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Automation: Verify Server Configuration

@AlanOrlikoski edited this page Apr 12, 2018 · 8 revisions

Must complete the steps to setup the CCF-VM automation script found on Automation: Creating and Installing RSA Keypair prior to running these tests


  1. The otto_rsa private key is readable by user performing tests and is stored in /tmp/otto_rsa
  2. localhost resolves to
  3. No firewalls or other issues are blocking this communication
  4. If on a remote device replace localhost with the resolvable FQDN or IP address for the CCF-VM server and ensure that TCP port 22 is allowed from the testing device to the Skadi server


Run the following command from the Skadi terminal with the private key stored in /tmp/otto_rsa

ssh -t -i /tmp/otto_rsa ottomate@localhost -h