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Lance Pollard edited this page Apr 12, 2012 · 1 revision


doctype 5
html ->
  head ->
    partial "shared/meta"
  body role: "application", ->
    if hasContentFor "templates"
      yields "templates"
    nav id: "navigation", role: "navigation", ->
      div class: "frame", ->
        partial "shared/navigation"
    header id: "header", role: "banner", ->
      div class: "frame", ->
        #if hasFlash()
        #  renderFlash()
        partial "shared/header"
    section id: "body", role: "main", ->
      div class: "frame", ->
        yields "body"
        aside id: "sidebar", role: "complementary", ->
          if hasContentFor "sidebar"
            yields "sidebar"
    footer id: "footer", role: "contentinfo", ->
      div class: "frame", ->
        partial "shared/footer"
  if hasContentFor "popups"
    aside id: "popups", ->
      yields "popups"
  if hasContentFor "bottom"
    yields "bottom"


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