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HowTo Do changes in tag structure

Robert Spiegel edited this page Oct 17, 2018 · 5 revisions


  • If possible ... avoid :)


  • Do plan it a bit ahead, group required changes and do it e.g. one time in X months
  • Don't do it in nixnote
  • Use Evernote web client or better official Evernote Windows client (e.g. via Virtualbox)
  • Do sync all changes to cloud, verify its correct and final (e.g. with web client in case you did the tag cleaup in Windows client)
  • Sync the changes down to NixNote
    • Note in case you change many notes, e.g. you reassign tags to 500 notes or more, you almost sure hit the "rate limit" .. because the limit is per hour and you may need "few limit chunks" - the sync may take few hours. Messages is like "RateLimitExceeded[19]: API rate limit exceeded. Application will continue to sync in XY minutes"
    • In case the sync doesn't work - you may delete nixnote data directory and do a full initial sync
  • And maybe a backup before, isn't that bad idea
  • And as it is quite lot of work, don't repeat it often :)

Note: I think at the time you'll have many notes, spending too much time tagging the content isn't worth the spent effort. But your view/use case may be different, so "your mileage may vary" :)

I simply try to put the words, I expect to use at the time of search, in the note title. For my it works quite well. I do tag a bit to use tags as a hint for relevance evaluation.

See also: