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Updating 2019.1 to 2019.2

@AlanOrlikoski edited this page Mar 29, 2019 · 4 revisions

Step 1 (optional): Remove Plaso and TimeSketch and /usr/bin/local/ from the host OS as they are no longer used

sudo apt remove -y plaso-data plaso-tools
sudo -H pip uninstall timesketch -y
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/

Step 2: Download the latest docker-compose.yml file and rebuild

cd /opt/Skadi/Docker
docker-compose down
sudo curl -O /opt/Skadi/Docker/docker-compose.yml
echo HEAP_SIZE=1g | sudo tee -a /opt/Skadi/Docker/.env
docker-compose up -d

Step 3: Update TimeSketch config file to newer format

 sudo sed -i "s/u'/'/g" /etc/timesketch.conf
 sudo sed -i s/NEO4J_PASSWORD =.*^/NEO4J_PASSWORD = ''/g /etc/timesketch.conf
 sudo sed -i s"/NEO4J_PASSWORD =.*/NEO4J_PASSWORD = \'\'"/g /etc/timesketch.conf

Step 4: Keep Postgres v10 to preserve data

sudo sed -i "s/postgres:11/postgres:10/g" /opt/Skadi/Docker/docker-compose.yml

Step 5: Install CDQR Docker and the CDQR Docker helper script

docker pull aorlikoski/cdqr:4.4.0
sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/cdqr
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cdqr

Back up everything you really want to keep before doing this. The data should persist in the data volumes Skadi uses but accidents happen. It might take a while to download all of the new docker containers required.