Releases: cta-observatory/lstmcpipe
lstmcpipe v0.11.2 introduces bug fixes in the r0 to dl1 processing
What's Changed
- fix issue that did not allow doing only the split stage without dl1 processing by @vuillaut in #499
- fix nsb tuning rate parameter name by @vuillaut in #501
- nsb parameter name depends on lstchain version by @vuillaut in #503
- fix issue that did not move the failed outputs in r0 to dl1 processing by @vuillaut in #504
Full Changelog: v0.11.1...v0.11.2
v0.11.1 includes fixes for the NSB-grid prod
Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.11.1
What's Changed
- add diffuse split configs to documentation by @vuillaut in #492
- fix test DL2 and IRF paths by @vuillaut in #495
- Fix dl2 paths bis by @vuillaut in #496
- include lstchain version in prod-id for nsb tuned prods by @vuillaut in #497
- v0.11.1 by @vuillaut in #498
Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.11.1
v0.11.0 introduces a new config to split the gamma diffuse into train and test datasets.
What's Changed
- my_20240828_branch by @abhishekabhi063 in #482
- reworked config to start from DL1 and add slurm options to better man… by @vuillaut in #484
- modify rerun_cmd to make sure the job crashes if the cmd fails and raises and Error by @vuillaut in #485
- split gamma diffuse in train/test with new child configs by @vuillaut in #483
New Contributors
- @abhishekabhi063 made their first contribution in #482
Full Changelog: v0.10.5...v0.11.0
v0.10.5 introduces the changes for the nsb-grid production.
What's Changed
- 20240122_v0.10.4_prod5_trans80 by @leolemoign in #454
- 20240219_allsky_v0.10.7_all_dec_srcdep_base production by @SeiyaNozaki in #455
- add --source_prod_id as arg to generate config by @vuillaut in #459
- Production for high NSB conditions and the 3476 dec line by @moralejo in #457
- Fix prod 20240122_v0.10.4_prod5_trans_80 config by @vuillaut in #460
- Fix prod ID for prod 20240122_v0.10.4_prod5_trans_80 by @vuillaut in #461
- clean the complete lstmcpipe config by @vuillaut in #462
- Update versions of actions by @morcuended in #464
- add new production for src3 with tuned NSB for moon data analysis by @joteros in #463
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 39 to 41 in /.github/workflows by @dependabot in #439
- add 20240430_v0.10.4_src9_dec3476_tuned by @jMendezGallego in #465
- Add jobids to slurm error and output files by @vuillaut in #467
- 20240529 v0.10.11 src4 dense mc line by @FrancaCassol in #466
- Update environment.yml to remove constraints on versions by @vuillaut in #469
- add configs for prod 20240716_v0.10.7_src10_dec3476_tuned by @ToraTherese in #470
- add production_configs/20240727_v0.10.11_src12_tuned by @hidekatagiri in #474
- update url test data by @vuillaut in #478
- fix generate_test_lapalma script by @vuillaut in #475
- script to generate different nsb levels configs by @vuillaut in #472
- fix dumping lstchain tuned configs in dedicated script by @vuillaut in #479
- add efficiency cuts to dl2 to irfs options by @vuillaut in #477
- add config for v0.10.11 src14 dec2276 by @rlopezcoto in #480
New Contributors
- @morcuended made their first contribution in #464
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #439
Requested productions:
- @leolemoign - #454
- @moralejo - #457
- @joteros - #463
- @jMendezGallego - #465
- @ToraTherese - #470
- @hidekatagiri - #474
- @rlopezcoto - #480
Full Changelog: v0.10.4...v0.10.5
lstmcpipe v0.10.4
The main change is the introduction of a new PathConfig to train and apply a new model starting from existing DL1b merged files.
This allows testing other models hyperparameters and src-dependent analysis starting from existing DL1 files.
What's Changed
- Update README.rst with conda install by @vuillaut in #421
- 20230921 v0.10.4 src3 dec3476 4822 tuned from Seiya by @vuillaut in #423
- fix path in prod 20230921 by @vuillaut in #424
- reproduce prod 20230921_v0.10.4_src3_dec3476_4822_tuned with missing dl1 to dl2 by @vuillaut in #425
- Update prod request instructions in readme by @vuillaut in #428
- add production_configs/20230927_v0.10.4_crab_tuned/ by @katagirihide in #427
- setuptools_scm<8 by @vuillaut in #430
- use private data to validate lstchain config if possible, solving EFFECTIVE_FOCAL_LENGTH issue by @vuillaut in #431
- remove 20230921 production folder by @SeiyaNozaki in #433
- 20231024 v0.10.4 base dec min 2924 min 1802 6166 by @vuillaut in #434
- Update version of tj-actions/changed-files in CI action by @vuillaut in #436
- Voutsi seasonal atmosphere by @vuillaut in #435
- prod 20231106_v0.9.12_base_dl1_dec_931_min-2924_min-1802_6166 by @vuillaut in #437
- improved documentation by @vuillaut in #440
- exhaustive user documentation by @vuillaut in #441
- production 20240131_allsky_v0.10.5_all_dec_base by @vuillaut in #443
- prod 20240235_v0.10.5_dec_931_dec_min_2924_dec_3476 by @vuillaut in #444
- add contributing by @vuillaut in #446
- add configs for prod 20240206_v0.10.5_lst_school_dummy_prod by @vuillaut in #448
- ask 20240126_v0.10.4_src6_dec2276_tuned production by @alvmas in #447
- config for prod 20240131_allsky_v0.10.5_all_dec_base to fix failed dl… by @vuillaut in #450
- bump base config to lstchain v0.10.7 by @vuillaut in #452
- path config for a train-test analysis from existing prod by @vuillaut in #451
- prepare v0.10.4 by @vuillaut in #453
New Contributors
- @katagirihide made their first contribution in #427
Full Changelog: v0.10.3...v0.10.4
lstmcpipe v0.10.2
The main changes concern the compatibility with lstchain > v0.10 and pure conda installation to make a conda package.
Note that this version is still compatible with lstchain v0.9.x
What's Changed
- new prod 20230414_v0.9.13_dec_931_az_tel to fix dec_931 issue by @vuillaut in #400
- pypi github workflow by @vuillaut in #401
- improve doc about dl1ab by @vuillaut in #402
- prod 20230315_src_dec2276_tuned_nsb by @gabriele-panebianco-inaf in #397
- 20230428 src dec2276 tuned nsb az tel by @vuillaut in #403
- 20230517 v0.9.13 large offset by @mdebony in #404
- 20230517 v0.9.13 large offset crab tuned by @mdebony in #405
- 20230529 v0.9.13 src4 full line by @FrancaCassol in #406
- 20230601 v0.9.13 dec 4822 dec 6166 by @aaguasca in #407
- Fix memory in prod 20230529_v0.9.13_src4_full_line by @vuillaut in #410
- Bug: fix workflow_step label in log files when dl1ab step is used by @aaguasca in #409
- 20230601 v0.9.13 src7 darkNSB by @aaguasca in #408
- soften requirements on python and pyirf in conda env by @vuillaut in #411
- Add new production src5 with lstchain v0.10 by @alvmas in #412
- Test Python versions from 3.7 to 3.11 by @vuillaut in #413
- Add configs for new allsky production using lstchain 0.10.4 by @LukasNickel in #415
- install lstchain from conda by @vuillaut in #416
- v0.10.2 by @vuillaut in #417
New Contributors
- @gabriele-panebianco-inaf made their first contribution in #397
- @mdebony made their first contribution in #404
Full Changelog: v0.10.1...v0.10.2
lstmcpipe v0.10.1
Fix a bug that was preventing the correct dependencies to be set.
What's Changed
- use conda env lstchain-v0.9.11 as new default by @vuillaut in #386
- fix tree in test prod setup by @vuillaut in #387
- Add full production with standard NSB/PSF for AGN analysis by @mireianievas in #388
- Produce RF with release v0.9.6 to verify new DL1 compatibility by @FrancaCassol in #381
- example notebook in the doc by @vuillaut in #391
- 20230124 src6 dec2276 tuned by @alvmas in #390
- Fix doc by @vuillaut in #392
- Add full production with standard NSB/PSF for AGN analysis (az instead of sin_az in features) by @mireianievas in #389
- renamed prod 20230127_v0.9.12_base_prod_az_tel and rerun config generation by @vuillaut in #393
- New production for src4 with denser node spacing by @FrancaCassol in #395
- Fixing memory issue in prod by @vuillaut in #396
- make sure that all jobs check the exit code before continuing by @vuillaut in #398
- the dependencies afterok should be given with : by @vuillaut in #399
New Contributors
- @mireianievas made their first contribution in #388
Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.10.1
What's Changed
Adds a couple of safeguards for analysers when requesting a new prod, both in the CI and in the PR templates.
Path modification for AllSky prod moved to LSTProd2 directory.
- 20221021 crab full lstchain097 by @vuillaut in #352
- fix 20221021 crab full lstchain097 by @vuillaut in #354
- Request new production for src4 by @FrancaCassol in #356
- fix doc dl1ab command example by @vuillaut in #359
- 20221027 v0.9.9 crab tuned by @vuillaut in #357
- Update lstchain config and version to v0.9.7 by @vuillaut in #355
- fix lstchain read config validation by @vuillaut in #362
- fix env protozfits by @vuillaut in #363
- 20221027 v0.9.9 base prod by @vuillaut in #361
- AllSky prod pipeline DL1ab schema by @vuillaut in #365
- Pipeline doc by @vuillaut in #366
- Fix 20221025 src4 high nsb lza by @vuillaut in #364
- adding psf tuning False to config by @vuillaut in #368
- Run prod. 20221108_galsource_min_413_tuned_nsb by @aaguasca in #370
- 20221104 src3 dec3476 4822 tuned by @SeiyaNozaki in #367
- Update pipelines documentation by @vuillaut in #372
- Update pre-commit config by @vuillaut in #373
- change allsky prod path from georgios home to aswg by @vuillaut in #374
- New production config 20221128_src5_dec3476_tuned by @alvmas in #375
- fix lstchain config prod 20221128 by @vuillaut in #376
- Update citation section in readme by @vuillaut in #377
- fix lstchain config for prod 20221025_src4_high_NSB_LZA by @vuillaut in #380
- Update pull request template with self-checks by @vuillaut in #382
- validate lstchain config for mc requirements on image extractor by @vuillaut in #383
- fix issue with moved prod Path by @vuillaut in #385
New Contributors
- @FrancaCassol made their first contribution in #356
- @aaguasca made their first contribution in #370
- @alvmas made their first contribution in #375
Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.10.0