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Migration v2.0 to v2.1

Robert Spiegel edited this page Jul 30, 2019 · 4 revisions

This is for users of NixNote v2.0 who want to try v2.1

  • Both versions will coexist without problem while using the same directory (there has been small changes in data structure, but those are compatible in both ways). So you can try v2.1 and then switch back to v2.0.
  • v2.1 stores data per default in standard directories for given distribution
    • default config directory: $HOME/.config/nixnote2
    • default data directory: $HOME/.local/share/nixnote2
    • v2.0 stored both config and data in $HOME/.nixnote - if this directory exists, it will be also used for v2.1
  • Config file has same structure
  • For the migration you basically don't need to do anything, I would recommend to take a backup of the 2.0 config and data directory which is $HOME/.nixnote. You can switch between 2.0 and 2.1 at any time and direction. Just don't run both at the same time on same machine.

Also look at Release notes v2.1