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#871 move initialisation of object ts to a separate function
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vincentvanhees committed Aug 7, 2023
1 parent e392cf1 commit 8acaa96
Showing 4 changed files with 100 additions and 60 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ export(g.analyse, g.calibrate,
ShellDoc2Vignette, parametersVignette,
convertEpochData, appendRecords, extractID, g.part5_analyseSegment)
convertEpochData, appendRecords, extractID,
g.part5_analyseSegment, g.part5_initialise_ts)
importFrom("grDevices", "colors", "", "pdf","rainbow","rgb")
importFrom("graphics", "abline", "axis", "par", "plot", "",
"rect","axis.POSIXct", "barplot", "box", "legend",
70 changes: 11 additions & 59 deletions R/g.part5.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ g.part5 = function(datadir = c(), metadatadir = c(), f0=c(), f1=c(),
params_general = c(), verbose = TRUE, ...) {
options(encoding = "UTF-8")
Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "C") # set language to English
# description: function called by
# aimed to merge the milestone output from g.part2, g.part3, and g.part4
# in order to create a merged report of both physical activity and sleep
# This function called by function GGIR
# and aims to combine all the milestone output from the previous parts
# in order to facilitate a varierty of analysis on time-use, interactions
# between day and night activity, and circadian rhythms
# Extract and check parameters
input = list(...)
@@ -82,7 +83,6 @@ g.part5 = function(datadir = c(), metadatadir = c(), f0=c(), f1=c(),
# specify parameters
ffdone = fnames.ms5 #ffdone is now a list of files that have already been processed by g.part5
# fnames.ms3 = sort(fnames.ms3)
if (f1 > length(fnames.ms3)) f1 = length(fnames.ms3) # this is intentionally ms3 and not ms4, do not change!
params_phyact[["boutdur.mvpa"]] = sort(params_phyact[["boutdur.mvpa"]],decreasing = TRUE)
params_phyact[["boutdur.lig"]] = sort(params_phyact[["boutdur.lig"]],decreasing = TRUE)
@@ -186,58 +186,14 @@ g.part5 = function(datadir = c(), metadatadir = c(), f0=c(), f1=c(),
M$metashort = M$metashort[-expanded_short,]
M$metalong = M$metalong[-expanded_long,]
# extract key variables from the mile-stone data: time, acceleration and elevation angle
# note that this is imputed ACCELERATION because we use this for describing behaviour:
scale = ifelse(test = grepl("^Brond|^Neishabouri|^ZC", params_general[["acc.metric"]]), yes = 1, no = 1000)
# if (length(which(names(IMP$metashort) == "anglez")) == 0 & verbose == TRUE) {
# cat("Warning: anglez not extracted. Please check that do.anglez == TRUE")
# }
if ("anglez" %in% names(IMP$metashort)) {
ts = data.frame(time = IMP$metashort[,1], ACC = IMP$metashort[,params_general[["acc.metric"]]] * scale,
guider = rep("unknown", nrow(IMP$metashort)),
angle = as.numeric(as.matrix(IMP$metashort[,which(names(IMP$metashort) == "anglez")])))
} else {
ts = data.frame(time = IMP$metashort[,1], ACC = IMP$metashort[,params_general[["acc.metric"]]] * scale,
guider = rep("unknown", nrow(IMP$metashort)))

# Initialise time series data.frame (ts) which will hold the time series
# which forms the center of all part 5 activity
ts = g.part5_initialise_ts(IMP, M, params_247, params_general)
Nts = nrow(ts)
# add non-wear column
nonwear = IMP$rout[,5]
nonwear = rep(nonwear, each = (IMP$windowsizes[2]/IMP$windowsizes[1]))
if (length(nonwear) > Nts) {
nonwear = nonwear[1:Nts]
} else if (length(nonwear) < Nts) {
nonwear = c(nonwear, rep(0, (Nts - length(nonwear))))
ts$nonwear = 0 # initialise column
ts$nonwear = nonwear
lightpeak_available = "lightpeak" %in% colnames(M$metalong)
# Check if temperature and light are availble
if (lightpeak_available == TRUE) {
luz = M$metalong$lightpeak
if (length(params_247[["LUX_cal_constant"]]) > 0 &
length(params_247[["LUX_cal_exponent"]]) > 0) { # re-calibrate light
luz = params_247[["LUX_cal_constant"]] * exp(params_247[["LUX_cal_exponent"]] * luz)
handle_luz_extremes = g.part5.handle_lux_extremes(luz)
luz = handle_luz_extremes$lux
correction_log = handle_luz_extremes$correction_log
# repeate values to match resolution of other data
repeatvalues = function(x, windowsizes, Nts) {
x = rep(x, each = (windowsizes[2]/windowsizes[1]))
if (length(x) > Nts) {
x = x[1:Nts]
} else if (length(x) < Nts) {
x = c(x, rep(0, (Nts - length(x))))
luz = repeatvalues(x = luz, windowsizes = IMP$windowsizes, Nts)
correction_log = repeatvalues(x = correction_log, windowsizes = IMP$windowsizes, Nts)
ts$lightpeak_imputationcode = ts$lightpeak = 0 # initialise column
ts$lightpeak = luz
ts$lightpeak_imputationcode = correction_log
lightpeak_available = "lightpeak" %in% names(ts)

rm(IMP, M ,I)
clock2numtime = function(x) { # function used for converting sleeplog times to hour times
x2 = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(x, ":"))) / c(1, 60, 3600)
@@ -347,9 +303,6 @@ g.part5 = function(datadir = c(), metadatadir = c(), f0=c(), f1=c(),
if (length(tail_expansion_log) != 0 & nrow(ts) > max(nightsi)) nightsi[length(nightsi) + 1] = nrow(ts) # include last window
Nts = nrow(ts)
# if ("angle" %in% colnames(ts)) {
# ts = ts[, -which(colnames(ts) == "angle")]
# }
# Use to classify naps, non-wear and integrate these in time series
# does not depend on bout detection criteria or window definitions.
@@ -508,7 +461,6 @@ g.part5 = function(datadir = c(), metadatadir = c(), f0=c(), f1=c(),
for (si in next_si:(next_si + length(segments) - 1)) {
fi = 1
current_segment_i = si - next_si + 1

segStart = segments[[current_segment_i]][1]
segEnd = segments[[current_segment_i]][2]
if (si > nrow(dsummary)) dsummary = rbind(dsummary, matrix(data = "", nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(dsummary)))
58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions R/g.part5_initialise_ts.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
g.part5_initialise_ts = function(IMP, M, params_247, params_general) {

# extract key variables from the mile-stone data: time, acceleration and elevation angle
# note that this is imputed ACCELERATION because we use this for describing behaviour:
scale = ifelse(test = grepl("^Brond|^Neishabouri|^ZC", params_general[["acc.metric"]]), yes = 1, no = 1000)
# if (length(which(names(IMP$metashort) == "anglez")) == 0 & verbose == TRUE) {
# cat("Warning: anglez not extracted. Please check that do.anglez == TRUE")
# }

if ("anglez" %in% names(IMP$metashort)) {
ts = data.frame(time = IMP$metashort[,1], ACC = IMP$metashort[,params_general[["acc.metric"]]] * scale,
guider = rep("unknown", nrow(IMP$metashort)),
angle = as.numeric(as.matrix(IMP$metashort[,which(names(IMP$metashort) == "anglez")])))
} else {
ts = data.frame(time = IMP$metashort[,1], ACC = IMP$metashort[,params_general[["acc.metric"]]] * scale,
guider = rep("unknown", nrow(IMP$metashort)))
Nts = nrow(ts)
# add non-wear column
nonwear = IMP$rout[,5]
nonwear = rep(nonwear, each = (IMP$windowsizes[2]/IMP$windowsizes[1]))
if (length(nonwear) > Nts) {
nonwear = nonwear[1:Nts]
} else if (length(nonwear) < Nts) {
nonwear = c(nonwear, rep(0, (Nts - length(nonwear))))
ts$nonwear = 0 # initialise column
ts$nonwear = nonwear
lightpeak_available = "lightpeak" %in% colnames(M$metalong)
# Check if temperature and light are availble
if (lightpeak_available == TRUE) {
luz = M$metalong$lightpeak
if (length(params_247[["LUX_cal_constant"]]) > 0 &
length(params_247[["LUX_cal_exponent"]]) > 0) { # re-calibrate light
luz = params_247[["LUX_cal_constant"]] * exp(params_247[["LUX_cal_exponent"]] * luz)
handle_luz_extremes = g.part5.handle_lux_extremes(luz)
luz = handle_luz_extremes$lux
correction_log = handle_luz_extremes$correction_log
# repeate values to match resolution of other data
repeatvalues = function(x, windowsizes, Nts) {
x = rep(x, each = (windowsizes[2]/windowsizes[1]))
if (length(x) > Nts) {
x = x[1:Nts]
} else if (length(x) < Nts) {
x = c(x, rep(0, (Nts - length(x))))
luz = repeatvalues(x = luz, windowsizes = IMP$windowsizes, Nts)
correction_log = repeatvalues(x = correction_log, windowsizes = IMP$windowsizes, Nts)
ts$lightpeak_imputationcode = ts$lightpeak = 0 # initialise column
ts$lightpeak = luz
ts$lightpeak_imputationcode = correction_log

29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions man/g.part5_initialise_ts.Rd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
Initialise time series data from for part 5
Initialise time series dataframe ts, part of \link{g.part5}.
g.part5_initialise_ts(IMP, M, params_247, params_general)
Object derived from \link{g.part2}
Object derived from \link{g.part1}.
See \link{GGIR}
See \link{GGIR}
Data.frame ts

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