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Noel D'Souza edited this page Oct 24, 2013 · 1 revision

Story AHH-18

As Jane I want to submit a complaint about my building through the website so that the issues I am dealing with are publicly voiced.

Success Criteria

  1. Submit a page without errors.


  1. Navigate to
  2. Submit a complaint.
  3. Verify that there were no errors during the submission process.

Story AHH-50

As Jane I want to preview my complaint submission, so that I can make sure it is accurate

Success Criteria

  1. Preview page is displayed after clicking verify on the report page.
  2. Preview page contains the the submitted information.


  1. Navigate to
  2. Submit a complaint.
  3. Verify that the page is redirected to
  4. Verify that the submitted information has not been changed.
  5. Verify that the preview map loads the right address.

Story AHH-35

As Aliya I want to see what areas of the map have buildings with complaints so that I can focus ACORN's resources on the most problematic areas.

Success Criteria

  1. Marker for a submitted building is displayed on the google map on the index page.


  1. Navigate to
  2. Submit a complaint.


  1. Navigate to
  2. Verify that there is at least one marker for a building on the map.
  3. Verify that there is a marker for the submitted building on the map.

Story AHH-55

As Ken I want to select a building marked on the map to see it's complaints so that I can see the problems with a building I am curious about moving into.

Success Criteria

  1. Clicking on a marker on the map redirects the browser to the submitted building page.


  1. Navigate to
  2. Submit a complaint.


  1. Navigate to
  2. Click on marker on the map for the submitted complaint.
  3. Verify that a building page is loaded.
  4. Verify that the loaded building page is the submitted page.

Story AHH-33

As Aliya I want the web complaints to fit into distinct categories so that the data we collect is easier to organize and understand.

Success Criteria

  1. The submission page contains the following categories: Bed bugs, Cockroaches, Mice, Heating, Plumbing, Elevator not working, Repair order not followed, Mold, Other


  1. Navigate to
  2. Verify that all categories are available.

Story AHH-55

As Ken I want to select a building marked on the map to see it's complaints so that I can see the problems with a building I am curious about moving into.

Success Criteria

  1. Clicking on a marker on the map redirects the browser to the submitted building page.


  1. Navigate to
  2. Submit a complaint.


  1. Navigate to
  2. Click on marker on the map for the submitted complaint.
  3. Verify that a building page is loaded.
  4. Verify that the loaded building page is the submitted page.
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