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Automation: Creating and Installing RSA Keypair

@AlanOrlikoski edited this page Apr 12, 2018 · 1 revision

Step One: Install Skadi Pack 02: Automation

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The first step is to create an automation group and a new user to put in that group for the automation system to use

Step Two: Create RSA key

Saved as /tmp/otto_rsa (private key) and /tmp/ (public key). These are very important and sensitive so transport securely.

SSH KEY FAQ contains more information on using RSA keys for SSH authentication

The private key + password is how the automation system authenticates to CCF-VM as ottomate. The user will not be able to use password authentication (on purpose)

Steps to follow:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ottomate -f /tmp/otto_rsa # Enter strong password 2x and record it
chmod 600 /tmp/otto_rsa
chmod 644 /tmp/
sudo chown ottomate:ottomate /tmp/

Step Three: Place RSA keys

The public key from /tmp/ is placed into the /home/ottomate/.ssh/authorized_keys file prepended with command="/var/lib/automation/ $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-user-rc <rsa_pub_key>

This authorized this key pair to authenticate as the ottomate user and is only allowed to execute /var/lib/automation/ $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND. It cannot be used to log in as the user. The rights of the user are restricted and there is input validation in to minimize the risk from command injections.

NOTE: Command injections into $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND are limited but not eliminated. The RSA keypair and account restrictions minimize the risk but if the RSA keypair is compromised then command injection is possible.

For more details and to understand the risks please read these sites

Steps to follow

echo command=\"/var/lib/automation/ \$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND\",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-user-rc $(cat /tmp/ |sudo tee -a /home/ottomate/.ssh/authorized_keys
sudo chown -R ottomate:ottomate /home/ottomate/.ssh
sudo chmod 644 /home/ottomate/.ssh/authorized_keys

Step Four: Removing keys and storing them safely

Remove /tmp/otto_rsa and /tmp/ after saving them somewhere securely. CAUTION: These keys allow access to the automation services of Skadi, guard them appropriately

Step Six: Confirming it's working

Automation: Verify Server Configuration