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Collision Series 2 2D Per Pixel Collision

Simon (darkside) Jackson edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 8 revisions

Collision Series 2: 2D Per-Pixel Collision

Area Submitted Type
Games: 2D Graphics, Games: Collision 5/24/2007 Tutorial


This tutorial details how to perform per-pixel collision detection in two dimensions. This tutorial builds on the previous tutorial in this series, Collision Series 1: 2D Rectangle Collision. Follow the steps in that tutorial before starting this tutorial.

Tutorial Overview

In the previous example, you created a simple object avoidance game by using rectangle collision detection. The rectangles used were only an approximation of the blocks and person drawn into the textures. You may have noticed that the exclusive use of rectangles resulted in imprecise behavior for nonrectangular objects.

Other items in the Collision Series

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XNA_Collision2_PerPixel_01_small.jpg XNA_Collision2_PerPixel_02_small.jpg

Download Size Description
PerPixelCollisionSample_4_0 0.04MB Source code and assets for the Collision Series 2: 2D Per-Pixel Tutorial (XNA Game Studio 4.0) 0.04MB Source code and assets for the Collision Series 2: 2D Per-Pixel Tutorial (XNA Game Studio 4.0)
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