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Noel D'Souza edited this page Oct 16, 2013 · 4 revisions
Monday, October 14 2013 12:00 PM to 2:00PM (Bahen, UofT)
Attendance: Monica, Noel, Yuquiong, Shandheap, Michael, Zhi
Meeting Activities
  1. Discussed missing meeting procedures.
  2. Discussed the requirements of and our process for estimation.
    • We agreed to use a variant of planning poker. The process is as follows
      • Everyone writes down a point for a story (0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20).
    • We go around in a circle, each person mentions their point, and the reasons why they assigned the point to the story.
    • After one circle is done, as a group we discuss the differences in view points
    • Discussed a missing design document. Agreed to add it in during Sprint 1 as we clarified our project structure.
    • Discussed our implemented user story. The reason why we chose it was because it touched each piece of the technology stack we are using.
  3. Talked about writing test cases.
    • Agreed to automate as much as possible.
    • Agreed to create a template during test 1 for any manual tests to simplify writing and use.
  4. Talked about next meeting.
    • Agreed to meet on Monday.
    • Meeting agenda: Estimate user stories.
    • Meeting agenda: Priority from last meeting with Judy needs to be input into Jira.
    • Agreed to try and schedule a meeting for the weekend to go over user stories as a precursor to estimation.
Action Items
  1. Confirm monday meeting with missing members.
    • Deadline: Friday, Oct 11th.
  2. Finish User Story estimate.
    • Deadline: Monday, Oct 14th.
  3. Finish deliverables for Sprint 1 preliminary.
    • Deadline: Tuesday, Oct 15th.