This release brings to you:
- #342 Display logs for taskrun from the pipelinerun diagram.
- #350 Streaming logs output from a pipelineRun on start.
- #355 Multiple pipeline templates in code completion.
- #452 TektonHub: add ability to search task with tag or category.
- #609 Stuck on installing if hub task install is cancelled.
- #610 Add support to install pipelines from Hub.
- #613 kubectl install.
- #623 Add debug support for taskRun.
- #625 Update schemas.
- #637 Watch taskrun and open debug if taskrun is running with debug mode.
- #640 Check debug session for multiple container in step.
- Remove extension out of
What's Changed
- Added Multiple pipeline templates in code completion by @sudhirverma in #611
- Fix streaming logs output from a PipelineRun on start by @sudhirverma in #606
- First UI tests (fixes #289) by @jkopriva in #612
- Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 by @dependabot in #617
- Bump handlebars from 4.7.6 to 4.7.7 by @dependabot in #615
- Bump tar from 6.0.5 to 6.1.7 by @dependabot in #618
- Bump tar from 6.1.7 to 6.1.11 by @dependabot in #621
- Update schemas by @sudhirverma in #625
- Bump tmpl from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 by @dependabot in #626
- Add ability to search task with tag or category by @sudhirverma in #624
- Add debug support taskrun by @sudhirverma in #627
- kubectl install by @sudhirverma in #630
- Release '1.0.0' by @sudhirverma in #631
- Using same version for message as installRequest by @sudhirverma in #632
- Remove preview from package.json by @sudhirverma in #633
- update telemetry version by @sudhirverma in #634
- Fix task cancel install by @evidolob in #619
- Bump axios from 0.21.1 to 0.21.2 by @dependabot in #635
- Update schemas by @sudhirverma in #638
- Watch taskrun and open debug if taskrun is running with debug mode by @sudhirverma in #636
- Bump validator from 11.1.0 to 13.7.0 by @dependabot in #641
- Add trigger doesn't trigger pipeline. by @sudhirverma in #643
- Add context menu and command to show logs by @evidolob in #620
- Fix spelling and link changes in README by @mohitsuman in #647
- Allow install Pipeline from TektonHub by @evidolob in #645
- Check debug session for multiple container in step. by @sudhirverma in #646
- Build for main branch by @sudhirverma in #649
- release 1.0.0 by @sudhirverma in #650
- Set 'main' branch for Jenkins job by @evidolob in #651
- Update nodejs version by @sudhirverma in #652
- move node version to latest in Jenkinsfile by @sudhirverma in #655
- update package-lock by @sudhirverma in #657
- Fix multiple time pop-up of download and install kubectl information message by @sudhirverma in #658
- updated vscode version by @sudhirverma in #659
- 1.0.0 by @mohitsuman in #660
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.18.0...v1.0.1