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Collision Series 5 Heightmap Collision with Normals

Simon (darkside) Jackson edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 8 revisions

Collision Series 5: Heightmap Collision with Normals

Area Submitted Type
Games: 3D Graphics, Games: Collision 1/10/2008 Code Sample


This sample demonstrates how to use information about a heightmap's vertex normals to follow the contour of the terrain.

Sample Overview

The Collision Series 4: Collision with a Heightmap sample demonstrated how to make a sphere roll around on a heightmap. One way to improve this is by orienting the object to follow the contour of the terrain. This sample provides a more believable effect for objects such as vehicles, which won't always be pointing the same way up as they move around.

This sample demonstrates how to do this by moving a tank around on a heightmap. The code involved is similar to the Collision Series 4: Collision with a Heightmap sample, and throughout this sample it's assumed that you're familiar with that sample. In addition, you'll use the technique described in the Simple Animation sample to animate the tank.

Other items in the Collision Series

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XNA_Collision5_HeightmapNormals_01_small.jpg XNA_Collision5_HeightmapNormals_02_small.jpg

Download Size Description
TankOnAHeightMapSample_4_0 13.57MB Source code and assets for the Collision Series 5: Heightmap with Normals Sample (XNA Game Studio 4.0) 13.57MB Source code and assets for the Collision Series 5: Heightmap with Normals Sample (XNA Game Studio 4.0)
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