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Restore the PRESENTS subtitle under the Game Freak logo in the intro animation

Colton G. Rushton edited this page Aug 2, 2022 · 2 revisions

This tutorial will restore the "PRESENTS" under the Game Freak logo in the intro, restoring it to how it was in the original Red and Green.

Open engine/intro.asm:

Find this block of code.

        callba AnimateShootingStar
        push af
        pop af
        jr c, .next ; skip the delay if the user interrupted the animation
        ld c, 40
        call DelayFrames

Change it to:

        callba AnimateShootingStar
        push af
        pop af
        jr c, .next ; skip the delay if the user interrupted the animation
+       hlcoord 7, 11   ; starting coordinate
+       ld a, $67       ; starting tile ID
+       ld c, $06       ; number of tiles
+ .loop
+       ld [hli], a
+       inc a
+       dec c
+       jr nz, .loop
        ld c, 40
        call DelayFrames
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