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Michael edited this page Oct 7, 2013 · 1 revision
Thursday, October 3 2013 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (GB 248, UofT)
Attendance: Noel, Shandheap, Michael, Zhi, Yuqiong, Monica
Meeting Activities
  1. Sprint 0 retrospective

    • Good:
      • Flowdock is a great tool for communication
      • We did well in the interviews with Judy, which helped us write good stories
      • We figured out technologies that everybody will be comfortable with
      • Everybody was responsive and problems were solved quickly
    • Bad:
      • PivotalTracker might not be the optimal tool, since it does not allow to manage sprint start/end times
      • Our implementation was not compatible with Windows, which caused problems when we attempted to deploy to Azure
      • The first story was too big
  2. Prepare for sprint 1:

    • Sent out links to Django tutorials and agreed to commit to it
    • Planned to have git learning session for Sunday
  3. Discussed issues with Windows compatibility and committed to solve the problem by the end of the weekend.

  4. Discussed how we are going to incorporate UI into our stories. Agreed to come up with UI wireframes for next Thursday

Action Items
  1. Figure out operating system issues:

    • Have UNIX VM running or fix configuration
    • Deadline: Monday
  2. Meet again on Sunday, 2pm

  3. Run a git learning session on Sunday, 3pm

  4. Complete Django tutorial by Sunday, 2pm

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