- hygen:
- design-system: add tokens for interaction text colors (216d8229)
- homepage: make title and description reactive (4598a8a3)
- handle-store-error: prevent serialization issue on server (8ed2c700)
- update dependencies (dca3377e)
- support-section: refine spacings and update copy (f79d37d4)
- eslint: exclude .output directory (f366e211)
- landing-page: update link to getting started docs (57688dee)
- add h3-compression plugin (2fc75b4f)
- update dependencies (56924e13)
- update dependencies (e99f92fe)
- vue-sidebar-group-item: remove withDefaults from import (7c817ce7)
- update links to v5 documentation (8f0f913b)
- storybook: add i18n plugin (90f0426b)
- vue-test: support nuxt-link and no-wrap (af677011)
- collapse-animation: clean up typescript usage (8c9f1558)
- vue-text: add support for light/dark color tokens (68d6a22e)
- vue-input:
- vue-pagination: adjust menu position for selected page (b3412c13)
- vue-button: add color to span inside button (21b88407)
- vue-menu: wrap to child width (93aa828c)
- prop-types: use const to fix TS (e54659c7)
- add correct values for elevation in utility tokens (8412b7cc)
- vue-pagination: test infinite carousel pagination (869df1db)
- update dependencies (6688a72f)
- update dependencies (a8e0a7cf)
- update dependencies (790700f1)
- move files around (ebee48bc)
- update dependencies (6bde26cd)
- update dependencies (79e32944)
- update dependencies (3d906c20)
- update deps (b9ae7e1a)
- update dependencies (3fa1427d)
- update minor dependencies (1b707ad9)
- add prettier-plugin-prisma (8e9974f4)
- update dependencies (4670671e)
- remove v4 references (e0559f83)
- update dependencies (e28fea93)
- keep line length in nuxt.config.ts (8affbfaa)
- update dependencies (4944b2e7)
- add bunny font css (e0fd0490)
- update deps (20986c65)
- unify alias style to ~ (90a9ba8c)
- update env example (86837735)
- remove .vuesion folder (e1b28e29)
- update deps (302ca7de)
- add all scripts that need to function in v5 (4990f78c)
- update deps (d00972c3)
- vite: exclude stories from test coverage (c60f41ae)
- dependencies:
- funding: remove issuehunt (8f083ad8)
- update PR workflow (e3fb53e9)
- update staging workflow to node 20 (df461b3a)
- fix code coverage report (ac6d3b66)
- add production deployment (6001acd7)
- update all contributors (0d533a9c)
- update README.md (d82cabe6)
- update README.md (91788ca7)
- add buy-link to ComponentDocs.vue (4f86e29d)
- update contributors (e7641369)
- website:
- refine tablet version (095acf2d)
- add VuesionPlusSection (77cb9dae)
- add mobile version (96d4c599)
- optimize lighthouse score (7967fd25)
- add SupportSection (aa4106ae)
- add TestimonialsSection (c48461e4)
- add BenefitsSection (6c577567)
- add KeyFeaturesSection (89c740ef)
- add LandingPageHeroSection (452d6a3c)
- exclude storybook from pwa cache (dbf890ae)
- update generator templates (b9259851)
- improve crud-entity generator (baa374fc)
- improve crud-entity generator (c0a2b9a4)
- update to new storybook format (c2c3a4b5)
- add hide-label prop to checkbox/toggle (340fb7ab)
- upgrade to Node.js v18 (0b368806)
- add compression and cache-control (e79a7d0c)
- add pwa module (d7ff2f68)
- add security module (ea73c360)
- add delay-hydration module (1dd17505)
- add html-validator module (bf192789)
- add image module (0c83fe32)
- add robots module (4fc60991)
- add staging workflow (5d798d07)
- dockerize nuxt and storybook (2c84c546)
- optimize font loading (0a593e86)
- add authorization (fa48e1ef)
- add prisma (c4411170)
- add release script (5ff6e142)
- add extract-i18n-messages script (a60699a7)
- add page generator (2d4951d9)
- add store generator (cb50eabf)
- add component generator (23546b26)
- add state management (ab3f9860)
- add authentication (7cfab056)
- add i18n (5c993bbb)
- add cypress (11935252)
- add index page (55da1497)
- add more components (e8acb875)
- add more components (9c318184)
- add more components (27f18422)
- add more components (56665605)
- add more components (31e7e588)
- add more components (c65eb48f)
- add more components (6c495209)
- add more components (f54e8284)
- add more components (cf349449)
- add more components (9c03e98a)
- add more components (b8815298)
- add more components (ff9504c7)
- add more components (eaa0a681)
- add more components (10ea6404)
- add more components (834c1d3c)
- add more components (d78fc726)
- add more components (9085e1c0)
- add more components (7a86dfa3)
- add more components (84aa0669)
- add more components (d4821abe)
- add more components (ee732643)
- add more components (43be8985)
- add more components (a70cd7af)
- add more components (48b6b3fc)
- add more components (f8e38416)
- add more components (4883b6a0)
- input:
- component-docs: remove disclaimer, add spacing for header (fca0e87b)
- ci: adapt production workflow to staging (5081ede5)
- design-system:
- pagination:
- components:
- sidebar: sync with Figma (b70c2f38)
- navbar:
- breadcrumb:
- toggle-button: sync with Figma (33e06735)
- toggle:
- textarea: sync with Figma (a529c2d7)
- slider: sync with Figma (f76d5b1e)
- select:
- radio: sync with Figma (ed3b3409)
- checkbox:
- button:
- tooltip:
- toast:
- tab-group:
- modal:
- menu:
- carousel: sync with Figma (c1806f94)
- card:
- badge:
- avatar:
- accordion: sync with Figma (16b9f39e)
- services-page:
- pages: add services/index (581c894a)
- generators:
- footer: update design based on Figma (ab7f6877)
- back-to-top: update design based on Figma (02a1affe)
- icons: reduce stroke-width (677400ce)
- vuesion+:
- storybook: upgrade to v7 (d9969e8c)
- alignment: add justify-evenly (c38aab5d)
- docker: add db:push & db:seed (0c7abffd)
- index: add theme switcher (8d987cea)
- layout:
- vee-validate: add min_value rule (e5d550c8)
- scripts: use --transpile-only for ts-node (87401238)
- storybook:
- input: pos absolute menu slot to prevent layout shifts (25d36c99)
- badge: use text color for icons (54739f21)
- vue-button:
- expertise-section: prevent title overflow (f403ed3b)
- ci:
- e2e: typo in mobile url (312ffd13)
- import nuxt composables from #imports (#622) (6f045658)
- add correct storybook link (21046af4)
- content shift because css is loaded via js (ca96e9bb)
- use content-block to center layout (c43eb15d)
- make exmaples public (ed672b6a)
- counter: use the right pending state for decrement (caaa78b4)
- layout-components: make reverse property work (d29f7b6a)
- vee-validate: move plugin in /plugins root folder (3da43e0e)
- value-prop: align imgs with new break point definition (15fd7e46)
- db: remove createdAt/updatedAt field (aa5cefa4)
- vue-select:
- vue-i18n: rename dateTimeFormats to datetimeFormats (8bc1ae42)
- vue-textarea: always use 100% of the parent (cc1eb2f1)
- generators:
- test: use jsdom for submit button support (912337bc)
- crud-entity: update formatting for auth=false (9f4e7b10)
- auth: enable global authentication middleware (14dafcc8)
- vue-input: align trailing icon color (e6638977)
- home-page: update get started links (aef5ba71)
- vue-tiles: inherit from vue-box (13122079)
- layout-components: inherit from vue-box (33ccf918)
- vue-modal: use native dialog element (de661780)
- vue-accordion: use collapse to show/hide content (dd2641b0)
- remove auto imports for more IDE performance (6d7cbf51)
- move body serialization to fetchWithCookies.ts (7beef104)
- unnecessary CI changes (fbea304c)
- node: upgrade to version 14 (65566905)
- pull-request: only checkout privat repos for org members (bd21421f)
- landing-page-header: use dynamic storybook link (d407a791)
- vue-select: don't focus input after outside click (76284345)
- vue-masonry:
- vue-select:
- vue-menu:
- components:
- vue-input: add debounced-input event (6e204a3f)
- components: validation and error states (c6d9bd0d)
- accordion-item: register when mounted (b88720e5)
- vue-slider: increase space below label (9425b3b2)
- vue-select: add css for native/custom switch (8240483f)
- vue-input: change leading icon color (b4b83c41)
- vue-select: change icon spacing (57b9a5d4)
- vue-button: add ghost variation (71953260)
- vue-select: change css structure for menu positioning (2c932e4d)
- add currency input to coverage report (1894c807)
- vuesion+: add currency input (c8ee5106)
- vue-input: add slots for leading/trailing icon (ab0b85be)
- avatar: add support for icons (dc90d193)
- color-palette: add info color (c3028014)
- vue-menu: scroll to active item on key press (5a60ccd7)
- vue-input: emit original event-object on input (b352008a)
- v-for: make sure all keys are unique (2854dda0)
- typo: add vue-text look property (57596d9f)
- vee-select: add search via keyboard (a3a012fe)
- vee-validate: add regex by default (1badb64d)
- vue-columns: add auto-height, can-grow, can-shrink props (42fbb411)
- add google-fonts module (fc287b8f)
- vue-box: add auto-height prop (1d471d5a)
- vee-select:
- forms: use composition-api (e0146021)
- components: move forms into separate folder (e7fa4d26)
- vue-columns: use flex gap (9ccd1e22)
- vue-inline: use flex gap (c33facfa)
- update browserslist (87eeee4f)
- vue-button: add aria-hidden to icons (94ab7953)
- vue-text: add default font-family (3a1f32ab)
- generators: use correct variable name in vuex actions (b5eacbcf)
- vue-select: apply placeholder css class to custom-select (5f5a4d8f)
- vue-inline: add css class for no-wrap property (f2a17be4)
- replace circleCI with Github workflows (57df1083)
- vue-sidebar: add active-class for nuxt-link (b649c361)
- vue-menu: add disabled state for items (5ddc0fad)
- vuex-blueprint: add default exports (5389a6d5)
- vue-pagination: add type attribute to buttons (475cb0b6)
- add Vuesion+ Calendar and Date picker (cf266202)
- split vuesion+ components into separate repos (5a03c042)
- component-docs: replace disclaimer with CTA (170cb998)
- design-system: update introduction text (833055c6)
- update README.md (2e46cdbc)
- vue-input:
- components: reduce description-gap for better y-alignment (5125dc9f)
- vue-select: focus/scroll to item of the selected value (c47a8961)
- i18n: add full-icu package and scripts (5166dad0)
- jest-setup: add stub for Element.scrollTo (22c9f870)
- dark-mode: optimize surface colors (69cda30c)
- collapse-animation: support dynamic child-height (99d496c9)
- vue-menu: change max-height to fit better in viewport (53ae1ff8)
- learn-more: fix typo (44e63f82)
- vue-dropdown: simplify onKeyDown event handler (a29db17c)
- update link to docs (0c10effc)
- add modern build option as default (ea74a14a)
- add feature-list (06c13a2d)
- add download page (f0f4630e)
- learn-more: add link to documentation (8dda5ba2)
- landing-page-header: add nav (de560249)
- content-block: add as property (c1d6599a)
- generators:
- meta: use title instead of description (e020a72a)
- feature-list: fix typos (aacee1a0)
- pwa-meta: let vue-meta handle the meta information (66eea278)
- vue-select: add role to custom-select (73ea1892)
- vue-icon-vuesion: remove aria attribute (da473588)
- icon-list: remove view-boards (f12ed301)
- tokens: rename --a11y-color to --a11y-default-color (bc32d206)
- enable vuesion+ components (62f568c3)
- apollo-example: add border-radius to image (0ffebf4a)
- component-docs: add vuesion+ disclaimer (c5912447)
- typo: links - inherit font-weight (315cdf8f)
- vue-select: add align(-y)-menu properties (6f0c8e12)
- vue-dropdown: add align-y-menu property (fa9809d5)
- vue-card: remove overflow hidden (cb18815f)
- update contributors (8cad7d88)
- update README.md (115156b0)
- update PR template, funding and readme (587b86f4)
- remove scss files for premium components (baedf707)
- clean up static folder (9cc2cb62)
- update dependencies (c38ffc62)
- update dependencies (#538) (e334cc46)
- remove .env from git (098814cd)
- update vuesion packages (#517) (d6fa18a3)
- update dependencies (#515) (683f2163)
- rebase onto master (2c588549)
- rebase onto next (1b155fa6)
- updated packages (796a55ff)
- updated packages (3d76036b)
- upgrade prettier to v2 (#499) (5562b5f6)
- update dependencies (#498) (c6d39be6)
- use new outputDirectory option (1f6af69b)
- upgrade to node v12 (051e8ceb)
- update vue test utils to latest stable (421d57ac)
- storybook:
- jest: update config to include all .vue files (7bc7c457)
- checkout and deploy premium component repo (#560) (53abfe5d)
- add .env-prod to config.yml (0298e3b1)
- fix Dockerfile (0ff68db0)
- docker-file: add .vuesion folder (19e83277)
- testimonials: reduce avatar size (810acb8f)
- landing-page: refine content (882539f8)
- components:
- vue-input:
- vue-dropdown:
- vue-select:
- toast: add success toast type (c3b06cc7)
- design-system:
- tweak dark-theme (9f23051d)
- optimize stories for mobile viewport (eaeab867)
- register icons globally (9cbe4a1a)
- add nuxtjs/color-mode (2f01661e)
- add nuxtjs/html-validator (674f0a2f)
- add nuxtjs/robots (7cc3e606)
- add nuxt/eslint-module (c1b400f8)
- add type-gen for swagger (#549) (a8081a85)
- add pwa update script (#548) (afd133df)
- add vue-apollo (#547) (a999afd2)
- add logging with winston (#546) (16ed6da8)
- use @nuxtjs/auth (#519) (14f07ba1)
- use @nuxtjs/composition-api (#518) (23b2bcbf)
- add vuesion service (#509) (5298fe50)
- counter page fetch example (f8ed3bcd)
- add http-service (0b8f62a5)
- add app-config (3c2dea97)
- add vuex-persist (6544678a)
- add vuex-persist (67703638)
- added storybook packages (24bb890c)
- added design system stories (1f5f435f)
- added all component stories (ebb4f724)
- added ci script (e955e2fc)
- updated nuxt (2c1af9f3)
- updated jest (34738b06)
- added cookie-parser, compression, and helmet (ff0ca593)
- got routes and auth working (bf7ce0e7)
- reorganized tests, added tests, plus cleanup (e4b5dd07)
- got vee validate working and fixed some tests (87a06d12)
- added eslint rules and worked on vallidation (bc9a9339)
- almost have validate working now (a6c91f76)
- added testing library package (fee43669)
- got more components and tests working (10784c4d)
- got most tests passing + cleanup (b5a6b4a3)
- moved app into src (35043f59)
- got most components working (5a9e86ad)
- initial commit (d9b91036)
- support theming (06da52e0)
- vue-columns:
- get-dom-ref: add vue components as type (63bd0586)
- vue-box: add alignment properties (37faa615)
- vue-checkbox:
- vue-markdown: change table cell spacing (25b5b671)
- ci: update running order (3bdf698a)
- cypress: increase timeouts (b1b2a93f)
- icons: sync with Figma icon set (83066476)
- vue-tab-group: apply re-design, update tests and stories (913a083a)
- vue-sidebar: apply re-design, update tests and stories (21bbeec1)
- vue-navbar: apply re-design, update tests and stories (de9e16ec)
- vue-avatar: apply re-design, update tests and stories (e64bec95)
- vue-tooltip: apply re-design, update tests and stories (7e902305)
- vue-toast: apply re-design, update tests and stories (e0e9bb53)
- vue-footer: apply re-design, update tests and stories (be82a82c)
- vue-accordion: apply re-design, update tests and stories (f6087c9c)
- vue-pagination: apply re-design, update tests and stories (75d13ac1)
- vue-modal:
- vue-card: apply re-design, update tests and stories (9b29a4e6)
- vue-collapse: apply re-design, update tests and stories (00b6d0c9)
- vue-breadcrumb: apply re-design, update tests and stories (824819f2)
- vue-back-to-top: apply re-design, update tests and stories (f6947586)
- vue-menu: apply re-design, update tests and stories (c1a87057)
- vue-textarea: apply re-design, update tests and stories (321714fd)
- vue-slider: apply re-design, update tests and stories (d97a2da8)
- vue-toggle: apply re-design, update tests and stories (8fe52be7)
- vue-loader: apply re-design, update tests and stories (ca75d72e)
- vue-radio: apply re-design, update tests and stories (e9ac9fa5)
- vue-button: apply re-design, update tests and stories (5e63c241)
- vue-image: move to data display, update tests and stories (e1097d64)
- vue-badge: apply re-design, update tests and stories (aae11318)
- vue-column: add align-y prop (70b4704d)
- i18n: add formatFallbackMessages (260f71e7)
- vue-text: add align property (e0c70738)
- layout-components: support space value null (753cfac3)
- vue-inline:
- generators: add interface (#540) (3be17d42)
- landing-page-header: add closing ) for background-image url (5e1a8345)
- vue-select:
- vue-button: fix spacing for icon only button (3b431b6e)
- html validation errors (3afc90b6)
- add changes from design-review (0fd04cf0)
- add vuesion/models to dependencies (123ddbe9)
- remove unused prop with-vertical-space (#541) (d57ebd39)
- theme, locale change (deec6a79)
- make vee-validate examples working (cb5ab7b1)
- server static storybook directory (e1b2de2e)
- jest coverage location and minor adjustments (cb6f078e)
- final part of workaround to change capitalization of folder (1d55d5a4)
- workaround to change capitalization of folder (b40211e6)
- run tests in ci script (e6c0ab97)
- got coverage working and updated all jest related dependencies (b768d95e)
- minor import fixes (43f12c6c)
- handled injection not found in FormExample test (3ee50d01)
- use nuxt-link instead of router-link (dcea1826)
- update deprecated method calls in tests (cb14ecf0)
- all counter tests passing now (9636573f)
- all VueDatePicker tests passing now (10b80d26)
- all VueTextArea tests passing now (03985be3)
- vue input tests passing now (5152648c)
- work around vue-jest error with ts-jest dependency (95d0d2d3)
- removed unnecessary dependency (d556d3d3)
- minor VueTextarea fixes (7177f82c)
- counter import in test (de2ada69)
- helmet import (dba4c351)
- use vuesion getIntInRange (a18f3598)
- got nav bar hamburger button to display (6f75b3b7)
- fix state type in connected component tests (3877aaad)
- fix memory leak caused by vee-validate (f728f51c)
- vue-inline: interpolate revert prop (1a9a6d61)
- layout-components: typings and wrong function call (d03397a2)
- vue-column: support array values for full-width (8f263231)
- vue-slider: use parseFloat instead of parseInt (#534) (c2e5c5cf)
- components: use id as labels for-attribute value (#531) (3ffe4547)
- response-interceptor: revert to old solution (59aefc0b)
- story-book: add padding to content preview (56e0a8e0)
- add common scss variables for input sizes (5e56cae8)
- clean up token usage in components (b7cdbd03)
- sync token naming with figma (7a087ad7)
- remove vue-grid (48c6d291)
- remove link color tokens (b643cee0)
- split interaction and brand variation tokens (6a3efd40)
- turn functions into arrows (ed719413)
- move components to atomic design folders (fbdf5673)
- move animations to shared components (1f6b793c)
- remove directives (8cc4393f)
- rename @vuesion packages (fdc55203)
- switch to eslint (#490) (ee515e50)
- design-system:
- i18n:
- components:
- vue-button:
- vue-text:
- assets: restructure design-system folder (03ea8035)
- vue-columns:
- prop-validators:
- generators: update page blueprint (74c05986)
- vue-grid: use composition api + re-design (#501) (81fc5250)
- vue-input: use composition api + re-design (#500) (6c0560d0)
- vue-modal:
- prefetch: call App.prefetch first, then AuthGuard (#493) (6020ece9)
- storybook-addon-vue-info: update to latest version (#489) (9c7eabe3)
- minor linting fix (65f3760c)
- fixed import order in interceptor files (0137533a)
- cleaned up eslint file (b2675b84)
- ignore console log that is meant for production (a48f71b5)
- added commented lines that are not working (ebb363cd)
- minor linting (266dccba)
- add example test for apollo and composition-api (#552) (611fb265)
- add @testing-library/vue for better testing (#491) (4caef2d7)
- e2e: add test for apollo (#551) (6c565050)
- remove version badge and use new twitter badge (#512) (6c0974aa)
- add german translations (#511) (7990dcf6)
- spa example config.json (0c69149d)
- memory leak related to logging within server-side rendering (#520) (88ba3688)
- style-guide: rename examples folder to example (2bb66082)
- vue-calendar: fix left padding for negative values (#476) (478b9cb4)
- generators: make delete mutation reactive (#474) (47f74a45)
- generators: make the templates generic with hints (04fbabbc)
- generators: add blueprint for CRUD module (#467) (05ee8d92)
- vue-slider: handle focusout event (4f2f8179)
- vue-autocomplete: only prevent default when list is open (01c4592a)
- add FUNDING.yml (21b83c53)
- vue-slider: improve SSR support (#461) (477a2079)
- vue-autocomplete: add v-model support (#451) (f2874a07)
- update contributors (e72d178f)
- update dependencies (275eade0)
- updarte README.md (#434) (1409c41d)
- add helmet (#433) (4b41a332)
- vue-data-table: add custom css class property (#446) (7bebf23e)
- components: align input elements (#445) (2ae57bc2)
- vue-slider: remove focus indicator after move end (#443) (eba0d9b0)
- deps: update vuesion packages (b79db603)
- update dependencies (fc4cae23)
- components: add star rating (#425) (681b23eb)
- update vuesion/service version (#427) (ae0909a4)
- update installation to use the new create cli (c08e44a9)
- storybook: merge webpack resolve attributes (163c95d8)
- update dependencies (27d1b9a7)
- datepicker: add methods to stories (f057d3b0)
- update vuesion packages (f0c0aced)
- vue-markdown: prop for using router or native links (#411) (76b792f2)
- add devServer watchOptions to vuesion cfg (#403) (eaca388d)
- vue-calender: year view for min/max date (#413) (b277cade)
- generators: implement conditionals, fix kebabCase (#410) (1a57b508)
- update dependencies (#402) (6c3f29d9)
- update discord invite link (358f4165)
- add discord server (76e3b5b5)
- readme:
- fix pipeline by running spa build not in parallel (f3c14ea3)
- update vuesion packages (220c9fff)
- update contributors (c2dd892d)
- enforce LF line endings (5b62057a)
- update circle-ci test reporter id (8b88cb91)
- update CHANGELOG.md (5627cda0)
- update README.md (62b14a9c)
- add official twitter account (f284fe6e)
- update contributors (2411a21d)
- update README.md (#384) (b851565d)
- rename storybook name to vuesion (3690246f)
- brand: iteration on colors and typo (#392) (7604279e)
- storybook: apply brand colors (d1415900)
- home-section: add fallback for older browser (d0b77fc5)
- vue-sidebar: remove gap to the navbar (#377) (76ca0a48)
- vue-modal: remove min-width (#376) (6166eae2)
- apply best practices for v-for and v-if (#389) (f4a6f7c6)
- accessibility iteration (#388) (fc82e784)
- re-branding (#383) (9e4ee93b)
- rename space variables (#380) (d9facdf0)
- change name to vuesion (#371) (e8bf36fa)
- vue-loader: add dynamic variations (#375) (0d846001)
- vue-badge: add dynamic variations (#374) (9dcf4deb)
- vue-button: add dynamic variations (#373) (21815e91)
- design-system: color-palette (#370) (8f18bf99)
- storybook: update storybook (#372) (aa9bb465)
- directives: add v-sr-only (#364) (92054141)
- vue-tab-group: adds reactivity to title prop (#363) (7be6f5b0)
- add prop validators (#367) (71c4a649)
- vue-collapse: remove magic number (#366) (1f207681)
- storybook: register router as global decorator (#365) (4554ae03)
- storybook: align component structure with atomic design (#355) (a17a2627)
- update README.md (3768a5b0)
- update clean-up guide to include dashboard (b514d69d)
- update dependencies (#346) (6b869b51)
- update dependencies (ab6b5d90)
- optimize npm scripts (#337) (e8ff1545)
- switch to vuesion org (#348) (e7b13edc)
- change promises to async/await (#339) (8594736c)
- design-system: replace relative path with alias (c29d8768)
- support Windows (5ce5dbb8)
- update vue-starter-packages (6bc71f14)
- update README.md (33ad3f92)
- downgrade webpack because of breaking change (3c4f11af)
- update vue-starter-packages (749aba44)
- update design-system link (7fa0e6a8)
- refine USPs and docs (322776dc)
- update dependencies (d0a7543d)
- update dependencies (#314) (eb135fed)
- update README.md (a59088fd)
- update dependencies (c60a312a)
- update dependencies (2b47ffd1)
- update dependencies (d81a53ea)
- update vue-starter presentation (cd1973ce)
- httpservice-interceptor: re-authentication for multiple calls (#304) (eda957df)
- add silent flags (39a6ab0f)
- read-me:
- update contributors (b754a561)
- update installation guide (33c9901e)
- change "npm run g" to "npm run generate" (#325) (36f936de)
- move DesignSystem stories in it's own folder (4b6482fd)
- add design system storybook integration (#275) (b8020323)
- add design-system (bd3f501e)
- prettier: add editor configuration to install guide (81289d8d)
- vue-markdown: add reactivity (9291551e)
- data-table: add props for sort key and direction (ebae511d)
- dropdown-menu: add custom option renderer (62569a63)
- sync cookie state on redirect (#300) (4b7bcd27)
- add prettier (#288) (14b70767)
- load vuex-modules on demand (#273) (b0a55392)
- i18n: extract messages in single line conditions (#298) (2785a15d)
- vuex-persist: add forceInitialState option (#299) (2fa3dad4)
- components:
- vue-tab-group: add keyboard accessibility (#280) (f81b3052)
- vue-dropdown-menu: add separator option (#279) (361f5c27)
- storybook: add a11y addon + fixes (#266) (c24ff813)
- vue-data-table: display all data if maxRows is set to 0 (9c99083b)
- data-table: sanitize regex (993001e3)
- generator-cli: fix HttpService reference (f78df43a)
- tslint: remove tslint autofix (#309) (e90d8ad1)
- tests: get rid of wrapper:any (be7bb3fd)
- vue-button:
- vue-donut-chart: reset usedColors on data change (344a1ced)
- vue-dropdown-menu: stop propagating events (0a891b73)
- store: check for module state before deleting it (dc33eb32)
- vue-data-table: remove margin from icon (044f9330)
- design-system:
- use vue-starter-service and vue-starter-vuex-persist (#323) (7bddaceb)
- webpack config (#315) (361ebf2f)
- components:
- http-service:
- vuex-persist: prepare to function as an own package (983ea217)
- webpack: clean up configs (ecd1d981)
- i18n: handle prettier formatting (#308) (8118154b)
- storybook:
- tests: get rid of wrapper:any (858a5593)
- dev-server: use webpack hooks (505298dd)
- vue-panel: rename to vue-card (08090c8e)
- vue-data-table:
- sidebar: change tag to aside, height and width (c8284617)
- ui:
- vue-modal: center modal on desktop; stick to content width (d6d71e4c)
- add new contributors (6a2c7b9b)
- update quick start / install (997837cb)
- fix cleanup docs (#267) (b0d881e4)
- config: fix spelling mistake (#255) (4e6dfc2c)
- vue-input: add auto-focus for SPA's (05996b33)
- vue-tooltip: add property to programmatically suppress tooltip (#263) (d625656c)
- vue-data-table: add row to scoped slot; add sortable, fitContent (#256) (fb7ed420)
- i18n: update portuguese translations (#253) (38655445)
- module typings (#271) (efe654b3)
- remove performance budget in dev-mode (a58728e0)
- remove empty img alt tag rules (f5ad9605)
- typings: add rootState to ActionContext (#262) (22dcbb36)
- add webpack performance budget (ee944cf2)
- add new contributors (7c42780a)
- catch errors for prefetch in a unified way (#230) (20f959fc)
- improve 404 page wording (#228) (937e1151)
- readme: add issue-hunt and all-contributors (#233) (2d84ee50)
- add missing snipped to 3rd party integration guide (12b18047)
- vue-tab-group: add is-active property to pre-select tab-item (#248) (0f5f2316)
- vue-modal: emit close event on ESC press (#247) (b38c8401)
- components: add Breadcrumb (#234) (ac425a0d)
- don't change route on 404 (#229) (d00dabb2)
- improve test setup for connected components (#246) (115d5fad)
- add return type for prefetch (#243) (1c15c1bf)
- dev: add type checking and linting (#238) (0db3242e)
- add progressive-web-app section (#227) (3387b957)
- add guide to integrate with 3rd party UI libraries (#225) (8b3357bc)
- add a recommended architecture section (#222) (b7b575b4)
- add tutorial how to prefetch data on the server side (#221) (9b162bb3)
- optimize Dockerfile (d0348a5f)
- update issue templates (4d52e7ff)
- redirect from route guards (#204) (a05def33)
- add programmatic server side redirect (#201) (ea3afe3a)
- add server-side redirect (#199) (9c036f73)
- replace font-awesome with SVG's (#180) (da9422fb)
- components:
- routes: simplify error-handling code (#187) (a24d0961)
- vuex: change default-state object to a factory function (#183) (66d31fb7)
- build: don't use app config in spa build (ec14fa06)
- server-utils: add string interpolation to logger (7e5a930d)
- update-script: remove .update.json and winston, fix folder creation (6890ddca)
- update dependencies (#176) (cf3a10d7)
- update contributing guidelines (fdc2fee3)
- add version to README.md (b2ae228a)
- http-service: remove default authorization header (#156) (3d057535)
- cli: add hint for paths in names (#168) (a66dfffe)
- contributing: add "chore" to list of commit message types (#157) (24b6be90)
- improve wording (#154) (752b946e)
- vue-pagination: add keyboard navigation (dc025687)
- components:
- vue-slider: accessibility for keyboard users (#160) (7735f9c4)
- vue-date-picker: open calendar on focus (#159) (57a2b148)
- scripts: add script to update the vue-starter (#152) (f5b53e32)
- add runtime config (#150) (c383f1b1)
- vue-modal: add smooth scrolling (c17dbacf)
- performance: increase http cache time (f56c0f8e)
- vue-calendar: don't display empty days as currentDay (#158) (2663cc82)
- vue-nav-bar: close nav bar on logo click (#161) (e3bb2563)
- update dependencies (80f48fdf)
- update dependencies (47a29c87)
- reformat webpack configs (bf7730fb)
- add Dockerfile to dockerize the app (e10c363d)
- update dependencies (83138a0d)
- upgrade to vue-loader v15 (#127) (15dd9ebe)
- update docs (#121) (42dfe250)
- update dependencies (#112) (8aae9734)
- update README.md (#114) (3106190d)
- update docs (#96) (0d6c6f75)
- update CONTRIBUTING.md (b8f41ac6)
- update dependencies (6ced40f8)
- update dependencies (#74) (fc9ebb6e)
- reformat code (a0981214)
- update dependencies (fa97dd05)
- update dependencies (2a40190a)
- change slack button in README.md (bb988fd8)
- add slack button to README.md (3e45f752)
- add tweet button to README.md (4afef1ec)
- add type definitions (90c3adbb)
- update dependencies (e86b6cd6)
- optimize build (aa92efd8)
- update dependencies (4067f405)
- update README.md (aaf6c709)
- update docs (37730879)
- update docs (c2deba86)
- update dependencies (#30) (6909b49b)
- update dependencies (70c3eb73)
- optimize build time (ebb6f09b)
- add reference to anime.js to README.md (a14b4d9e)
- remove prestart script; add skip cleanup to travis.yml (98c931b6)
- remove postinstall script (fe57afb0)
- specify engines in package.json (bcfa8426)
- update README.md (8ba669f5)
- update README.md (ae67a651)
- update README.md (4ec53c24)
- update README.md (5c1766b4)
- change badge style in README.md; remove node v9 from CI (b8ab87d1)
- add codecov badge to README.md (e0be2d1f)
- add codecov and separate ci script (8ad49737)
- add travis ci badge to README.md (d91f507a)
- add travis ci configuration (f300ec09)
- update README.md (92c312ec)
- add CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md (34ff6d95)
- add LICENSE (14e96734)
- dependencies: update vue test-utils (5fc8690b)
- build: add externals to isomorphic config (032b49ab)
- ci:
- webpack: add bundle-analyzer; add magic comments (ab679e1b)
- check for typos and update style of writing (#143) (e11dfbbc)
- add getting started guide and docs (efdef9d6)
- dev: reload express app on changes (#136) (adcb5329)
- add client-side error logging (#128) (18d82d60)
- proper error and 404 pages + SSR (#122) (3df9db55)
- add support for SPA build (#111) (5385ca28)
- add logging to express application (#95) (84eb04ad)
- add app config and make it accessible in vuex store (#67) (1e831923)
- add required prop and $attrs to all form elements (22388f3f)
- add box-sizing for all elements (90813577)
- add recommendations from checkbot.io (eb227387)
- add storybook and shared components generator (#56) (9d04afab)
- load external stylesheets asynchronously (2aaf8844)
- redirect http traffic to https (a3b229fa)
- components:
- add example for form validation (#126) (68ed033f)
- add vue-autocomplete (#97) (ab40c579)
- add VueIcon (#91) (cc826883)
- add VueGridRow to existing grid system (#90) (ee670f75)
- add VueMarkdown (88cc553c)
- add 'cssClass' property to all components (72215a6f)
- add generic form with schema and validations (2616151a)
- add notification stack (dd495afe)
- add calendar, date-picker, date-range-picker (f4caedb7)
- add select (19751a83)
- add pagination (039d8e05)
- add accordion (6c55cc8b)
- add RangeSlider (#40) (b844bee2)
- add tooltip (#37) (209d0da2)
- add checkbox / radio button (#36) (bed3bdd1)
- add header/description to components page (04550498)
- add first version of tab component (2af814b4)
- add collapse, add modal, refine navbar (#11) (e4f59011)
- add initial set (button, grid, input, loader, navbar, panel) (#8) (f29eb60c)
- vue-navbar: add event listener for closing the navbar (#109) (c4afc26b)
- vue-router: add scroll behaviour for hashes (#65) (78769621)
- VueButton: add font awesome icon support (#68) (1ad535d7)
- services: add HttpService (afc5782f)
- vuex-persist: add 'beforePersist' hook (dd558643)
- VueForm: handle dynamic slots (45d63d70)
- i18n:
- VueSelect: add change event (1e5f31ea)
- vuex:
- pwa:
- css: add postcss plugins (70d48b4a)
- test: add basic e2e test setup with cypress.io (d06d9e79)
- scripts: add extract-i18n-messages (e9c660b7)
- home:
- PWA: refine sw.ts; remove http caching for rendered HTML (574101ba)
- SEO: add vue-meta to manipulate html-header tags and attributes (#10) (1d9b6872)
- vue-autocomplete: trigger change event on every click (54f37977)
- vue-modal: make content scrollable (c6d19fe4)
- generators: change first parameter of registerModule to array (#131) (1fa3fa2d)
- vue-select: remove browser default styles (cb8ab473)
- build:
- add production config (9dd9ba5f)
- merge update dependencies (b65c9dbd)
- spacings in Stage and VueFooter (25146407)
- replace FA js with FA font to prevent DOM diffs between server/client (f35cd194)
- pwa: add manifest.json to index.html (6a13c0df)
- vue-grid: add padding for mobile phones (3ab54501)
- vue-calendar: handle negative paddingLeft (89b01cf0)
- i18n:
- http-service: append Auth header only if no Auth header is in cfg (8284aefa)
- ci: upload code coverage report (d3535ec6)
- VueMarkdown: trim text before rendering (#87) (89496d87)
- lint: trailing comma check (#76) (728e58ce)
- VueCalendar: set correct start date (58c2ab96)
- coverage: remove HttpService from coverage (32b08f07)
- tools:
- services: remove default base url from HttpService (2ce77fab)
- components:
- VueForm: add div around dynamic components (a3b1537d)
- VueSelect: rename VueSelectOption to IVueSelectOption (f95e770b)
- extract-i18n-messages: escape line-breaks, support html-tags (324d1e65)
- pagination: add cursor pointer for non touch devices (48d5fc8d)
- VueSlider: remove unnecessary branches, better mobile ux (4b72baf6)
- css:
- scripts: make extract-i18n-messages working again (22467701)
- Stage: move text up for mobile because of ios safari (b3e03e59)
- counter: add top margin (e10888eb)
- mobile: add additional touchstart events (60420c32)
- grid: correct rendering of filled grit-items (2ffc28fb)
- add some final touches for readability (100e7826)
- reduce complexity (5076dc4d)
- move EventBus to shared/services (5ea1a272)
- move scripts/generators to ./tools, use tsc instead of webpack (#32) (7affc927)
- app-config: move AppConfig from server utils to app/config (c6873c3d)
- components: add storybook; remove form; add badge (#123) (c6eea020)
- vuex-persist:
- vuex:
- scripts: make i18n script testable (ff6f7e5d)
- i18n:
- server:
- http-service: make it work for i18n; update fresh token logic (213170b4)
- storybook: use @typings instead of custom types (48cbe454)
- VueCalendar: move scss variables to _variables.scss (586f9afd)
- tooltip: split out scss variables (b62fa49a)
- scss: add mixins, restructure code (#31) (cc38cffd)
- typescript: replace type any with type definitions where possible (6f31bd9b)
- VueCalendar: fix tests (c32fc8a3)