Map methods. The old properties returned copies of the collections. The new as-methods return views of the original collections and reflect changes of the original data.

This breaking change was necessary because the property Map<K, V> was conflicting with<K, V> -> R) : KtList<R> to map the entries to items of a KtList. Read about further details here.

If you have used properties to iterate over the collections using a for-loop you should now always use iter which is available for all kt.dart collections.

for (final element in listOf("a", "b", "c").iter) {
for (final element in setOf("a", "b", "c").iter) {
for (final p in mapFrom({1: "Bulbasaur", 2: "Ivysaur"}).iter) {
  print("${p.key} -> ${p.value}"); 


  • #86 New: Returns a list containing the results of applying the given transform function to each entry in the original map.
  • #86 New: KtMap.iter Access to a Iterable to be used in for-loops
  • #87 New: KtMap.count Returns the number of entries matching the given [predicate] or the number of entries when predicate = null.
  • #89 New: KtMap.minBy Returns the first entry yielding the smallest value of the given function or null if there are no entries.
  • #89 New: KtMap.minWith Returns the first entry having the smallest value according to the provided comparator or null if there are no entries.
  • #89 New: KtMap.maxBy Returns the first entry yielding the largest value of the given function or null if there are no entries.
  • #89 New: KtMap.maxWith Returns the first entry having the largest value according to the provided comparator or null if there are no entries.
  • #90 New: KtMap.toList Returns a KtList containing all key-value pairs.
  • #78 New: KtMap.forEach Performs given action on each key/value pair from this map. thanks @acherkashyn
  • #80 New: KtMap.none Returns true if there is no entries in the map that match the given predicate. thanks @acherkashyn
  • #80 New: KtMap.all Returns true if all entries match the given predicate. thanks @acherkashyn
  • #80 New: KtMap.any Returns true if there is at least one entry that matches the given predicate. thanks @acherkashyn
  • #84 New: KtMap.filterKeys Returns a map containing all key-value pairs with keys matching the given predicate.
  • #84 New: KtMap.filterValues Returns a map containing all key-value pairs with values matching the given predicate.
  • #79 New: KtMap.asMap Returns a read-only dart:core Map
  • #79 New: KtMutableMap.asMap Creates a Map instance that wraps the original KtMap. It acts as a view.

  • #75 New: KtIterable.takeWhile Returns a list containing first elements satisfying the given predicate.
  • #76 New: KtIterable.takeLastWhile Returns a list containing last elements satisfying the given predicate.

  • #73 New: KtList.takeLast, Returns a list containing last n elements.
  • #79 New: KtList.asList Returns a read-only dart:core List
  • #79 New: KtMutableList.asList Creates a List instance that wraps the original KtList. It acts as a view.

  • #79, #91 New: KtSet.asSet Returns a read-only dart:core Set
  • #79 New: KtMutableSet.asSet Creates a Set instance that wraps the original KtSet. It acts as a view.


  • #74 Fix: KtList.dropLastWhile was off by 1
  • #88 Fix: KtIterable.minWith returned the max value


  • #68 Document KtSet constructors
  • #70 Fix README typos, thanks @RedBrogdon


  • #69 KtMutableListIterator throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when calling set before next was called
  • #81 Force dartfmt on CI
  • #83 Improve .gitignore


diff v0.4.2...v0.5.0

Project has been renamed to kt.dart. If you're using a previous version upgrade like this:


-  dart_kollection: ^0.3.0
-  kotlin_dart: ^0.4.0
+  kt_dart: ^0.5.0


- import 'package:dart_kollection/dart_kollection.dart';
- import 'package:kotlin_dart/kotlin.dart';
+ import 'package:kt_dart/kt.dart';
  • #66 Rename KPair -> KtPair and KTriple -> KtTriple
  • #67 Rename package kotlin_dart -> kt_dart


diff v0.4.2...v0.4.3

Deprecate package kotlin_dart and recommend users to migrate to kt_dart.


diff v0.4.1...v0.4.2

Shorten pub project description to make pana happy.


diff v0.4.0...v0.4.1

Improve Readme which renders correctly on pub.


diff v0.3.0...v0.4.0

The kollection project was migrated to kotlin.dart where kollection becomes the collection module.



-  dart_kollection: ^0.3.0
+  kotlin_dart: ^0.4.0


- import 'package:dart_kollection/dart_kollection.dart';
+ import 'package:kotlin_dart/kotlin.dart';

Breaking Changes

  • #64 The class prefix of all collections has been changed from K to Kt (KList -> KtList)
  • #60 listOf now accepts up to 10 non-null arguments instead of an Iterable. Use listFrom to create KtLists from an dart Iterables
  • #60 Collections can now be created with factory constructors i.e. KtList.of(1, 2 ,3). Both APIs, factory constructor and function based one, are equally supported. It only depends on your personal taste.

Here is a list of all collection creation APIs.

Kotlin like, function based syntax

  /// List
  // Create immutable lists
  listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  listFrom([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  // Create mutable lists
  mutableListOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  mutableListFrom([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  /// Set
  // Create immutable sets
  setOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  setFrom([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  // Create a mutable set which keeps the order of the items
  linkedSetOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  linkedSetFrom([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  // Create mutable, unordered hash-table based set
  hashSetOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  hashSetFrom([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  /// Map
  // Create immutable maps
  emptyMap<int, String>();
  mapFrom({1: "a", 2: "b"});
  // Create mutable maps
  mutableMapFrom({1: "a", 2: "b"});
  // Create mutable maps without specified order when iterating over items
  hashMapFrom({1: "a", 2: "b"});
  // Create mutable maps which keep the order of the items
  linkedMapFrom({1: "a", 2: "b"});

Dart like, constructor based syntax

  /// List
  // Create immutable lists
  KList.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  KList.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  // Create mutable lists
  KMutableList.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  KMutableList.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  /// Set
  // Create immutable sets
  KSet.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  KSet.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  // Create a mutable set which keeps the order of the items
  KMutableSet.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  KMutableSet.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  // Create mutable, unordered hash-table based set
  KHashSet.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  KHashSet.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  // Create a mutable set which keeps the order of the items
  KLinkedSet.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  KLinkedSet.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  /// Map
  // Create mutable maps
  KMutableMap<int, String>.empty();
  KMutableMap.from({1: "a", 2: "b"});
  // Create mutable maps without specified order when iterating over items
  KHashMap<int, String>.empty();
  KHashMap.from({1: "a", 2: "b"});
  // Create mutable maps which keep the order of the items
  KLinkedMap<int, String>.empty();
  KLinkedMap.from({1: "a", 2: "b"});


diff v0.3.1...v0.3.12

Deprecate package dart_kollection in favour of kt_dart


diff v0.3.0...v0.3.1

Deprecate all APIs and advise users to upgrade to kotlin.dart


diff v0.2.0...v0.3.0


This release of Kollection fully covers the project with unit tests, from 52% to 99% 🎉. By doing that bugs where discovered and fixed.

Because Dart doesn't support non-nullable types yet, this update manually checks all method arguments at runtime. Passing null in any method will throw ArgumentError unless documented otherwise.

Behavior changes

  • #36 All method arguments are now validated for nullability. If a argument isn't documented as "nullable" the method will throw ArgumentError (when asserts are enabled)
  • #51, #46 KIterable<T>.associateWithTo, Kiterable<T>.filterTo, KIterable<T>.filterIndexedTo, KIterable<T>.filterNotTo, KIterable<T>.filterNotNullTo , KIterable<T>.groupByTo ,KMap<T>.mapKeysTo ,KMap<T>.mapValuesTo, KIterable.toCollection did not compile when called directly due to dart-lang/sdk/issues/35518. The type of destination of those methods has been changed to a dynamic type (i.e. KMutableList<T> -> KMutableList<dynamic>). Those methods will now be checked at runtime. This has one advantage: It allows to pass in contravariant types.
final KIterable<int> iterable = listOf([4, 25, -12, 10]);
final result = mutableListOf<num>(); // covariant!
final filtered = iterable.filterIndexedTo(result, (i, it) => it < 10);
expect(identical(result, filtered), isTrue);
expect(result, listOf([4, -12]));
  • #56 KMutableEntry.setValue now throws UnimplementedError because of bug #55. It anyways never worked.
  • #58 KSet doesn't allow mutation of its elements with via set getter. It is now really immutable.

API changes

Bug fixes

Documentation changes

  • #57 Document hashSetOf and linkedSetOf
  • #19 KIterable.any document return value when called without predicate
  • #51 Document expected type of now dynamically typed KIterable<T>.associateWithTo, Kiterable<T>.filterTo, KIterable<T>.filterIndexedTo, KIterable<T>.filterNotTo, KIterable<T>.filterNotNullTo , KIterable<T>.groupByTo ,KMap<T>.mapKeysTo ,KMap<T>.mapValuesTo, KIterable.toCollection

Other changes


diff v0.1.0...v0.2.0

Behavior change

  • #6 Breaking: KMutableIterator.remove now throws UnimplementedError because of bug #5

API changes

  • #1 Add Set<T> get set returning the internal dart set
  • #1 Add Map<K, V> get map returning the intenral dart set
  • #7 Add KMap.toMap and KMap.toMutableMap
  • #8 Add KMap.isNotEmpty
  • 3e3228e Add KMap.toString()
  • #9 Add, Map.minus and operator +(KMap<K, V> map), operator -(K key)
  • #12 Remove const constructors from collection interfaces
  • #13 Remove default implementations from collection interfaces

Documentation changes

  • #15 Add documentation for compareBy and compareByDescending

Other changes

  • #2 Travis CI #2
  • #3, #4 Code coverage
  • #10 Test KMutableList.fill
  • #11 Test KPair, KTriple
  • #14 Test Exceptions
  • #15 Test Comparators naturalOrder(), reverseOrder()
  • #15 Test reverse(Comparator) util function
  • 6dd0d85 Reformatted with dartfmt (80 chars)


Initial release for

  • KList/KMutableList
  • KSet/KMutableSet
  • KMap/KMutableMap

with tons of extensions waiting for you to use them!