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faq 108073357

Billy Charlton edited this page Sep 5, 2018 · 2 revisions

How to run the parking extension?

by Florian Zenoni on 2017-02-24 15:13:22

Dear experts,

I apologize if what follows are stupid questions, but I really couldn't figure them out by myself, and to be honest I feel completely lost.

Mine is in fact a very simple query: how to run MATSim with the parking extension? I was somehow able to figure out the following starting command:

java -Xmx2000m -cp matsim-0.81.jar;parking\parking-0.81.jar

Here the config.xml file is missing: should I append its path to the command? How should I define into the config.xml the parkingFacilities.xml destination? Chapter 13.5 of the MATSim manual mentions the existence of examples, but I wasn't able to figure out where they are.

Moreover, I am confused by the split between parking choice and parking search. Does it change anything for the final MATSim user?

Thanks a lot for your help.

Comments: 1

Re: How to run the parking extension?

by Joschka Bischoff on 2017-02-24 15:42:57

Hi Florian,

I would recommend installing the extension via Maven and the example project, this would allow you to work on the 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT.

For an instruction on how to do it, see under (2) in

To add an extension, you simply need to edit the pom.xml file.


in MATSim 0.8.1, the only thing available is a ParkingChoice (mainly the choice between different parking facilities, using scoring parameters) Example:

( )

Even though I'm the author of this example, I cannot really help you with the application. We had problems figuring it out ourselves. Apparently it is running for the Zurich scenario. For a documentation, see the parking chapter in the MATSim book.


We (i.e., the Berlin team) recently had to model Parking Search algorithms for street side parking. These rely on withinday replanning and a spontaneous search for free street side spaces. This is only included in the 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT

Your entry point to the code here would be org.matsim.contrib.parking.parkingsearch.RunParkingSearchExample

For a reference on this, see

J. Bischoff, K. Nagel; Integrating explicit parking search into a transport simulation

available from

Good luck!


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