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Releases: PharmaLedger-IMI/epi-workspace


09 Jan 15:13
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22 Dec 11:03
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Bug Fixes for Functional Sepeficiation
Non functional and Security Fixes (eg audit issues in Demiurge )
New feature in DSU-Fabric to restore DSUs when backup processes got wrong

Non functional and Security Fixes
Graceful termination behavior in APIHUB and Dockerfiles #968
MAHs firewalls API Authorization token in BDNS #1060
Review and fix log level concept in ApiHub #1077
Verify PRs in trust loader and ApiHub regarding to security fixes (sreads in logs) #1108
Check app behavior when bricks are missing #1082
Check the type of key sent in URLs to the cloud agent. #908
Upgrade Quorum to 22.7.3 #1061
Avoid caching DSUs in "leaflet" component (avoid memory leaks in APIHUb or inconsistencies) #1116
Enable debug by default, restrict only in helm charts defaults #1121
Analyse errs about deleting indexes #1059

Tasks implementing the new features
Recover failed message button #1101 - Backup/Restore

Bug Fixes
Reset wallets if users are removed from Demiurge groups #872
json import: view response button #992
Demiurge Wallet: Screen gets freeze after displaying error while adding invalid DID into group #1032
EXP date from today is NOT expired #1036
Poor error handling on Demiurge when Breaking Glass code is recovered. #1062
Fix SSO session expiry #1064
LPWA - Table display issue #1065
Failed to create multiple wallets #1071
JSON upload for batch and product accepts values for greyed out fields #1072
Focus issues for camera on new Android devices #1075
Review and fix primary keys for audit logs #1078
Audit Trail for failed uploaded product and batch shows wrong command #1080
Audit trail shows entries which were not maintained #1083
Demiurge Wallet: Screen does not enable first user to select DID Type though the message has indication #1084
Demiurge Wallet: First Demiurge User is unable to proceed with User Identity creation as screen freezes at "Initialising" stage #1086
Redirection from '' when press back home #1088
Validate that versionTypeNumber to be always 1 #1090
Import messages fix: Manual Datasource refresh after a few seconds #1103
Fix the issue in browsers with require created by the #1060 fix #1110
Localisation for Belgium POC #807
Update ENG text, based on google docs #1053
In Enterprise Wallet, "My Account" and "User As Holder" refer to same screen then what is the point in having two different name #1056
Comparing User ID display, it looks the EW and DW has different consideration #1057
What is the point in showing recovery code text field after creating identity for SSO enabled Demiurge Wallet #1063
Verify that global handler outputs CRITICAL entries #1076
Disable Credentials and Enclave tabs in Demiurge #1087
Update of leaflet should work without first deleting it #1092
Prevent deletion of the "single" member in a Demurge groups #1096
Improvement - Import Functionality in Product/Batch should allow to import JSON file #1112
Use English texts for terms_modal_subtitle in LPWA (will be translated together with main content) #1113
Demiurge go to home page on logo click. #1117
Duplicated message in trust-loader #1118
Duplicated Leaflet operations on batch. #1127
ePI Demiurge Wallet Freeze / Crash when member is added/removed/add/removed in Same Group. #1089

Configuration Changes
QA Network preparation - persistent repo for configs #1027
Better defaults in helm charts #1106


25 Nov 14:06
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New business features
Demiurge preparations for qualification (security enhancing using OpenDSU encalves)

New technical/security features
Update node to version 18 in 1.6.1 #1048
Allow loading specific versions of a DSU #924
OS PhamraLedger PR merge (for demiurge) #1013
Client-side redirection static code analisis issue #1020
Investigate errors in console #1039
Readiness component in ApiHub #1042
Logging - add event type Id for logs in APIHub #1043
Deep Scan issues in overweite-require #1050

Security improvements, cleanings
Unit test to prove that data on rest in encrypted with the "root key" #948
Key rotations for the Secrets Encryption Key #982
Use the "Secrets Encryption Key" stored in a vault and encrypt the Secrets embedded database #981
Passphrase encrypted unit test #999
Move MQ in production mode #1004

Tasks implementing the new features
Set network in LWPA from URL #1008
Validation for batchid in dsu-fabric #1010
Better errors in LPWA #1025
Demiurge Wallet: Audit Trail is not showing entry for First Admin User registration/ Login for very first time #1029
new error descriptions for LWA #1035

Bug Fixes
Import screen: command field not populated anymore #978
json import: view response button #992
Wrong error message when scanning wrong barcode #995
LWPA small CSS inconsistencies #1005
Wrong message about camera in LPWA #1011
CSS issues in LPWA #1018
Avoid randomness in the Const DSUs (to avoid backup issues) #1019
Error when first opening products page in Enterprise wallet #1022
LPWA is unable to load previously added leaflet #1023
Demiurge Wallet does not close pop up message after DID creation #1028
Misconfiguration in Batches page of E.W. #1030
Demiurge Wallet: Error/ warning/ information Messages appear at the top right corner of the screen can be considered to stay more longer #1031
Remove green "i" icons from LPWA #1033
Correctly parse verifiable credential received from admin in EW #1034
Business Audit trail wrong for batch creation #1046
Check expiration date client side to avoid any issue with different time zones #1045

Security Fixes
The Break Glass Recovery Code should be available only for the first Demiurge administrator #980
Business audit log: field names differ from UI and json #986
json upload product: mandatory field not considered #987
Remove corner case for vault domains #1014
Fix localMQAdapter memory leak #1040

Configuration Changes

Other - eg Optimisation, documentation
Send audit info in system logs (AUDIT 0x101) #966
Remove not needed fields from Product overview screen #977
Audit fixes: user access entries #983
All times should be in ISO 8601 #984
System logs in JSON #991
Progress popup on CSV download #1007
Update Design Specs with the info regarding the mapping between SSO id and the DW user DID #1021
Health check : use /installation-details that should provide something simpler when not in development #1041

Demiurge Wallet: Screen gets freeze after displaying error while adding invalid DID into group #1032


01 Nov 16:03
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New business features
Demiurge preparations for qualification (security enhancing using OpenDSU encalves)

New technical/security features
Security improvements, cleanings
[Fix for the "Lost SeedSSIs Corner Case" (Support path key concept in Wallet Enclave)]
Opened in [PharmaLedger-IMI/epi-workspace]
[Custom Load Distribution in LWPA]
[Add more detailed debugging logs to OauthMiddleware]

[Prevent APIHub from being restarted when error is thrown]
[MAH URL detection API (for LWPA)]

Tasks implementing the new features
[Recovery phrase for the Demiurge Shared Enclave]
[A modal (Popup) is required during "Export as CSV" operations]

Bug Fixes
[Native app and LWA font sizing]
[In search the arrows (Next and Previous) does not work properly on Android]
Back screen on iOS app #938
[Investigate failed to load card error]
[Leaflet] Make sure that li nodes from ul and ol type lists use data-enum attribute to get properly rendered #943
[[Lightweight PWA] check that all types of xmls are parsed accordingly]
[Bug in release scripts: Package.json ePI version is still 1.5.3 but the tag is 1.5.4]
[No settings icon available for Lightweight PWA, iOS]
[Batch overview screen in wallet]
[Audit -> Export as CSV feature in Enterprise Wallet not working]
[LPWA - Adjust menu for mobile view]
[LPWA fix position for scan button]
[Demiurge Audit Trail bugs]
[Demiurge Wallet enters an error state on login if the user was not added to group]
[Fix mq 'ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT' error]
[Remove close button on DW modals]
[json upload product: mandatory field not considered]
[Fix the index issue in the PWA]
[Align the design of the additional screens in LWPA with the normal PWA (full screen)]

Security Fixes
[Fix critical and mandatory items form the security report (in private repo)]

Configuration Changes
[Default features in mobile apps]
[Flags in index of the APIHUb to remove PWA (qualification issue)]
[Put the network name in "Settings" near the application version]
[LWPA improvement for QA: take BDNS domain from localstorage (from query params)]

Other - eg Optimisation, documentation
[Mobile App performance issues]
[Investigate how you can revert a permission access deny (Web/iOS/Android)]
[Align/redesign the humberger menu in LWPA (]
[Improve error handling and user experience when GTIN does not exist]
[Check proper usage of indexes in DSU Fabric]
[Expiry date should be checked in all conditions]


03 Oct 08:07
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New business features
Demiurge preparations for qualification (security enhancing using OpenDSU encalves)

New technical/security features
Security improvements, cleanings
Terms and Conditions and Data Privacy Statement #126
Demiurge Audit Log Enhancements #639
Export Audit log as csv file #873
Warning on jailbroken devices #622
Native apps user info updates #886
FS-SEC-004 - System provides report on user access #685
Backup process for demo network #778
Jailbreak on iOS detection and warning #835
Jailbreak on Android detection and warning #836
Generic Middleware for ACDC #867
Optimizations (eg. loading)
Performance improvements: optimize OpenDSU SDK and bundling process
Improve the Verifiable Credentials support
/// Added by Lukas
Add more ApiHub/Application metrics to be available for logging tools (e.g. prometheus)
(tbd) Develop a blockchain network visualization dashboard

Tasks implementing the new features
Acodis lealfet xml updated. #929
LWA - camera not accessible in Firefox browser in mobile device #916
Batch messages should get a separate modal dialog #861
Product Master issues in enterprise wallet - MVP1 #876
Native apps - Search feature enhancements #890
Expire check depends on batch settings in LPWA #925
Timestamp from Demiurge auditlog should be displayed to local format #904
FS-SEC-004 - System provides report on user access #685
Remove "display leaflet if" flags from code #913
Remove guide button form native app scanning #923
[Accesss Management - Authorization-Role-based access control] Forced logout from wallets if users are removed from Demiurge groups #872 - test case to be created
Add a next/previous arrows in the leaflet search functionality #870 - test case to be created
Invented Name can be changed via Update API for product #736 - test case to be created
Blue loader in the trust-loader #869
Lightweight PWA enhancements #884 - test cases to be created
Native App User Info. Enhancements #886 - test cases to be created

Bug Fixes
Investigate ePI - Demo Network - Experiencing lag & error #789
Mobile App performance issues #688
Audit timestamps were displayed in the wrong format #904
Add ePI option at product/batch level should support only "leaflet" type #911
No error message while saving a batch without batch ID #912
Typo in "Patient Wallet" on landing page #885
In MVP1 we do not display warnings if the batch doesn't exist #917
SSO enabled Demiurge Wallet is failing to load screen after entering correct PIN #814
A spinner on PIN submission screen can provide better user experience while keeping the user on wait to login to Demiurge Wallet #819
commitBatch method fails in apihub mapping engine #860
Whitelist mq requests in OauthMiddleware to allow session timeout #844
Invalid date getting accepted via Import JSON and APIs during batch update #892
Lightweight PWA - Wrong output for unknown batch #883
Remove DIDs from groups (disable wallets) #751
Update "Pharmaledger" to "PharmaLedger" on LWA #839
If setup network is wrong on mobile app scan there is no error (app freezes). Add proper error. #878
Mixed up fileds #880
Different output in LWA and native app when a 2D code with invalid date is scanned #889
For unknown message type (mapping engine) there are no logs in audit and failed to digest message list. #743
Replace “Scan 2D code” with “Scan Datamatrix” in the LWA #827
Native app language - App is not considering device's language while displaying leaflet #896
Mismatch in Progressive Web App running on Desktop Browser and Native iOS content when Data Matrix is scanned. #842
LPWA wrong "product is expired" #915
Security Fixes
/// Added by Lukas
Update to the latest version for Linux distributions and of the node (minor versions) #882
Resend failed transactions to blockchain #919
Fix critical and mandatory items form the security report (in private repo) #887
Security Cleanings for 1.5.4 #875
Quorum Blockchain Version Upgrade #760
Error handling in apihub #918
SeedSSIs were removed from apihub logs #921

Configuration Changes
FeatureFlag for easter egg in mobile apps #905
Other - eg Optimisation, documentation



09 Aug 10:10
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New business features
Belgium POC finalisetion (localisation, bug fixes)
Lightweight PWA tunings (
Demiurge preparations for qualification
New UI/UX, New texts in UI/UX Bugs, translations
Improvements in the security and functionality of the mobile apps (finalise the transition to the new UX)
New XML format for leaflets

New technical/security features
Security improvements, cleanings
Optimizations (eg. loading)
Performance improvements: optimize OpenDSU SDK and bundling process
Improve the Verifiable Credentials support

Tasks implementing the new features
Localisation for Belgium POC #807
Update dsu-fabric-ssapp ui #854
Update demiurge wallet ui #851
Add notification/status message on top of leaflet as in design #826
Easter Egg for the advanced feature in the mobile APP #724
Allow apihub to get the bdns configuration from git repo #806
APIHub endpoint to remove the mapping between SSO and wallets #761

Bug Fixes
Issues on new design #805
Ensure indent for lists and sublists in new leaflet format #815
for ios on scan page header is not visible when scan is started. #821
Set borders to all tables from the new leaflet type #813
[ACF] Investigate the communication problem between ACF SSApps and leafletSSApp #824
Fix language select view on safari #838
Leaflet display issues and enhancement #828
Lightweight PWA - Incorrect output when a product/batch is scanned with missing leaflet #786
Native mobile app not working when pointed to Dev environment #745
DSU is not anchored after index creation #840
No error message when required fields are excluded while importing JSON for product/batch #852
Mapping engine error when processing product messages #837
Fix problems with the new XML format #809
Heart beating for long polling - configurable timeout - due middle of July - for FGT #791
Fix for ethadapter deployment #834
Update mobile app and pwa leaflet fonts similar to lightweight-pwa #845
Batch version is not getting updated when upload or delete (of leaflet/smpc) operation is done via APIs #734
When either Leaflet or SMPC is uploaded at the time of product/batch creation - the mobile wallet does not show any details about the type of the document - it just opens the document directly #487
Lightweight PWA - Issue with font size in different screen resolution #788

Passing the wrong token in PUT API header returns 500 error code instead of 401 #551
Demiurge Wallet Audit Requirements #694

Security Fixes

Users with read-only access to the DSU-Fabric content #570
Demiurge Wallet Audit Requirements #694
Get domain from DID in MqHandler #853

Configuration Changes
Disable SSO during build process #843

Other - eg Optimisation, documentation

Rename ACDC to DFM in all places #723
Cache in the Cloud Agent component #833
Remove all keySSIs from DB. Const product DSUs will not be mounted inside Const batch DSUs. #848



04 Jul 10:09
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Patch for v1.5.0 containing the features to get bdns information from git repo


01 Jul 15:10
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New business features
Lightweight PWA tunnings (
Improve the e-Compendium integration APIs (also generate HTLM for lightweightPWA)
Demiurge preparations for qualification
New UI/UX, New texts in UI/UX Bugs, translations

New technical/security features
Finalize helm-charts based deployment (stability, simplified/standardised too )
Other security improvements, cleanings,
Optimizations (eg. loading)
Belgium POC Preparations
Performance improvements: optimize OpenDSU SDK and bundling process
Improve the Verifiable Credentials support with GS1 library

Eth/Adapter improvements Chore #616
Implement Optimistic Blockchain strategy in anchoring (OBA) #795
Create new Anchoring strategy called OBA #800
Fix the performance test fail in db Chore #663
Merge INCM and PDM PRs. Release mobile apps #782
Resolve conflict with PR #794
Upgrade the ePI DEV network to epi application version v1.3.1 #611

Tasks implementing the new features

Lightweight PWA improvements enhancement #774
leaflet ssapp new design enhancement #802
leaflet ssapp on-board page - new design #775
Fixes and updates for new design bug enhancement #804

Bug Fixes

Failed to get user details in demiurge on slow connection bug #626
Wallet token should be allowed in the request body bug #733
Performance adjustments for Loki embedded db #796
Ensure that product and batch dsus are mounted with sread ssi and not seed ssi in mappings. #799
Check locking in the FS anchoring (possible issue with fileWriteSync) Chore #669

Security Fixes

Configuration Changes
Prepare bdns for demo network #793
Refactor helm plugins to use the folder structure from Pharmaledger-IMI/epi-shared-configuration #759
Remove git-upload job quorum-node helm chart #792



14 Jun 15:33
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New business features
Lightweight PWA :
Improve the e-Compendium integration APIs (also generate HTLM for lightweightPWA)
Demiurge preparations for qualification (not completed, partial implementation in this intermediate release)
New texts, UI/UX Bugs, translations, etc
Belgium demo preparations (admin component) - partial implementation, impovments planed for June

New technical/security features
Finalize helm-charts based deployment (stability, simplified/standardised too )
Other security improvements, cleanings,
Optimizations (eg. loading)
Belgium POC Preparations
Start Technical implementation of the new UX design
Performance improvements: optimize OpenDSU SDK and bundling process
Improve the Verifiable Credentials support with GS1 library

Tasks implementing the new features
Prepare the Belgium POC scrips (uniform deployment over helm-charts for standard AWS clusters) #707
Add a read only group in demiurge and share the shared enclave via SReadSSI #762
Read only/ Write access groups in Demurge #711
Helm charts automation epic #605
Make iOS ACF easier to test
Host lightweight PWA in GitHub pages #771
Add language selection for lightweight-pwa #769
Create a lightweight PWA - 1st POC #729

Second stage of reducing apihub docker image (remove dependencies from octopus privatesky) #687
Demo preparation task: admin APIs #765
Reorganize the build (ex, in case we are building the API hub, build only the specifics for this app, without building adapter/other components)? It will really help reduce image sizes, and, subsequently, reduce load time and keep the container clean of non-necessary components. We also can think on running it on a slim node image (±500Mb), if the build is done in multi-stage. #477
Add "template" middleware in APIHub #767
Proper support for W3C VC #633
Investigate the strange errors in console.log of the leaflet app: #699

Bug Fixes
Inconsistent output when batch is unknown or missing from data matrix code #755
Scanning wrong SN displays product not found #758
Mobile app unable to scan code containing only GTIN or GTIN + unknown batch #659
Demiurge Wallet - New demiurge account not getting created correctly if relevant tab is closed #740
SSO related observations #668

Security Fixes
Change the form of the DIDs wallets #754
Mask PIN numbers by default during SSO logins #749
Make the selection of the did type and stuff readonly #750
Segregation of duties in Demiurge #752
[Proper secrets management from environment that also does not interfere with developing process #489]