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Releases: ethereum/execution-spec-tests

[email protected]

22 Nov 13:21
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[email protected] Pre-release

What's Changed

This release includes extra tests that reproduce bugs found in some EL clients in the new devnet7:

  • verkle: add extra SSTORE test by @jsign in #936
  • verkle: add contract creation failure scenario by @jsign in #944

Please see PR descriptions to understand better what new tests try to cover.

Full Changelog:[email protected]@v0.0.8

[email protected]

01 Nov 16:12
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[email protected] Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog:[email protected]@v0.0.7-alpha-8

[email protected]

04 Nov 13:53
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[email protected] Pre-release

⚠️ Note these tests are up to date with the latest devnet-7 spec!

A reasonable order of steps for client teams to start running tests can be found below, starting with the genesis tests from: fixtures_verkle-genesis.tar.gz

  • Run the EIP-6800 tests for a good first check, fixtures/verkle/eip6800_genesis_verkle_tree/ within the extracted the fixture genesis tar.
    • Followed by EIP-4762 tests: fixtures/verkle/eip4762_verkle_gas_witness/.
    • And EIP-7709 tests: fixtures/verkle/eip7709_blockhash_witness/.
  • Run "backfilled" tests, all previous fork tests filled for Verkle, i.e all tests excludingfixtures/verkle/*.
  • (Optional) Run the fixtures_verkle-conversion-stride-0.tar.gz tests, as these contain basic pre-fork tests to make sure nothing is broken on the fork before Verkle.


  • The parentStateRoot field was added to the witness.
  • In backported tests, if the test is running in Overlay Tree mode, we won't generate a witness (since it doesn't make sense).
  • Important note: the backported tests under tests/cancun/eip6780_selfdestruct might fail for some clients. This is expected since there's an ongoing discussion on how to resolve a spec issue.

🐘 Verkle Genesis Test Fixtures

Contains verkle specific test vectors from #659 including all existing EEST test cases filled for a verkle configured fork. Note these tests assume the MPT to VKT conversion has completed where we start at the Verkle fork.

Please use fixtures_verkle-genesis.tar.gz!

Generating Genesis Fixtures

Using the geth evm binary from this commit, fill with the following command:

fill --fork Verkle --evm-bin=<path_to_geth_evm> -n auto -m blockchain_test

🔁 Verkle Conversion Test Fixtures - 0 Stride

These aim to verify a basic fork transition from Shanghai to Verkle. 0 stride denotes that the initial MPT remains frozen. Thus the MPT is not being converted to a VKT within these tests. The intention is to check that only blocks after the transition update the VKT, isolating VKT fork transition issues without touching MPT stride conversion logic.

Test cases additionally include Shanghai genesis tests to assert that the fork before Verkle is not broken.

Please use fixtures_verkle-conversion-stride-0.tar.gz!

Generating Conversion Fixtures

Using the geth evm binary from this commit, fill with the following command:

fill --from Shanghai --until EIP6800Transition --evm-bin=<path_to_geth_evm> -n auto -m blockchain_test

[email protected]

22 Oct 22:29
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[email protected] Pre-release

⚠️ Note these tests are up to date with the latest devnet-7 spec!

This release is filled with a specific geth branch gballet/jsign-witness-fix aligned with devnet-7. It contains updates and fixes for the past genesis tests due to the addition of witness checks within the testing framework. These verify the correct behavoiur of the witness for specific test cases if defined.

A reasonable order of steps for client teams to start running tests can be found below, starting with the genesis tests from: fixtures_verkle-genesis.tar.gz

  • Run the EIP-6800 tests for a good first check, fixtures/verkle/eip6800_genesis_verkle_tree/ within the extracted the fixture genesis tar.
    • Followed by EIP-4762 tests: fixtures/verkle/eip4762_verkle_gas_witness/.
    • And EIP-7709 tests: fixtures/verkle/eip7709_blockhash_witness/.
  • Run "backfilled" tests, all previous fork tests filled for Verkle, i.e all tests excludingfixtures/verkle/*.
  • (Optional) Run the fixtures_verkle-conversion-stride-0.tar.gz tests, as these contain basic pre-fork tests to make sure nothing is broken on the fork before Verkle.


  • A SELFDESTRUCT test targeting insufficient gas case was improved.
  • There was a bug in Geth that generated incorrect filling for backported tests (i.e: Shanghai ones).

🐘 Verkle Genesis Test Fixtures

Contains verkle specific test vectors from #659 including all existing EEST test cases filled for a verkle configured fork. Note these tests assume the MPT to VKT conversion has completed where we start at the Verkle fork.

Please use fixtures_verkle-genesis.tar.gz!

Generating Genesis Fixtures

Using the geth evm binary from this commit, fill with the following command:

fill --fork Verkle --evm-bin=<path_to_geth_evm> -n auto -m blockchain_test

🔁 Verkle Conversion Test Fixtures - 0 Stride

These aim to verify a basic fork transition from Shanghai to Verkle. 0 stride denotes that the initial MPT remains frozen. Thus the MPT is not being converted to a VKT within these tests. The intention is to check that only blocks after the transition update the VKT, isolating VKT fork transition issues without touching MPT stride conversion logic.

Test cases additionally include Shanghai genesis tests to assert that the fork before Verkle is not broken.

Please use fixtures_verkle-conversion-stride-0.tar.gz!

Generating Conversion Fixtures

Using the geth evm binary from this commit, fill with the following command:

fill --from Shanghai --until EIP6800Transition --evm-bin=<path_to_geth_evm> -n auto -m blockchain_test

[email protected]

17 Oct 15:11
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[email protected] Pre-release

⚠️ Note these tests are up to date with the latest devnet-7 spec!

This release is filled with a specific geth branch gballet/jsign-witness-fix aligned with devnet-7. It contains updates and fixes for the past genesis tests due to the addition of witness checks within the testing framework. These verify the correct behavoiur of the witness for specific test cases if defined.

A reasonable order of steps for client teams to start running tests can be found below, starting with the genesis tests from: fixtures_verkle-genesis.tar.gz

  • Run the EIP-6800 tests for a good first check, fixtures/verkle/eip6800_genesis_verkle_tree/ within the extracted the fixture genesis tar.
    • Followed by EIP-4762 tests: fixtures/verkle/eip4762_verkle_gas_witness/.
    • And EIP-7709 tests: fixtures/verkle/eip7709_blockhash_witness/.
  • Run "backfilled" tests, all previous fork tests filled for Verkle, i.e all tests excludingfixtures/verkle/*.
  • (Optional) Run the fixtures_verkle-conversion-stride-0.tar.gz tests, as these contain basic pre-fork tests to make sure nothing is broken on the fork before Verkle.


🐘 Verkle Genesis Test Fixtures

Contains verkle specific test vectors from #659 including all existing EEST test cases filled for a verkle configured fork. Note these tests assume the MPT to VKT conversion has completed where we start at the Verkle fork.

Please use fixtures_verkle-genesis.tar.gz!

Generating Genesis Fixtures

Using the geth evm binary from this commit, fill with the following command:

fill --fork Verkle --evm-bin=<path_to_geth_evm> -n auto -m blockchain_test

🔁 Verkle Conversion Test Fixtures - 0 Stride

These aim to verify a basic fork transition from Shanghai to Verkle. 0 stride denotes that the initial MPT remains frozen. Thus the MPT is not being converted to a VKT within these tests. The intention is to check that only blocks after the transition update the VKT, isolating VKT fork transition issues without touching MPT stride conversion logic.

Test cases additionally include Shanghai genesis tests to assert that the fork before Verkle is not broken.

Please use fixtures_verkle-conversion-stride-0.tar.gz!

Generating Conversion Fixtures

Using the geth evm binary from this commit, fill with the following command:

fill --from Shanghai --until EIP6800Transition --evm-bin=<path_to_geth_evm> -n auto -m blockchain_test

[email protected]

15 Oct 21:34
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[email protected] Pre-release

First EIP-7692 release filled for the Osaka fork.

Filled tests in tests/prague and tests/osaka folders.

Prague fork follows devnet-3 specification (see for details).

What's Changed (Only EOF-relevant changes listed)

  • fix(tests): fix TSTORE EOF variant test by @shemnon in #831
  • new(tests): EOF - EIP-6206: clarify "non-returning instruction" by @pdobacz in #837
  • feat(docs,tests): add links to the online test case docs in the EOF tracker by @danceratopz in #838
  • refactor(tests): unify EOF return code constants by @shemnon in #834
  • new(tests): EOF validation tests of stack height with double RJUMPI by @chfast in #851
  • new(tests): EOF - EIP-4750: unreachable code sections by @chfast in #856
  • fix(fw): EOF - Fix EXCHANGE's data_portion_length by @pdobacz in #849
  • new(tests): EIP-7069 and EIP-7620 - failures and context vars by @pdobacz in #836
  • feat(forks,tests): Osaka by @marioevz in #869
  • fix(github): Fix eip7692-osaka to also fill tests/prague by @marioevz in #897

Full Changelog:[email protected]@v2.0.0

[email protected]

14 Oct 20:32
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[email protected] Pre-release

Second EEST pre-release for Pectra Devnet-4. Fixes a small issue on some negative tests that override the expected requests with an empty requests hash but the block does indeed contain transactions that trigger at least one request.

For a full description of the fixtures included please check [email protected] release notes.

Full Changelog:[email protected]@v1.0.1

Test Case Documentation:[email protected]/tests/prague/

[email protected]

14 Oct 04:00
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[email protected] Pre-release

First EEST pre-release for Pectra Devnet-4.

Included Specification PRs

New Tests

  • EIP-7685: Invalid request type in block
  • EIP-7002, EIP-7251: Add tests for system contracts execution pre-fork.
  • EIP-7702: Add deploy delegation-like contract test

Breaking Changes

Blockchain Fixtures Changes

  • blockHeader.requests_root field has been renamed to requests_hash in the blockchain_test fixture type.
  • FixtureBlockBase and FixtureExecutionPayload fields deposit_requests, withdrawal_requests and consolidation_requests are replaced by a single field requests which contains a list of hex strings, each element represents the bytes of a flattened request.
  • Fourth parameter has been added to FixtureEngineNewPayload.params which represents the flattened requests.

Important Notes

  • EIP-2935 slow tests (256+ blocks) have been skipped.

Included EIP Versions

[email protected]

01 Oct 22:30
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[email protected] Pre-release

⚠️ Note these tests are up to date with the latest devnet-7 spec!

This release is filled with a specific geth branch gballet/jsign-witness-fix aligned with devnet-7. It contains updates and fixes for the past genesis tests due to the addition of witness checks within the testing framework. These verify the correct behavoiur of the witness for specific test cases if defined.

A reasonable order of steps for client teams to start running tests can be found below, starting with the genesis tests from: fixtures_verkle-genesis.tar.gz

  • Run the EIP-6800 tests for a good first check, fixtures/verkle/eip6800_genesis_verkle_tree/ within the extracted the fixture genesis tar.
    • Followed by EIP-4762 tests: fixtures/verkle/eip4762_verkle_gas_witness/.
    • And EIP-7709 tests: fixtures/verkle/eip7709_blockhash_witness/.
  • Run "backfilled" tests, all previous fork tests filled for Verkle, i.e all tests excludingfixtures/verkle/*.
  • (Optional) Run the fixtures_verkle-conversion-stride-0.tar.gz tests, as these contain basic pre-fork tests to make sure nothing is broken on the fork before Verkle.

Full Changelog:[email protected]@v0.0.4

🐘 Verkle Genesis Test Fixtures

Contains verkle specific test vectors from #659 including all existing EEST test cases filled for a verkle configured fork. Note these tests assume the MPT to VKT conversion has completed where we start at the Verkle fork.

Please use fixtures_verkle-genesis.tar.gz!

Generating Genesis Fixtures

Using the geth evm binary from this commit, fill with the following command:

fill --fork Verkle --evm-bin=<path_to_geth_evm> -n auto -m blockchain_test

🔁 Verkle Conversion Test Fixtures - 0 Stride

These aim to verify a basic fork transition from Shanghai to Verkle. 0 stride denotes that the initial MPT remains frozen. Thus the MPT is not being converted to a VKT within these tests. The intention is to check that only blocks after the transition update the VKT, isolating VKT fork transition issues without touching MPT stride conversion logic.

Test cases additionally include Shanghai genesis tests to assert that the fork before Verkle is not broken.

Please use fixtures_verkle-conversion-stride-0.tar.gz!

Generating Conversion Fixtures

Using the geth evm binary from this commit, fill with the following command:

fill --from Shanghai --until EIP6800Transition --evm-bin=<path_to_geth_evm> -n auto -m blockchain_test

[email protected]

23 Sep 19:28
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[email protected] Pre-release

Filled using Besu commit hyperledger/besu@0d63955

What's Changed

  • new(tests): EOF - EIP-7620 EOFCREATE gas testing by @pdobacz in #785

Full Changelog:[email protected]@v1.1.1