107 commits
to main
since this release
New Features
- 6930115: Revert "feat: compute hash at core level" (@gfyrag)
- 562a2a5: feat(benchmarks): add -script flag to allow passing user custom scripts (@gfyrag)
- efae577: feat(benchmarks): build transaction provider in each benchmark routine to keep a context (@gfyrag)
- 9158511: feat(benchmarks): use js script instead of hardcoded scripts (@gfyrag)
- 1402ace: feat(ledger): make stateless (@gfyrag)
- 2b1312e: feat: Add benchmarks to the GoReleaser configuration, allowing packaging and publishing of benchmarks alongside the ledger (#504) (@flemzord)
- d531200: feat: Add openapi markdown documentation (@gfyrag)
- cb90451: feat: add IdempotencyHash on Log model (@gfyrag)
- 552df47: feat: add authentication (@gfyrag)
- 6f8b780: feat: add benchmark comparison (@gfyrag)
- ec68658: feat: add bulk limits (@gfyrag)
- 52ad994: feat: add capability to configure the ledger on the generator (@gfyrag)
- 532bfac: feat: add database connections graph (@gfyrag)
- ecdaf7d: feat: add deadlocks metric (@gfyrag)
- 5931900: feat: add doc and fix test (@gfyrag)
- 8d891af: feat: add doc and remove database exporter from pre-commit (@gfyrag)
- d99845d: feat: add experimental flag to enable features support (@gfyrag)
- 2055b08: feat: add features validation (@gfyrag)
- f35e560: feat: add first_usage filter on accounts (@gfyrag)
- 051666c: feat: add generator global vars (@gfyrag)
- 0554fdb: feat: add generator tool (@gfyrag)
- 0743236: feat: add global api timeout (@gfyrag)
- 06e5151: feat: add gomarkdoc (@gfyrag)
- da95a57: feat: add goreleaser for benchmarks (@gfyrag)
- ffa4bc3: feat: add log (@gfyrag)
- 9af9ddb: feat: add logs memento (@gfyrag)
- 686bc14: feat: add migration test using concrete database (@gfyrag)
- fcbc90a: feat: add nats server on integration tests (@gfyrag)
- 2cf0838: feat: add otel collector and prom on benchmarks (@gfyrag)
- a9781da: feat: add pprof at common location (@gfyrag)
- 61b2c63: feat: add query params on traces when debug is enabled (@gfyrag)
- 27511d4: feat: add report file on benchmarks (@gfyrag)
- a864b84: feat: add some doc (@gfyrag)
- 2942939: feat: add some index allowing to quicky retrieve transactions and accounts sequences using their natural identifiers (@gfyrag)
- 8fb2567: feat: add some metrics and export them add api level (@gfyrag)
- 6aab366: feat: add some readme (@gfyrag)
- cdda09d: feat: add sql options on WithTX (@gfyrag)
- 50468a3: feat: add tachnymeter (@gfyrag)
- ebb2e72: feat: add test of events (@gfyrag)
- 3a0eb20: feat: add todo (@gfyrag)
- 9c76610: feat: add todo (@gfyrag)
- a0acec6: feat: check event schemas and values (@gfyrag)
- 38bdc71: feat: completely test events COMITTED_TRANSACTIONS (@gfyrag)
- 70787b9: feat: compute hash at core level (@gfyrag)
- 17b52e3: feat: compute move pcv on the fly (@gfyrag)
- 0a5dbbc: feat: convert post_commit_volumes to jsonb (@gfyrag)
- 6158f1f: feat: define insertion date at store level (@gfyrag)
- b188d0c: feat: delete stacks after test (@gfyrag)
- dc75584: feat: docker compose improvement (@gfyrag)
- 0b6ab5f: feat: enforce uniqueness of reference when not fully migrated (@gfyrag)
- f3f198f: feat: extract event emission from default controller (@gfyrag)
- 1afadd6: feat: factorize error handling on api (@gfyrag)
- be4eec4: feat: factorize some code (@gfyrag)
- f31413c: feat: handle errors on create api of v1 api (@gfyrag)
- 67f4e9f: feat: handle migration (@gfyrag)
- 2d85bb3: feat: handle too many client connection error (@gfyrag)
- 53d5611: feat: homogeneize volumes names (@gfyrag)
- 7a23797: feat: ignore idempotency hash from old data (@gfyrag)
- e2b7b5b: feat: import legacy store (@gfyrag)
- 391d894: feat: improve generator package by allowing to pass any write action on the ledger (@gfyrag)
- 223b4c4: feat: integrating numscript rewrite (#503) (@ascandone)
- 793e791: feat: introduce acounts_volumes table (@gfyrag)
- 68f47ca: feat: introduce feature MOVES_HISTORY (@gfyrag)
- d9f1486: feat: introduce generate package (@gfyrag)
- a40f7e3: feat: let database generate all timestamps (@gfyrag)
- 79fa355: feat: let database generate creation date of ledgers (@gfyrag)
- e742b19: feat: let database generate dates when updating transactions metadata (@gfyrag)
- d9dee60: feat: let database generate defaults dates for accounts (@gfyrag)
- 0fc124e: feat: let database generate logs dates (@gfyrag)
- 157d363: feat: let database generate reversal dates (@gfyrag)
- 6af30c6: feat: make MachineFactory take TX instead of vm.Store (@ascandone)
- 34f3834: feat: make balance aggregation use accounts_volumes table if pit is not defined (@gfyrag)
- f170ccc: feat: make benchmarks compiled binary not embedding the full server (@gfyrag)
- 991641e: feat: make correct use of cache mounts (speedup local pre-commit by ~5) (@gfyrag)
- 1f2b3ac: feat: make get balances call compat with v2 model (@gfyrag)
- 35a7beb: feat: make idempotency feature check inputs (@gfyrag)
- e2fe629: feat: make insertMoves return post commit volumes (@gfyrag)
- e705b65: feat: make the core defined transactions timestamp (@gfyrag)
- f4f9b6c: feat: make transaction denorm in sql trigger (@gfyrag)
- c5b0510: feat: make transactions pcv computed on the fly (@gfyrag)
- 8ddee28: feat: merge stores migrations (@gfyrag)
- 5f5e7e0: feat: modify stress test parameters (@gfyrag)
- 3781bb2: feat: move code (@gfyrag)
- 0c39cbe: feat: move code (@gfyrag)
- 946c917: feat: move code (@gfyrag)
- 7021cd4: feat: move ledgers model (@gfyrag)
- 621e249: feat: move logs model (@gfyrag)
- 6bddcd1: feat: move long migrations after the minimal migration (@gfyrag)
- 5314238: feat: move long migrations in dedicated dir (@gfyrag)
- 4f37353: feat: move model in core (@gfyrag)
- d302f70: feat: move segments generation on a trigger (@gfyrag)
- d4d392b: feat: optimize cache on +generate (@gfyrag)
- ca4e639: feat: optimize e2e tests (@gfyrag)
- 32d2250: feat: prevent downgrades of application (@gfyrag)
- efe6b67: feat: refine benchmark and add plot script (@gfyrag)
- 39c609e: feat: refine benchmarks (@gfyrag)
- 465d610: feat: refine metrics and docker-compose (@gfyrag)
- fe480fc: feat: refine query in storage (@gfyrag)
- c609213: feat: refine some metrics (@gfyrag)
- e8c32fd: feat: refine technical urls (@gfyrag)
- bec7c80: feat: refine widdershins parameter (@gfyrag)
- 689c60d: feat: refine widdershins parameter (@gfyrag)
- 8c1470f: feat: remove --enable-pprof flag, use --debug (@gfyrag)
- 675f32c: feat: remove ExpandedTransaction and fetch pc(e)v when inserting moves (@gfyrag)
- 16bc033: feat: remove MOVES_HISTORY_POST_COMMIT_VOLUMES (@gfyrag)
- 0d89f90: feat: remove automatic pit (@gfyrag)
- f3a64bd: feat: remove deprecated package github.com/pkg/errors (@gfyrag)
- f286b84: feat: remove global tracer usage (@gfyrag)
- aeeaa7e: feat: remove needs to pass Dirty workflow to execute Tests workflow on github action (@gfyrag)
- bbfb2e1: feat: remove sequence of accounts (@gfyrag)
- cafb3dc: feat: remove transaction sequences (@gfyrag)
- a856fc4: feat: remove usage of unified sdk (@gfyrag)
- 5e25f9e: feat: rename MachineFactory struct into NumscriptParser (@ascandone)
- 0aaaa7f: feat: renamed Machine into NumscriptRuntime (@ascandone)
- 91f9f39: feat: restore removed pg type (keep backward compat with column type) (@gfyrag)
- d328f65: feat: reverse benchmark output comparison (@gfyrag)
- 2231449: feat: route storage (@gfyrag)
- d4d19ee: feat: separate doc (@gfyrag)
- 3d87d01: feat: simplify locking system (@gfyrag)
- 52361d4: feat: simplify migration by removing templating (@gfyrag)
- 1872460: feat: simplify some code (@gfyrag)
- ea8e584: feat: simplify some internals (@gfyrag)
- f03c9e2: feat: store complete log in database (@gfyrag)
- b6a3020: feat: store complete revert transaction result into database (@gfyrag)
- 94bf9a3: feat: test deleted metadata event for transactions (@gfyrag)
- c93415f: feat: test save metadata event for transactions (@gfyrag)
- 0dc0db8: feat: update lib (@gfyrag)
- 2da2962: feat: upgrade golibs under v2 (@gfyrag)
- ab8206c: feat: upgrade under migrations package v2 (@gfyrag)
- c6cb351: feat: use _test.go suffix on generate mock files to avoid their documentation be parsed by gomarkdoc (@gfyrag)
- 8c69862: feat: use chart.js for graphs (@gfyrag)
Bug fixes
- 8e295ab: fix(Earthfile): persist golangci-lint cache for faster builds (@flemzord)
- bcc53cc: fix(benchmarks): debug (#508) (@gfyrag)
- 068a954: fix(tests): increate timeout (@gfyrag)
- 849b4f3: fix: Earthfile (@gfyrag)
- a831479: fix: add missing pgccrypto (@gfyrag)
- cfb4698: fix: bad deadlock error handling (@gfyrag)
- 326ab0c: fix: benchmark comparison (@gfyrag)
- 7299f35: fix: benchmark report file (#527) (@gfyrag)
- 9f7ea9c: fix: benchmarks ci (@gfyrag)
- c02c5e5: fix: cached parser (@gfyrag)
- d4d20f1: fix: change type of 'id' column of ledgers table (@gfyrag)
- 9ab0886: fix: ci (@gfyrag)
- eb80c21: fix: ci benchmarks (@gfyrag)
- d4721e2: fix: concurrent ledger creation can lead to deadlock (@gfyrag)
- 1086ddf: fix: datarace (@gfyrag)
- 7f711b9: fix: defer http server startup after minimal schema upgrade (@gfyrag)
- 42ce894: fix: do not use same machine in different executions (@ascandone)
- 031d561: fix: doc (@gfyrag)
- 6083480: fix: docker compose kafka example (@gfyrag)
- 1f1034a: fix: events (@gfyrag)
- 018a41c: fix: filename (@gfyrag)
- e79871a: fix: flaky test (account ordering not specified) (@gfyrag)
- 65fcb58: fix: git diff (@gfyrag)
- ad1f35c: fix: go libs hash and missing package in coverage (@gfyrag)
- 72dc87c: fix: hanging test (@gfyrag)
- 744002c: fix: ignore pg error (@gfyrag)
- d78be6a: fix: import locking (@gfyrag)
- cdea732: fix: increase golangci-lint timeout (@gfyrag)
- 66787e6: fix: make 'expand' query param more smart by splitting ',' (@gfyrag)
- cd1a37c: fix: make reversal date of reverted transactions matching insertion date of reverting transactions (@gfyrag)
- 8ebd5ed: fix: missing build tag (@gfyrag)
- 582387b: fix: missing content type on /info (@gfyrag)
- 655f98b: fix: missing hash in log list (@gfyrag)
- c6af531: fix: openapi markdown (@gfyrag)
- 994a437: fix: potential double dispense on some rare case (@gfyrag)
- 7d70c1f: fix: potentially not ordered pcv regarding insertion date (@gfyrag)
- b78f544: fix: pre-commit (@gfyrag)
- ab27ac9: fix: regexp (@gfyrag)
- e66ddd0: fix: remove duplicate date assignation (@gfyrag)
- 19ea7a6: fix: rolling upgrade (bigger pg config) and add isolation (@gfyrag)
- a842805: fix: sdk import path (@gfyrag)
- f2f6496: fix: sequences migration from v2 (@gfyrag)
- d6e7e09: fix: storage corruption on null metadata (@gfyrag)
- f680ac6: fix: test logging (@gfyrag)
- 9471702: fix: test timeout (@gfyrag)
- 991f710: fix: tests (@gfyrag)
- 934930a: fix: update file name template for benchmarks package in goreleaser config (@flemzord)
- fe96683: fix: various (@gfyrag)
- 290120b: fix: wrong schema (@gfyrag)
Other work
- 44547c5: chore(Earthfile): update core import and fix openapi overlay copy (@flemzord)
- 646d27f: chore: add comment (@gfyrag)
- 28340f4: chore: add git show on dirty failure (@gfyrag)
- 4744c12: chore: add gitignore (@gfyrag)
- a3443fa: chore: clean (@gfyrag)
- 1ebd494: chore: clean benchmark useless code (@gfyrag)
- 0143068: chore: clean code (@gfyrag)
- 13ddb5d: chore: clean some code (@gfyrag)
- 150aef9: chore: clean todo (@gfyrag)
- 77e6af1: chore: clean todo (@gfyrag)
- 4f62c75: chore: clean todo (@gfyrag)
- b740083: chore: clean todo (@gfyrag)
- 0f41555: chore: externalize pprof module (@gfyrag)
- 81041a1: chore: extract helper in go libs (@gfyrag)
- ebf0d44: chore: fix benchmarks (@gfyrag)
- 1ea7bef: chore: go generate (@gfyrag)
- 58d6392: chore: handle a todo and add some test (@gfyrag)
- 4b6bd92: chore: increate golangci-lint timeout (@gfyrag)
- eefd452: chore: lint (@gfyrag)
- daffa58: chore: lint (@gfyrag)
- 7ffc3e9: chore: lint (@gfyrag)
- 389b1bb: chore: lint tools (@gfyrag)
- a1c41fa: chore: make benchmarks not run (the main) when running go test ./... on root repo (@gfyrag)
- 4bb42be: chore: merge some packages (@gfyrag)
- cc601f3: chore: move some code to better handle errors (@gfyrag)
- 580de78: chore: pre commit (@gfyrag)
- 76b7aad: chore: pre-commit (@gfyrag)
- 34e1d1b: chore: pre-commit (@gfyrag)
- 119dec6: chore: pre-commit (@gfyrag)
- c5db4ba: chore: pre-commit (@gfyrag)
- 5c4ed24: chore: pre-commit (@gfyrag)
- e9858fe: chore: pre-commit (@gfyrag)
- e5594ac: chore: reduce test verbosity (@gfyrag)
- 39cab6d: chore: remove accounts_address_array from moves (@gfyrag)
- 716461d: chore: remove binary introduced by a previous pr (#522) (@gfyrag)
- c8a1687: chore: remove binary introduced by a previous pr (@gfyrag)
- 2f2b812: chore: remove configuration table (@gfyrag)
- 2e93443: chore: remove gomarkdoc usage for now (@gfyrag)
- 1defdd4: chore: remove redundant tests (@gfyrag)
- 985d94f: chore: remove storage sync upgrade (@gfyrag)
- d7dd78c: chore: remove timeout feature (buggy) (@gfyrag)
- 48dfc2d: chore: remove todo (@gfyrag)
- 0fc0d69: chore: remove todo (@gfyrag)
- a759184: chore: remove useless code (@gfyrag)
- 1699f77: chore: remove useless code (@gfyrag)
- 2a64032: chore: remove useless file (@gfyrag)
- 3f8b04c: chore: remove useless files (@gfyrag)
- 912e79e: chore: renamed machine file into numscript_runtime (@ascandone)
- da63c2b: chore: renamed machine_factory file into numscript_parser (@ascandone)
- a7fae4f: chore: renaming (@gfyrag)
- e35a662: chore: restore failing test (@gfyrag)
- e5eeb81: chore: simplify Move model (@gfyrag)
- 5aecedb: chore: simplify code (@gfyrag)
- 0a30efe: chore: simplify some code (@gfyrag)
- d0775e3: chore: simplify storage (@gfyrag)
- 8dddef7: chore: simplify storage (@gfyrag)
- bbed7d5: chore: simplify storage (@gfyrag)
- e98d1c2: chore: simplify storage (@gfyrag)
- 71e871b: chore: simplify storage (@gfyrag)
- ac773b7: chore: some clean (@gfyrag)
- 54d5682: chore: some comments (@gfyrag)
- acfd554: chore: some lint (@gfyrag)
- bd0cdee: chore: some renaming (@gfyrag)
- f29a495: chore: some renaming (@gfyrag)
- db36373: chore: some renaming (@gfyrag)
- d0b620e: chore: update GitHub Actions workflows (@flemzord)
- 1fafa01: chore: update dependencies (@gfyrag)
- 5ce7a16: chore: update libs (@gfyrag)
- ca65725: chore: upgrade database schemas (@gfyrag)
- 3170a6e: chore: upgrade go libs (@gfyrag)
- 0cff551: chore: upgrade go libs (@gfyrag)
- f4aa12d: chore: use go test instead of ginkgo in earthfile (@gfyrag)
- c28660f: chore: wrong file names (@gfyrag)
- 0a7dc18: ci: add benchmarks (#505) (@flemzord)
- 5c5d88a: ci: add codecov report upload (#509) (@gfyrag)
- ae7ec6d: ci: run deployments tests only on PRs (#553) (@gfyrag)
- e5711f8: clean: remove ledgerstore.Transaction model (@gfyrag)
- 8a0c554: clean: some todo (@gfyrag)
- c9971f8: doc: add some doc (@gfyrag)
- 3da50b4: doc: add some doc (@gfyrag)
- f5fb88f: doc: add some documentation (@gfyrag)
- aad5102: doc: move some things (@gfyrag)
- 2dfbbe2: perf(benchmark): increase parallelism in performance tests (@flemzord)
- 6167612: refactor(Earthfile): reuse sources stage and optimize build process (#498) (@flemzord)
- 7440ddf: refactor: extract traces from default controller (@gfyrag)
- 94ae3ce: refactor: removed compiler.go (@ascandone)
- 84874a3: refactor: testing helper (@gfyrag)
- 6a3031d: wip: make first level of compat with previous version (@gfyrag)
What to do next?
- Read the documentation
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