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Stephen Crowley edited this page Dec 6, 2024 · 4 revisions

See Also: RelativisticPathIntegrals

This document presents a rigorous mathematical framework for Feynman's path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, utilizing Gaussian processes and measure theory to establish a deep connection between quantum mechanics and stochastic processes.

Gaussian Processes and Path Integrals

Gaussian processes provide a powerful framework for understanding and implementing path integrals in quantum mechanics. The connection between these two concepts offers insights into both quantum systems and stochastic processes.

In the context of path integrals, Gaussian processes serve as a natural prior over the space of possible paths. This is particularly useful because the measure induced by a Gaussian process, denoted as $d\mu[X]$ in the path integral formulation, has well-defined mathematical properties 1. The covariance function $k(s,t)$ of the Gaussian process determines the "smoothness" of the paths, which in turn affects the convergence properties of the path integral.

For quantum systems, the action functional $S[X]$ plays a crucial role in determining the probability amplitude of a particular path. When combined with a Gaussian process prior, this leads to a well-defined path integral of the form:

$$K(x_f,T;x_i,0)=\int \exp\left(\frac{i}{\hbar}S[X]\right)d\mu[X]$$

where $K(x_f,T;x_i,0)$ is the quantum propagator 1.

The use of Gaussian processes in path integrals offers several advantages:

  1. Regularization: Gaussian processes provide a natural regularization for the infinite-dimensional path integral, making it mathematically well-defined.
  2. Computational tractability: For certain choices of covariance functions, the path integral can be evaluated analytically or approximated efficiently using numerical methods.
  3. Incorporation of prior knowledge: The covariance function can be chosen to reflect prior knowledge about the system, such as smoothness or periodicity of paths.

Recent developments in quantum computing have led to the exploration of quantum-assisted Gaussian process regression, which can potentially overcome computational limitations of classical methods 2. This approach combines classical basis function expansion with quantum computing techniques such as quantum principal component analysis, conditional rotations, and Hadamard and swap tests 2.

In the realm of quantum field theory, Gaussian path integrals play a fundamental role in describing the dynamics of systems subject to quantum noise 3. Normalized Gaussian path integrals are particularly useful for computing transition probabilities in the semiclassical approximation, which can be derived from solutions of linear differential equations 3.

The connection between Gaussian processes and path integrals extends to applications in quantum information processing. Gaussian states, operations, and measurements are central building blocks for continuous-variable quantum information processing, paving the way for network-based quantum computation and communication 4.

Furthermore, recent work has explored the use of quantum Gaussian processes for Bayesian optimization 5. By employing hardware-efficient feature maps and careful regularization of the Gram matrix, researchers have demonstrated that the variance information of quantum Gaussian processes can be preserved, allowing their use as surrogate models in Bayesian optimization tasks 5.

These developments highlight the rich interplay between Gaussian processes and path integrals, offering new avenues for understanding quantum systems, developing quantum algorithms, and advancing quantum information processing techniques.


Path Integral Convergence Conditions

The convergence of path integrals in quantum mechanics is a crucial aspect that ensures the mathematical validity and physical interpretability of the formalism. While the previous section established the general conditions for convergence, we can delve deeper into specific conditions that guarantee fast convergence and numerical stability.

For many-body systems, recent developments have shown that it's possible to accelerate the convergence of path integral calculations. A hierarchy of effective actions can be constructed analytically, leading to improvements in convergence of N-fold discretized many-body path integral expressions from 1/N to 1/N^p for generic p 1. This approach has been successfully applied to calculate low-lying energy levels of two-particle models with quartic interactions, demonstrating agreement with analytical results governing the increased efficiency of the method 1.

The convergence rate of path integrals is intimately connected to the properties of the underlying Gaussian process. For a Gaussian process with covariance function k(s,t), the convergence of the path integral is guaranteed if k(s,t) is twice differentiable and satisfies the condition:

$$\int_0^T\int_0^T\left|\frac{\partial^2k}{\partial s\partial t}(s,t)\right|dsdt<\infty$$

This condition ensures that the action functional S[X] is well-defined almost surely 2.

In the context of numerical simulations, the convergence of path integrals can be improved through various techniques. One approach is the use of time-slicing, where the time interval [t_a, t_b] is divided into n+1 equal subintervals 3. The path integral can then be approximated as:

$$\int \limits_{-\infty}^{+\infty}\cdots \int \limits_{-\infty}^{+\infty}\exp\left(\frac{i}{\hbar}\int_{t_a}^{t_b}L(x(t),v(t)),dt\right),dx_0,\cdots ,dx_n$$

where ε = Δt = (t_b - t_a)/(n+1) is the time step 3.

For wide neural networks, which can be viewed as a form of path integral in function space, convergence to a Gaussian process has been established as the width of the layers approaches infinity 2. This convergence behavior holds true even for deep equilibrium models (DEQs), where the limits of depth and width commute under appropriate scaling of the weight matrices 2.

The convergence of path integrals is also closely related to the properties of the potential V(x). For potentials that are continuous and bounded below, the path integral is well-defined and finite under the conditions specified in the previous section 4. However, for more complex potentials, additional regularization techniques may be required to ensure convergence.

It's worth noting that while the path integral formulation in real time is a sum of phases and can be conditionally convergent, the Euclidean path integral (obtained by Wick rotation) is often more well-behaved mathematically 5. This property is frequently exploited in quantum field theory calculations.

Understanding these convergence conditions is crucial for both theoretical developments and practical implementations of path integral methods in quantum mechanics and related fields. By carefully considering these conditions, researchers can develop more efficient algorithms for path integral calculations and extend the applicability of the formalism to a wider range of physical systems.

Propagator-Covariance Kernel Relationship

The relationship between the quantum propagator and the covariance kernel of a Gaussian process is a fundamental connection that bridges quantum mechanics and stochastic processes. This relationship provides deep insights into the nature of quantum systems and offers powerful computational tools for analyzing quantum phenomena.

The covariance kernel $k(s,t)$ of a Gaussian process can be expressed in terms of the quantum propagator $K(x_f,T;x_i,0)$ through the following equation:

$$k(s,t)=\frac{\hbar}{i}\int K(x,s;y,0)K(y,t;x,s)dy$$

where $s&lt;t$ without loss of generality 1. This relation emerges from the composition property of propagators and the definition of expectation values in quantum mechanics.

For a free particle, where the propagator has an explicit form:

$$K(x_f,T;x_i,0)=\sqrt{\frac{m}{2\pi i\hbar T}}\exp\left(\frac{im(x_f-x_i)^2}{2\hbar T}\right)$$

the corresponding covariance kernel is given by:


This result is particularly significant as it demonstrates that the covariance kernel for a free particle is equivalent to the covariance function of Brownian motion, establishing a direct link between quantum mechanics and stochastic processes 2.

The propagator-kernel relationship extends beyond free particles to systems with potentials. For a particle in a potential $V(x)$, the propagator satisfies the Feynman-Kac formula:

$$\frac{\partial K}{\partial T}=\frac{\hbar}{2mi}\frac{\partial^2K}{\partial x_f^2}-\frac{i}{\hbar}V(x_f)K$$

This equation, combined with the propagator-kernel relation, determines the covariance kernel for a given potential 1. This connection allows for the analysis of quantum systems through the lens of Gaussian processes, providing new computational approaches and theoretical insights.

The propagator-kernel relationship has significant implications for quantum field theory and statistical mechanics. In quantum field theory, the propagator is closely related to the two-point correlation function, which in turn is connected to the covariance kernel of the corresponding field 3. This relationship allows for the application of Gaussian process techniques in quantum field theoretical calculations.

In statistical mechanics, the propagator-kernel relationship provides a bridge between quantum and classical systems. As $\hbar \to 0$, the quantum propagator approaches the classical transition probability, and the covariance kernel approaches the classical correlation function 4. This limit behavior offers insights into the quantum-classical transition and the emergence of classical behavior from quantum systems.

The propagator-covariance kernel relationship also has practical applications in quantum computing and quantum information processing. By leveraging this relationship, researchers can develop quantum algorithms that exploit the properties of Gaussian processes, potentially leading to more efficient quantum simulations and quantum machine learning techniques 5.

In conclusion, the propagator-covariance kernel relationship represents a powerful unifying concept in theoretical physics, connecting quantum mechanics, stochastic processes, and Gaussian process theory. This relationship not only provides deep theoretical insights but also offers practical tools for analyzing and simulating quantum systems across various domains of physics.


Connection to Schrödinger Equation

The connection between the path integral formulation and the Schrödinger equation is a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics, demonstrating the equivalence of these two approaches. This connection provides deep insights into the nature of quantum systems and offers alternative methods for solving quantum mechanical problems.

The Feynman-Kac formula establishes a direct link between the path integral representation and the Schrödinger equation. Specifically, the quantum propagator K(x_f, T; x_i, 0) satisfies the time-dependent Schrödinger equation:

$$i\hbar \frac{\partial K}{\partial T}=\left(-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x_f^2}+V(x_f)\right)K$$

This equation can be derived from the path integral formulation by carefully analyzing the infinitesimal time evolution of the propagator 1. The derivation involves expanding the action in the path integral for small time steps and performing a stationary phase approximation.

The equivalence between the path integral and Schrödinger approaches extends to more general scenarios. For nonlinear time-dependent Schrödinger equations, a generalized Feynman-Kac formula has been established, connecting the solution of the Schrödinger equation to a backward stochastic differential equation (BSDE) 2. This relationship provides a powerful tool for both theoretical analysis and numerical approximations of quantum systems.

In the context of infinite-dimensional spaces, which are relevant for quantum field theories, the existence of solutions to the Schrödinger equation can be proven using the probabilistic Feynman-Kac formula 3. This result is valid for a wide class of potentials, including those with exponential growth at infinity and singular potentials, demonstrating the robustness of the path integral approach.

The path integral formulation offers an alternative perspective on the quantum-classical correspondence. As ℏ → 0, the path integral is dominated by paths near the classical trajectory, recovering the classical limit of quantum mechanics. This behavior is consistent with the WKB approximation derived from the Schrödinger equation, providing a unified view of the quantum-classical transition 4.

Recent developments in quantum computing have explored the use of variational quantum algorithms to solve partial differential equations related to the Feynman-Kac formula 5. These approaches utilize the correspondence between the Feynman-Kac PDE and the Wick-rotated Schrödinger equation, offering new computational methods for quantum systems.

The connection between the path integral and Schrödinger formulations also extends to systems with constraints and gauge symmetries. In these cases, the path integral approach often provides a more natural framework for handling the constraints, leading to insights that are less apparent in the canonical quantization based on the Schrödinger equation 6.

In conclusion, the deep connection between the path integral formulation and the Schrödinger equation demonstrates the fundamental unity of quantum mechanics. This relationship not only provides alternative computational methods but also offers profound insights into the nature of quantum systems, the quantum-classical correspondence, and the structure of quantum field theories.


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