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Releases: bounswe/bounswe2023group1

Final Milestone

26 Dec 13:34
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Full Changelog: customer-milestone-2...customer-milestone-3


28 Nov 00:55
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Captured Requirements at This Milestone

Under User Roles/Victim title Victims shall be able to view assistence locations on a map and as a list. (Help centers, soup kitchens etc.) Victims shall be able to filter the assistence locations by type and distance. Victims shall be able to view available resources on a map and as a list. Victims shall be able to filter resources by name, category and distance. Victim shall be notified when a relevant asistance location is nearby. is considered in annotation implementations. For now, code is partially implemented which marks annotated objects and their cards have geolocation ( as longitude and latitude), metadata, category, short and long description. Annotation datas were improved in detail to capture the essence of annotations better. For now on, since other implementations have more urgency, we had decreased the priority of annotations for this milestone. It will be completely and comprehensively implemented at Milestone3. ,, implemented completely. shows mock-data for now and it is implemented as first draft.

Under User Roles/ Responder Responders shall be able to create a resource for objects or services they can offer. Responders shall be able to set the following information regarding a resource: location, quantity, type, category
Those are fully implemented and frontend and backend is integrated.

Under User Roles/ Facilitator Facilitators shall be able to create requests. Facilitators shall be able to create resources.
-Those are allowed at frontend with respect to implementation of backend. Facilitators shall be able to view requests on a map and as a list. Facilitators shall be able to filter requests by name, category and distance.

  • Those are implemented in advance.

Under User Roles/ Coordinator Coordinators shall be able to view resources, requests and tasks as a list and on a map. Coordinators shall be able to filter resources, requests and tasks by whichever subset of name, category, amount, distance, urgency and status is applicable.

1.1.3. Location Services
Users shall be able to view the map and share their current location information on the map.
Partially implemented. Map integration with backend is under the scope of this milestone, share their current location information on the map not covered.

1.1.4. Information Filtering
Users shall be able to search for and filter information provided by facilitators.
All filtering and searching functionalities completely ready.

1.1.5. Disaster Reporting
Users shall be able to add and view warnings about the current disaster to the map.
Partially implemented. Users can view warnings but add yet.

Also those requirements are captured at this milestone:
1.2.1. Multi-hazard support
1.2.3. Resource Management Digital Resources Resources must be digitized and quantified in the system. Categorization of resources To facilitate distribution, sent resources should be categorized in detail, including the contents of each box, quantity, shoe/clothing size, etc. Semantic relations between resources Resources should have semantic relationships for efficient categorization. Dynamic needs The platform should be flexible enough to adapt to the changing needs of disaster areas, depending on the location and stage of the disaster. This includes different needs in urban and rural areas, as well as different needs for surviving the disaster and educational needs.
1.2.7. Map-based operations The platform shall have a map interface that displays the appropriate subset of resources, requests, and tasks, along with warnings related to the current situation. The map shall be capable of filtering items by the applciable subset of name, category, amount, distance, urgency and status.

Frontend Testing: We've tested the interface to confirm that all visible elements and user interactions function as expected.

Backend Testing: We've checked our server-side operations, ensuring APIs and databases handle data correctly.

Mobile Testing: We focused on ensuring that the app meets all specified requirements and thoroughly tested its end-to-end functionalities to guarantee a smooth user experience.

Integration Testing: We've tested the connection between the frontend and backend to ensure they communicate and operate together properly.


31 Oct 19:09
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0.1.0-alpha Pre-release

The project involved a range of tasks such as backend setup, implementing user authentication and authorization, database design, and setting up Dockerfile for backend deployment on AWS. The frontend development included creating sign-in and sign-up pages, user role management, and app services. Mobile development encompassed login-registration pages, navigation features, and user profile pages. Key functionalities like APIs for responders and victims, as well as unit tests for various services including authentication and category management, were also developed.

Release 0.0.1

12 May 22:01
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Release 0.0.1 Pre-release

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