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mika edited this page Jan 30, 2020
3 revisions
- FilePath: Path to PCAP file (Note: If you want to load from StreamingAssets/ folder, no need to enter full path, just the path under StreamingAssets/)
- LoadAtStart: Should we load PCAP file in Start() method, if disabled, you need to call CallThreadedPCAPReader() yourself
- CloudMaterial: Material (and shader) used for point cloud rendering
- CloneMaterial: Creates clone of the assigned material, Required if you have multiple viewers in same scene
- DisplayPoints: If disabled, doesnt draw points (not very useful)
- RenderOnlyMainCam: If disabled, renders to other cameras also (which doubles the rendering cost)
- UseMeshRendering: Draws point cloud using regular MeshRenderer (reguired for Android). Allows also to draw on depthtexture, if you need to use post processing like SSAO
- UseCommandBuffer: Use camera commandbuffer to draw points, allows setting specific pass when the points are drawn
- CamDrawPass: Camera pass to draw
- ForceDepthBufferPass: If enabled, draws the point cloud into depth pass separately
- CamDepthPass: Camera depth pass to draw into depth texture
- AdditionalCameras: If you need to draw into multiple cameras using CommandBuffer, assign the cameras here
- AutoPlay: Play received frames (if disabled, its paused)
- PlaybackDelay: Delay per frame (often 0 is good value if want instant playback)
- ConfigFile: Load device config.xml file from this path (Not recommended)
- LoadConfigAtStart: Loads config at Start() method (Not recommended)
- AutoLoadConfigOnDetection: Loads matching config file after model type is detected from data (Recommended). Note: Config file must be the root of StreamingAssets/ folder, with the model name: Puck.xml or UltraPuck.xml
- FilteringDistance: Remove points that are below this distance. Note: You need to multiply your wanted range with 250 to be within correct units (You can do this easier in the Uber shaders also)
- ShowFirstFrameWhenAvailable: When loading PCAP file, without file streaming enabled, you can enable this to show first frame while rest of the PCAP is still loading (because it can take several seconds to parse PCAP file completely)
- UseLargeFileStreaming: You must enable this if your PCAP file is larger than 2gb, but you can also enable this for smaller PCAP files to use file streaming instead of reading completely into memory
- LoadingIconGameObject: Assign your loading indicator here, it will be hidden when loading is completed
- ReloadBufferFirst: Fill buffer first, before drawing points (not recommended anymore, file streaming should be fast enought to load new points)
- MaxFrameBufferCount: Buffer for loaded PCAP frames, if this value is too low you might see laggy frames (file access is too slow to read new frames, so we need some buffer frames. 100 seems good value usually)
- ShowDebug: Prints out extra debug information
- EnableRewindForFileStreaming: Enable this if large file streaming should allow rewinding, creates special rewind pointer cache next to pcap. Can only rewind once the pcap has been fully played (or previously saved rewind index was available)
- LoadRewindCache: if enabled, loads existing rewindcache (file: filename+.rewind) to allow rewinding before whole PCAP has been played back
- UseLiveStreaming: Start listening UDP port
- PortData: UDP Port for receiving (point) DATA packets
- ReceiveBufferSize: Try values with multiplies of 1206 (Try increasing this value if your live data is missing points)
- RecordToDisk: Records live data to pcap file (saved under StreamingAssets with filename: yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss_detectedModelID.pcap)
- SaveBufferCount: How many separate buffer queue's (Normally you don't need to adjust this value, but if you have save buffer overflow issues with saving data, increase this value)
- SaveBufferSizeInMB: 100 (Each separate buffer can hold about this much data, in Megabytes. Normally you don't need to adjust this value, but if you have save buffer overflow issues with saving data, increase this value)
- RecordPositionPackets: Should we record position data packets (usually you don't need these)
- PortPos: Position Packets UDP listener port
- PosReceiveBufferSize: UDP receive buffer size. Try values with multiplies of 512
- DetectedModelID: (ReadOnly) After model is detected, this field is set with model id
- Granularity: (ReadOnly) Default or Detected from config.xml distLSB granularity value. 0=Not initialized or detected