Breaking Changes
- ISSUE #3095: getSettings selector in the ConfigState should return empty object when the keyword is not found
- PR #3192: Angular type script client proxy generator (by hikalkan)
- ISSUE #3176: Add Initialize method for the AbpDbContext (EF Core)
- ISSUE #3162: Support composite keys for CrudAppService
- ISSUE #3148: Add IRepository.GetAsync and IRepository.FindAsync methods those get predicate
- PR #3107: Custom admin/pass implementation for new tenant (by cotur)
- ISSUE #3088: Get password & email address of the admin while creating a new tenant
- PR #3032: Add multi-tenancy to the microservice demo (by hikalkan)
- ISSUE #2981: Angular type script generator
- PR #2901: Add document full text search function (elastic search). (by maliming)
- ISSUE #2843: Docs Update label improvements
- ISSUE #2762: Any plans to integrate Quartz.net with Background Worker?
- ISSUE #2699: New React Native Mobile Application
- ISSUE #2223: api-definition endpoint should also include type definitions
- ISSUE #2222: Angular service / type generator
- ISSUE #2206: Add DTO models to the ApplicationApiDescriptionModel
- ISSUE #1621: Docs module search feature
- ISSUE #1575: Add source code option for the add-module CLI command
- ISSUE #3189: /api/test API should be removed
- PR #3184: Make TenantManagement module services easily overridable by inheritance (by cotur)
- PR #3183: Make Setting Management module services easily overridable by inheritance (by cotur)
- PR #3182: Make PermissionManagement module services easily overridable by inheritance (by cotur)
- PR #3181: Make IdentityServer module services easily overridable by inheritance (by cotur)
- PR #3179: Make Identity module razor pages easily overridable by inheritance (by cotur)
- PR #3178: Make Identity module services easily overridable by inheritance (by cotur)
- PR #3177: Make FeatureManagement module services easily overridable by inheritance (by cotur)
- PR #3175: Make BackgroundJobs module services easily overridable by inheritance (by cotur)
- PR #3174: Make AuditLogging module services easily overridable by inheritance (by cotur)
- PR #3173: Make Account module services easily overridable by inheritance (by cotur)
- ISSUE #3168: Revise the background worker document
- ISSUE #3166: Major revision for module class/methods
- ISSUE #3159: Add module with source code: Delete app folder after download
- ISSUE #3145: Set ABP CLI logging to warning
- PR #3133: added meta tags and localization keys for blog module (by AkinSabriCam)
- PR #3125: Add EfCore.Tools package reference to HttpApi.Host. (by gdlcf88)
- PR #3116: Add GetAllBytesAsync to AbpFormFileExtensions (by zHaytam)
- PR #3099: Fix blogging module post detail page permission check. (by gdlcf88)
- ISSUE #3098: Blogging post detail page may have wrong creator authority check.
- PR #3053: Slovenian localization for the Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.MultiTenancy package (by leonkosak)
- PR #3052: Slovenian translations for the startup template (by leonkosak)
- PR #3051: Slovenian translations for Volo.Abp.Localization package (by leonkosak)
- PR #3050: Slovenian translations for Volo.Abp.UI.Navigation package (by leonkosak)
- PR #3049: Slovenian translations for commercial.abp.io (by leonkosak)
- PR #3047: Slovenian translations for abp.io web site (by leonkosak)
- PR #3046: Slovenian translations for the admin.abp.io web site (by leonkosak)
- PR #3043: SLovenian translations for Volo.Abp.Emailing package (by leonkosak)
- PR #3042: Slovenian translations for the abp.io web site (by leonkosak)
- ISSUE #2984: Change endpoint to query roles when assigning to a user
- ISSUE #2983: Create an endpoint to query all roles
- ISSUE #2977: Should set default roles for new external users
- PR #2972: Allow replace & delete BundleContributor. (by maliming)
- PR #2971: Cascading entities should not be deleted when soft deleting entities. (by maliming)
Bug Fixes
- ISSUE #3142: The type WindowsPrincipal has been forwarded to assembly 'System.Security.Principal.Windows'
- ISSUE #3117: Physical razor files are not overridding the virtual files
- ISSUE #3013: CLI template creation versioning problem
- PR #3193: feature: add admin email and password fields to new tenant form (by mehmet-erim)
- PR #3191: Translate background worker document (by liangshiw)
- PR #3164: Update document (by liangshiw)
- PR #3160: updated (by AkinSabriCam)
- PR #3158: feat: change roles endpoint when assigning to a user (by mehmet-erim)
- PR #3156: feat(account): add multi tenancy enabled control to tenant box (by mehmet-erim)
- ISSUE #3155: Cli: Make retry process shorter when trying to retrieve latest version on nuget and log for only debug
- ISSUE #3154: Bug: Switc-to-preview/stable command unable to switch npm packages
- PR #3153: revert incorrect changes from blog module (by AkinSabriCam)
- PR #3151: Added DBMS restrictions in Entity-Framework-Core-Other-DBMS. (by maliming)
- PR #3136: Fix unicode anchor links. (by maliming)
- PR #3122: Upgrade MailKit to 2.5.2. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #3119: Chinese document bookmarks not work
- ISSUE #3118: Upgrade MailKit to v2.5.1
- PR #3115: fix: return empty object from getSettings when keyword is not found (by armanozak)
- PR #3113: Fix document link (by liangshiw)
- PR #3109: docs: add config state usage (by armanozak)
- ISSUE #3108: Create Documentation for ConfigState Usage
- PR #3106: Created react-native app template (by mehmet-erim)
- ISSUE #3105: Module template is missing localization files.
- PR #3103: Backgroundworkerbase logger properties use concrete types as generic parameters (by liangshiw)
- PR #3094: docs(angular): custom setting page document (by thediaval)
- PR #3089: Add Arabic resource to AbpUi (by abdumostafa)
- ISSUE #3082: Updated the documentation of the docs module to support elasitc.
- PR #3079: Docs update label improvements (by yekalkan)
- PR #3078: CLI removes unnecessary checks when using custom template sources (by liangshiw)
- ISSUE #3075: Remove Identity test module dependencies from Account module Tests
- PR #3073: Update docs module document (by liangshiw)
- PR #3072: docs: added localization, permission management, component replacement documents for Angular UI (by mehmet-erim)
- PR #3069: Make the PropertyChanges property of EntityChange virtual. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #3066: how use UseLazyLoadingProxies ?
- PR #3060: Restore the sourceFile variable. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #3056: Guide to customize the pre-build application modules
- ISSUE #3054: abp cli bug
- PR #3040: Update cli documentation(--with-source-code). (by maliming)
- ISSUE #3038: Document IHasExtraProperties interface
- PR #3036: Invalid links on Quartz background worker docs (by olicooper)
- PR #3029: Cli: changed nuget version info resource (by yekalkan)
- PR #3021: Update options names in documentation. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #2992: Update min VS version
- PR #2986: added multi tenancy info and current tenant dto class (by AkinSabriCam)
- PR #2985: Create an endpoint to query all roles. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #2982: AbpApplicationConfigurationController should also return a value indicates that if multi-tenancy is enabled or not.
- PR #2973: Create Background-Workers' documentation (by cotur)
- PR #2955: Add extra enumeration large size to bootstrap modal (by viewtance)
- ISSUE #2942: Update EF Core Database Migrations document for #2941
- ISSUE #2879: Disabled Multi-Tenancy and get the boolean
- ISSUE #956: Implement multitenancy on microservice demo