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Sprint 2 Release Planning

Noel D'Souza edited this page Nov 14, 2013 · 5 revisions

At the end of Sprint 1 we were left with a few incomplete user stories. As we planned out Sprint 2, we wanted to make sure those were completed first. In addition to these stories we wanted to focus on a few on two things: refining the current functionality of the site, and adding one more key functional element.

To refine functionality, we decided to focus on the submission process, and interactions with the global map. The submission process was missing a smooth verification system. The global map needed a way of displaying severity of building complaints and hiding complaints by category.

The key functionality we decided to add on to the project, was the building page. Building this page allows us to think about an additional persona, Ken, and in the final project will be a key place for people with complaints about the building to continue the conversation.

The remaining user stories can be broken down into three categories. The first, and most important, is refining the administration page. We have a basic version, that was built with Django, but simplifying administration workflows will be a huge component of Sprint 3. The second category is refining the global map, which will take up the remainder of sprint 3. The rest of the user stories deal with implementing text messaging. Though nice to get to, our Product Champion has stressed that they are non-essential.