v1.2.0 - BigQuery improvements, date/time improvements, nullable ints and more
Breaking changes:
New features:
Bug fixes / reliability improvements:
Improve date/time hint handling based on better testing for:
Support more date/time hints during Pandas-based generation of CSV files #155 (vinceatbluelabs ) (fixes #142 and #143 )
Other updates:
Loosen validation and mypy type requirements for date/time types, start increased testing #144 (vinceatbluelabs )
Drop overly-complected Christmas tree tests #145 (vinceatbluelabs )
Fix Pandas date formatting, add date/time integration tests #153 (vinceatbluelabs )
MySQL time column to dataframe fix for Pandas 1.x, increase MySQL integration testing #152 (vinceatbluelabs )
Ensure close() is called on result of pandas.read_sql(chunksize=...) #150 (vinceatbluelabs )
Various dependency tweaks:
Tweak import to resolve mypy issue #163 (cwegrzyn )
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