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v0.44 - All The Housekeeping

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@shiftkey shiftkey released this 15 Mar 16:16


Octokit 0.44.0 on NuGet
Octokit.Reactive 0.44.0 on NuGet

Advisories and Breaking Changes

  • Due to the Review Request API graduating from preview there are some breaking changes that will impact callers:

    • client.PullRequest.ReviewRequest.GetAll() has been removed in favour of client.PullRequest.ReviewRequest.Get() as there is no pagination support for the API
    • client.PullRequest.ReviewRequest.Get() now returns a RequestedReviews object that contains users and teams
    • PullRequestReviewRequest now accepts teams, and helper functions are added to make it clear whether a request review is for users or teams

This snippet illustrates how to use the updated API:

// request specific collaborators
var collaborators = new List<string> { "shiftkey", "ryangribble" };
var requestCollaborators = PullRequestReviewRequest.ForReviewers(collaborators);

var number = 123;

await client.PullRequest.ReviewRequest.Create("owner", "repo", number, requestCollaborators);

var reviewers = await client.PullRequest.ReviewRequest.Get("owner", "repo", number);

Console.WriteLine($"Review {number} has requested {reviewers.Users.Count} user reviews and {reviewers.Teams.Count} team reviews");
  • The UnixTimestampExtensions.ToUnixTime methods are marked obsolete because there are equivalent APIs available in .NET Framework 4.6. As these are also intended for internal usage in .NET and should not be imported into the library code, these will be removed in a later update.

Release Notes


  • added RequestedTeams property to PullRequest response model - #2123 via @ch1seL
  • updated client.PullRequest.ReviewRequest to reflect what is currently supported - #2153 via @shiftkey


  • Replaced old UnixTimestampExtensions.ToUnixTime extension methods with inbuild equivalents now that we target .NET Framework 4.6 - #2121 via @0xced
  • Add metadata to each client to assist with auditing API coverage - #2124 via @shiftkey
  • removed obsolete code for CheckSuitesClient - #2130 via @shiftkey
  • Move GitHubAppInstallationsClient into root namespace - #2131 via @shiftkey
  • Added preview header for OAuth Applications API changes that were overlooked in #2116 in readiness for eventual deprecation - #2128 via @shiftkey
  • Mark ReleasesClientTests.TheCreateReleasesMethod tests as integration - #2152 via @0xced