Releases: advplyr/audiobookshelf
Releases Β· advplyr/audiobookshelf
- Book library filter for published decade #3448 by @glorenzen in #3489
- Book library filter for missing chapters #3497
- Database constraint for unique series names in series table w/ migration (fixes #3207) by @nichwall in #3417
- Unicode handling for author and series queries by @thatguy7 in #3491
- Podcast episode batch mark as finished only showing for admin users #3496
- Authors page lazy load and pagination by @mikiher in #3487
- Added missing localization #3495 by @nichwall in #3500
- UI/UX: Author images use object-cover by @mikiher in #3492
- API: /libraries/:id/authors accepts sorting, filtering and pagination query params by @mikiher in #3487
- More strings translated
- Bengali by @soaibsafi
- Croatian by @biuklija
- Dutch by @matieke
- German by @alexanderkuenzel @Dalabad
- Lithuanian by @petras-sukys
- Spanish by @diamondtipdr
- Use musl-based libnusqlite3 in Docker by @mikiher & @devnoname120 in #3488
- Nunicode for unicode case folding and unaccenting #2678 by @mikiher & @devnoname120 in #3468
- Server crash when scanning a library no metadataPrecedence set #3434
- Server crash on listening session sync race condition #2662 by @mikiher in #3436
- Catch file extraction errors when parsing comics #3406 #3399 #2526 by @mikiher in #3422
- Server crash when calling library items API endpoint with non-integer limit #3459
- Use selected library audible region for author search by name #3470
- Replaced libarchive with node-unrar-js for comic extraction by @mikiher in #3435
- New users default permissions deny explicit content by @agraubert in #3407
- Improved logger formatting by @mikiher in #3405
- Improved handling of Authors and Series with names containing non-ASCII characters by @thatguy7 in #3414
- Handle library scan failure gracefully by @mikiher in #3410
- Localization added for notification tasks #3303
- Merging embedded chapters from multiple files filters out chapters with 0 duration #3361
- UI/UX: Removed many unnecessary toast messages
- UI/UX: Audio player play button centered #3244 by @glorenzen in #3453
- UI/UX: Audio volume control opens vertically
- UI/UX: Chapters page populates ASIN input in lookup modal after matching #3428
- UI/UX: Scanning first items into a library refreshes home page shelves
- UI/UX: Playlist & collection "Play" button renamed to "Play All" #3320
- UI/UX: Format numbers on user listening stats chart #3441
- API: Duration is no longer required for session API endpoints by @justcallmelarry in #3411
- More strings translated
- Bengali by @soaibsafi
- Chinese (Simplified) by @springsunx
- Chinese (Traditional) by @ti777777
- Croatian by @biuklija @milotype
- Czech by @kuci-JK
- Estonian by @wargunnerguy
- Finnish by @vilikng
- German by @JBlond @alexanderkuenzel
- Hungarian by @megamegax
- Italian by @burghy86
- Polish by @RafalHo
- Swedish by @derdydancer
- Migration manager for database schema changes by @mikiher in #3378 #3418
- Nuxt update to v2.18.1 by @wommy in #3374
- added postcssOptions to remove npm warning by @wommy in #3425
- Add OpenContainers Annotations as Labels to Docker Image by @mpgirro in #3461
New Contributors
- @wommy made their first contribution in #3374
- @thatguy7 made their first contribution in #3414
- @agraubert made their first contribution in #3407
- @mpgirro made their first contribution in #3461
Full Changelog: v2.13.4...v2.14.0
- Metadata embed tool failing to embed webp covers (now converts to jpeg) #3379 by @mikiher in #3394
- Server crash when quick match adds a new series #3392 by @mikiher in #3395
- Server crash when using the get all collections API endpoint #3372
- Server crash when using a custom metadata provider that returns an invalid response #3390 by @mikiher in #3396
- Byte conversion for file sizes using 1024 instead of 1000 #3386
- UI/UX: Format number for entity total in bookshelf toolbar #3370
- Cleanup logging output for library item updates #3362
- More strings translated
- Bengali by @soaibsafi
- German by @JBlond
- Simplified Chinese by @springsunx
Full Changelog: v2.13.3...v2.13.4
- User permissions inverted tags accessible not being saved #3365 by @nichwall in #3368
- Unable to update root user email #3366
- "Unlink OpenID" button showing blank in user account modal
- Batch edit page shows confirmation before navigating away with unsaved changes #3369
- More strings translated
- Bengali by @soaibsafi
- Polish by @Akasiek
Full Changelog: v2.13.2...v2.13.3
- New authors not setting
column - Toasts not showing when updating library items
- More strings translated
- Slovenian
Full Changelog: v2.13.1...v2.13.2
- Mark as Finished button on podcast latest page #3321
- Notification events for backup successful and failed #3158 by @nichwall in #3225
- Create library API endpoint not restricted to admin users CVE-2024-43797 (fixes GHSA-gg56-vj58-g5mc)
- Authors with 0 books (and no ASIN, image and description) not being removed
- Embedding metadata on single file audiobooks in library root folder #3323 by @mikiher in #3329
- Server crash when calling M4B merge on a book already being merged #3331
- Server crash when requesting author image was that doesnt exist #3267 by @mikiher in #3313
- Server crash on library scan - close archiver after extracting comic #2750 by @nichwall in #3312
- Restoring backups was not purging cache #3272 by @nichwall in #3311
- Container not starting - Skip BinaryManager for Docker installs #3266
- Series page not showing collapse subseries #3278 by @mikiher in #3288
- Audible book match search fails when query resembles ASIN #3314
- Downloading M4B files on Apple mobile device incorrectly interprets content-type #3310 by @chancez in #3319
- UI/UX: Keyboard controls for dropdown menus #3286 by @mikiher in #3294
- UI/UX: Series and collection items not respecting library aspect ratio by @mikiher in #3328
- Memorystore refactored and set as default session store #2538 by @itzexor in #3332
- Podcast episode audio file meta tag uses album-artist for author (falls back to artist tag) #3315
- Next Chapter button plays next item in queue when at end of current item #3299
- Log local auth attempts for failed and successful logins #2533 #2579
- Revert BinaryManager to use ffbinaries by @mikiher in #3278
- Server code cleanup to remove old data model objects (Author, Library, Folder, User & MediaProgress)
- UI/UX: Authors page number of books sort falls back to author name
- UI/UX: Author in global search result & author name on library stats page links to author page
- UI/UX: Prevent line breaks in file sizes by @faush01 in #3271
- UI/UX: Material symbols font clean up
- More strings translated
- Update api linting workflow by @nichwall in #3305
- Config issue workflow by @nichwall in #3348
- Cleanup translation strings for Weblate by @nichwall in #3350
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.12.3...v2.13.0
- Server crash with SQLITE_CORRUPT error (reverted unicode extension) #3241
- Localization for year in review images by @Vito0912 in #3262
- Add log for library item download by @ic1415 in #3245
- Reverted accent-insensitive search (original issue #2678)
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.12.2...v2.12.3
- Revert session MemoryStore back to default #3251
- Podcast episode download request failing due to user-agent string #3246
- UNC path normilization #640 by @mikiher in #3254
- Changelog modal shows all releases with the same major/minor version #3250
- Random sort option skips caching #3249
- More strings translated #3247
- Simplified Chinese by @springsunx
Full Changelog: v2.12.1...v2.12.2
- Server crash loading sqlite extension #3231 by @devnoname120 in #3236
- More strings translated
- Simplified Chinese by @springsunx
- German by @Vito0912
New Contributors
- @devnoname120 made their first contribution in #3236
Full Changelog: v2.12.0...v2.12.1