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Lance Pollard edited this page Apr 12, 2012
1 revision
Tower routes are modeled after Rails' routes. Here's how you might write a few for a blogging app:
Tower.Route.draw ->
@match "/login", to: "sessions#new", via: "get", as: "login"
@resources "posts", ->
@resources "comments"
@namespace "admin", ->
@resources "posts", ->
@resources "comments", only: "index"
@resources "users", ->
@resources "comments", only: "index"
@namespace "mobile", constraints: {subdomain: /^mobile$/}, ->
@root "/", to: "mobile#index"
@match "(/*path)", to: "application#index"
Tower.Route.draw ->
# this...
@resources "posts"
# is equivalent to this...
@match "/posts", to: "posts#index", via: "get"
@match "/posts/new", to: "posts#new", via: "get"
@match "/posts", to: "posts#create", via: "post"
@match "/posts/:id", to: "posts#show", via: "get"
@match "/posts/:id/edit", to: "posts#edit", via: "get"
@match "/posts/:id", to: "posts#update", via: "put"
@match "/posts/:id", to: "posts#destroy", via: "delete"
Here is a complete example straight from the Rails 3.2 test suite, soon to be in the Tower test suite.
Tower.Route.draw ->
@defaultUrlOptions host: ""
@resourcesPathNames correlationIndexes: "infoAboutCorrelationIndexes"
@controller "sessions", ->
@get "login": "new"
@post "login": "create"
@destroy "logout": "destroy"
@resource "session", ->
@get "create"
@post "reset"
@resource "info"
@member, ->
@get "crush"
@scope "bookmark", controller: "bookmarks", as: "bookmark", ->
@get "new", path: "build"
@post "create", path: "create", as: ""
@put "update"
@get "remove", action: "destroy", as: "remove"
@scope "pagemark", controller: "pagemarks", as: "pagemark", ->
@get "new", path: "build"
@post "create", as: ""
@put "update"
@get "remove", action: "destroy", as: "remove"
@match "account/logout": redirect("/logout"), as: "logoutRedirect"
@match "account/login", to: redirect("/login")
@match "secure", to: redirect("/secure/login")
@match "mobile", to: redirect(subdomain: "mobile")
@match "superNewDocumentation", to: redirect(host: "")
@match "youtubeFavorites/"youtubeId"/"name"", to: redirect(YoutubeFavoritesRedirector)
@constraints ((request) -> true), ->
@match "account/overview"
@match "/account/nested/overview"
@match signIn: "sessions#new"
@match "account/modulo/:name", to: @redirect("/%{name}s")
@match "account/proc/:name", to: @redirect((params, request) -> "/#{}")
@match "account/procReq": @redirect((params, request) "/#{req.method}")
@match "account/google": @redirect("", status: 302)
@match "openid/login", via: ["get", "post"], to: "openid#login"
@controller "global", ->
@get "global/hideNotice"
@match "global/export", to: "export", as: "exportRequest"
@match "/export/"id"/"file"", to: "export", as: "exportDownload", constraints: { file: /.*/ }
@match "global/"action""
@match "/local/"action"", controller: "local"
@match "/projects/status(."format")"
@match "/404", to: lambda { |env| [404, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}, ["NOT FOUND"]] }
@constraints(ip: /192\.168\.1\.\d\d\d/), ->
@get "admin": "queenbee#index"
@constraints :"TestRoutingMapper":"IpRestrictor", ->
@get "admin/accounts": "queenbee#accounts"
@get "admin/passwords": "queenbee#passwords", constraints: :"TestRoutingMapper":"IpRestrictor"
@scope "pt", as: "pt", ->
@resources "projects", pathNames: { edit: "editar", new: "novo" }, path: "projetos", ->
@post "preview", on: "new"
@put "close", on: "member", path: "fechar"
@get "open", on: "new", path: "abrir"
@resource "admin", pathNames: { new: "novo", activate: "ativar" }, path: "administrador", ->
@post "preview", on: "new"
@put "activate", on: "member"
@resources "products", pathNames: { new: "novo" }, ->
@new, ->
@post "preview"
@resources "projects", controller: "project", ->
@resources "involvements", "attachments"
@get "correlationIndexes", on: "collection"
@resources "participants", ->
@put "updateAll", on: "collection"
@resources "companies", ->
@resources "people"
@resource "avatar", controller: "avatar"
@resources "images", as: "funnyImages", ->
@post "revise", on: "member"
@resource "manager", as: "superManager", ->
@post "fire"
@resources "people", ->
@nested, ->
@scope "/"accessToken"", ->
@resource "avatar"
@member, ->
@get "somePathWithName"
@put "accessibleProjects"
@post "resend", "generateNewPassword"
@resources "posts", ->
@get "archive", "toggleView", on: "collection"
@post "preview", on: "member"
@resource "subscription"
@resources "comments", ->
@post "preview", on: "collection"
@resources "replies", ->
@collection, ->
@get "page/"page"": "replies#index", page: %r{\d+}
@get ""page"": "replies#index", page: %r{\d+}
@new, ->
@post "preview"
@member, ->
@put "answer", to: "markAsAnswer"
@delete "answer", to: "unmarkAsAnswer"
@resources "posts", only: ["index", "show"], ->
@namespace "admin", ->
@root to: "index#index"
@resources "comments", except: "destroy", ->
@get "views": "comments#views", as: "views"
@resource "past", only: "destroy"
@resource "present", only: "update"
@resource "future", only: "create"
@resources "relationships", only: ["create", "destroy"]
@resources "friendships", only: ["update"]
@shallow, ->
@namespace "api", ->
@resources "teams", ->
@resources "players"
@resource "captain"
@scope "/hello", ->
@shallow, ->
@resources "notes", ->
@resources "trackbacks"
@resources "threads", shallow: true, ->
@resource "owner"
@resources "messages", ->
@resources "comments", ->
@member, ->
@post "preview"
@resources "sheep", ->
@get "_it", on: "member"
@resources "clients", ->
@namespace "google", ->
@resource "account", ->
@namespace "secret", ->
@resource "info"
@resources "customers", ->
@get "recent", on: "collection"
@get "profile", on: "member"
@get "secret/profile": "customers#secret", on: "member"
@post "preview": "customers#preview", as: "anotherPreview", on: "new"
@resource "avatar", ->
@get "thumbnail": "avatars#thumbnail", as: "thumbnail", on: "member"
@resources "invoices", ->
@get "outstanding": "invoices#outstanding", on: "collection"
@get "overdue", to: "overdue", on: "collection"
@get "print": "invoices#print", as: "print", on: "member"
@post "preview": "invoices#preview", as: "preview", on: "new"
@get "aged/"months"", on: "collection", action: "aged", as: "aged"
@resources "notes", shallow: true, ->
@get "preview": "notes#preview", as: "preview", on: "new"
@get "print": "notes#print", as: "print", on: "member"
@get "inactive", on: "collection"
@post "deactivate", on: "member"
@get "old", on: "collection", as: "stale"
@get "export"
@namespace "api", ->
@resources "customers", ->
@get "recent": "customers#recent", as: "recent", on: "collection"
@get "profile": "customers#profile", as: "profile", on: "member"
@post "preview": "customers#preview", as: "preview", on: "new"
@scope(""version"", version: /.+/), ->
@resources "users", id: /.+?/, format: /json|xml/
@match "sprockets.js": :"TestRoutingMapper":"SprocketsApp"
@match "people/"id"/update", to: "people#update", as: "updatePerson"
@match "/projects/"projectId"/people/"id"/update", to: "people#update", as: "updateProjectPerson"
# misc
@match "articles/"year"/"month"/"day"/"title"", to: "articles#show", as: "article"
# default params
@match "inlinePages/("id")", to: "pages#show", id: "home"
@match "defaultPages/("id")", to: "pages#show", defaults: { id: "home" }
@defaults id: "home", ->
@match "scopedPages/("id")", to: "pages#show"
@namespace "account", ->
@match "shorthand"
@match "description", to: "description", as: "description"
@match ""action"/callback", action: /twitter|github/, to: "callbacks", as: "callback"
@resource "subscription", "credit", "creditCard"
@root to: "account#index"
@namespace "admin", ->
@resource "subscription"
@namespace "forum", ->
@resources "products", path: "", ->
@resources "questions"
@namespace "users", path: "usuarios", ->
@root to: "home#index"
@controller "articles", ->
@scope "/articles", as: "article", ->
@scope path: "/"title"", title: /[a-z]+/, as: "withTitle", ->
@match "/"id"", to: "withId", as: ""
@scope ""accessToken"", constraints: { accessToken: /\w{5,5}/ }, ->
@resources "rooms"
@match "/info": "projects#info", as: "info"
@namespace "admin", ->
@scope "("locale")", locale: /en|pl/, ->
@resources "descriptions"
@scope "("locale")", locale: /en|pl/, ->
@get "registrations/new"
@resources "descriptions"
@root to: "projects#index"
@scope only: ["index", "show"], ->
@resources "products", constraints: { id: /\d{4}/ }, ->
@root to: "products#root"
@get "favorite", on: "collection"
@resources "images"
@resource "account"
@resource "dashboard", constraints: { ip: /192\.168\.1\.\d{1,3}/ }
@resource "token", module: "api"
@scope module: "api", ->
@resources "errors", shallow: true, ->
@resources "notices"
@scope path: "api", ->
@resource "me"
@match "/": "mes#index"
@get "(/"username")/followers": "followers#index"
@get "/groups(/user/"username")": "groups#index"
@get "(/user/"username")/photos": "photos#index"
@scope "(groups)", ->
@scope "(discussions)", ->
@resources "messages"
@match "whatever/"controller"(/"action"(/"id"))", id: /\d+/
@resource "profile", ->
@get "settings"
@new, ->
@post "preview"
@resources "content"
@namespace "transport", ->
@resources "taxis"
@namespace "medical", ->
@resource "taxis"
@scope constraints: { id: /\d+/ }, ->
@get "/tickets", to: "tickets#index", as: "tickets"
@scope constraints: { id: /\d{4}/ }, ->
@resources "movies", ->
@resources "reviews"
@resource "trailer"
@namespace "private", ->
@root to: redirect("/private/index")
@match "index", to: "private#index"
@scope only: ["index", "show"], ->
@namespace "only", ->
@resources "clubs", ->
@resources "players"
@resource "chairman"
@scope except: ["new", "create", "edit", "update", "destroy"], ->
@namespace "except", ->
@resources "clubs", ->
@resources "players"
@resource "chairman"
@namespace "wiki", ->
@resources "articles", id: /[^\/]+/, ->
@resources "comments", only: ["create", "new"]
@resources "wikiPages", path: "pages"
@resource "wikiAccount", path: "myAccount"
@scope only: "show", ->
@namespace "only", ->
@resources "sectors", only: "index", ->
@resources "companies", ->
@scope only: "index", ->
@resources "divisions"
@scope except: ["show", "update", "destroy"], ->
@resources "departments"
@resource "leader"
@resources "managers", except: ["show", "update", "destroy"]
@scope except: "index", ->
@namespace "except", ->
@resources "sectors", except: ["show", "update", "destroy"], ->
@resources "companies", ->
@scope except: ["show", "update", "destroy"], ->
@resources "divisions"
@scope only: "index", ->
@resources "departments"
@resource "leader"
@resources "managers", only: "index"
@resources "sections", id: /.+/, ->
@get "preview", on: "member"
@scope as: "routes", ->
@get "/c/"id"", as: "collision", to: "collision#show"
@get "/collision", to: "collision#show"
@get "/noCollision", to: "collision#show", as: nil
@get "/fc/"id"", as: "forcedCollision", to: "forcedCollision#show"
@get "/forcedCollision", as: "forcedCollision", to: "forcedCollision#show"
@match "/purchases/"token"/"filename"",
to: "purchases#fetch",
token: /[["alnum":]]{10}/,
filename: /(.+)/,
as: "purchase"
@resources "lists", id: /([A-Za-z0-9]{25})|default/, ->
@resources "todos", id: /\d+/
@scope "/countries/"country"", constraints: lambda { |params, req| params["country"].in?(["all", "France"]) }, ->
@match "/", to: "countries#index"
@match "/cities", to: "countries#cities"
@match "/countries/"country"/(*other)", to: redirect{ |params, req| params["other"] ? "/countries/all/#{params["other"]}" : "/countries/all" }
@match "/"locale"/*file."format"", to: "files#show", file: /path\/to\/existing\/file/
@scope "/italians", ->
@match "/writers", to: "italians#writers", constraints: :"TestRoutingMapper":"IpRestrictor"
@match "/sculptors", to: "italians#sculptors"
@match "/painters/"painter"", to: "italians#painters", constraints: {painter: /michelangelo/}