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Michael edited this page Nov 14, 2013 · 1 revision


  • The user loads the home page


  • The home page contains 4 main elements
    1. Map
      • The user is presented with an interactive map, which displays all the buildings that have been complainted about
      • The map comes with standard zoom and pan controls which allow the user to interact with the map
      • The user explores the map to see what buildings have been complained about
    2. Category filters
      • The user can choose to hide and show buildings that pertain to certain complaint types
      • Each category has a checkbox. If the category is unchecked, then buildings with complaints in that category get filtered out
    3. Building Markers
      • A marker (pin) represents a building that has been complained about.
      • The color of the marker represents the severity of the building (IE, the number of complaints on it)
      • Clicking on a marker takes the user to the building page
    4. Navigation pane
      • The navigation pane allows the user to jump between the different pages of the site
      • (Currently) the pane contains links to the HOME page, and the REPORT page.
  • The user clicks on the REPORT link, and is taken to the report page. Report
  • The report page contains 4 main elements:
    1. Address form fields
      • The user fills in the details of the building Address
    2. "Address was not valid" Notification
      • This is visible ONLY if the user clicked SUBMIT after inputting an invalid address
    3. Complaint Categories
      • User checks off the issues that he/she is complaining about.
    4. Submit button
      • Takes the user to the preview page, so that the user can verify the complaint info


  • The preview/confirmation page allows the user to double check the correctness of his/her complaint.
  • It contains 2 main elements:
    1. The preview area
      • The user can look over the submitted information, and check the correctness of the address by looking at the map
    2. The submit button
      • User clicks on the submit button, and the complaint is being submit to the server
  • The user is then taken to the page of the building he/she complained about


  • The building page contains 4 main elements
    1. The address information
    2. The count of complaints in each category
    3. Static map of the building location
    4. Disqus comment section
      • Any user can leave comments about the building in this section
      • All interactions are done through the intuitive disqus interface
      • Users can reply to each others complaints
      • Users can post photos
