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Lance Pollard edited this page Apr 12, 2012 · 1 revision

Tower Application

The main application is defined in config/ and defaults to this:

class App extends Tower.Application
  @configure ->
    @use "favicon", Tower.publicPath + "/favicon.ico"
    @use "static",  Tower.publicPath, maxAge: Tower.publicCacheDuration
    @use "profiler" if Tower.env != "production"
    @use "logger"
    @use "query"
    @use "cookieParser", Tower.session.secret
    @use "session", Tower.session.key
    @use "bodyParser"
    @use "csrf"
    @use "methodOverride", "_method"
    @use Tower.Middleware.Agent
    @use Tower.Middleware.Location
    @use Tower.Middleware.Router

module.exports = global.App = App

The configure function is used to configure the application.

  • favicon points to the icon file displayed in the browser address bar.
  • static is used to set where public (static) files reside and define their cache duration on the client.
  • profiler is by default configured to only used only when the app is not in production mode (environment).

You can of course extend the configure function with your own application configuration logic as needed.


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