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Expanding Tilesets Technique

YakiNeen edited this page Jan 6, 2023 · 19 revisions

First, this code not has development for me. This code is from Dannye, Rangi42 (in Red Star/Blue Star) and I think others persons from iimarckus, but I don't remenber who.

At a first moment, let see the tiles in vChars2 who are used in vanilla RGBY and move they to gfx/font/font.png.

Obs.: in gfx/font/font.png you don't need to let a empty space for space between words. This space is the last tile in gfx/font/font_extra.png.

Use charmap.asm to know tile's number in the VRAM.

Here some tiles than can be replaced:


unused A 8x8 tile complete unused in vanilla.

opcion A 8x8 tile with limited use, you choose if want to remove.


Limited use: [ and ] are only used in the Naming Screen (data/text/alphabets.asm).

( and ) only are used in data/text/alphabets.asm and _Museum2FText7 in text/Museum2F.asm:

	text "Meteorite that"
	line "fell on MT.MOON."
-	cont "(MOON STONE?)"

; only used in data/text/alphabets.asm and _Mansion4Text7 in text/PokemonMansionB1F.asm, one diary in Cinnabar's Mansion. This is odd, because the others diarys use : (typo?):

-	text "Diary; Sept. 1"
+       text "Diary: Sept. 1"
	line "MEWTWO is far too"
	cont "powerful."

	para "We have failed to"
	line "curb its vicious"
	cont "tendencies..."

That second . (next to /, known in charmap.asm as <DOT>) is used in data/text/alphabets.asm, beyond engine/movies/trade2.asm:

-	db   "──№<DOT>"
+       db   "──№."
	next ""
	next "OT/"
-	next "<ID>№<DOT>@"
+       next "<ID>№.@"

in engine/menus/pokedex.asm:

	call IndexToPokedex

	hlcoord 2, 8
	ld a, "№"
	ld [hli], a
-	ld a, "<DOT>"
+       ld a, "."
	ld [hli], a
	ld de, wd11e
	lb bc, LEADING_ZEROES | 1, 3
	call PrintNumber ; print pokedex number

	ld hl, wPokedexOwned
	jr nc, .next
	ld [hl], "0" ; if the weight is less than 10, put a 0 before the decimal point
	inc hl
	ld a, [hli]
	ld [hld], a ; make space for the decimal point by moving the last digit forward one tile
-	ld [hl], "<DOT>" ; decimal point tile
+       ld [hl], "."
	pop af
	ldh [hDexWeight + 1], a ; restore original value of [hDexWeight + 1]
	pop af
	ldh [hDexWeight], a ; restore original value of [hDexWeight]
	pop hl
	inc hl ; hl = address of pokedex description text
	bccoord 1, 11
	ld a, %10
	ldh [hClearLetterPrintingDelayFlags], a
	call TextCommandProcessor ; print pokedex description text

and finally in engine/pokemon/status_screen.asm:

	ldh [hTileAnimations], a
	hlcoord 19, 1
	lb bc, 6, 10
	call DrawLineBox ; Draws the box around name, HP and status
	ld de, -6
	add hl, de
-	ld [hl], "<DOT>"
+       ld [hl], "."
	dec hl
	ld [hl], "№"

The diference between the <DOT> to the default final point . next to (katakana small "a") is one pixel to the right.

Unused tiles: (katakana small "a"), (katakana small "u"), (katakana small "e").

The empty space below z is in the japanese version (hiragana "no") and it remains in the nickname screen, as you can see in PrintNamingText in engine/menus/naming_screen.asm:


	hlcoord 0, 1
	ld a, [wNamingScreenType]
	ld de, YourTextString
	and a
	jr z, .notNickname
	ld de, RivalsTextString
	dec a
	jr z, .notNickname
	ld a, [wcf91]
	ld [wMonPartySpriteSpecies], a
	push af
	farcall WriteMonPartySpriteOAMBySpecies
	pop af
	ld [wd11e], a
	call GetMonName
	hlcoord 4, 1
	call PlaceString
-	ld hl, $1
-	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], "の" ; leftover from Japanese version; blank tile $c9 in English
	hlcoord 1, 3
	ld de, NicknameTextString
	jr .placeString

To delete this code, just delete the red lines above, but, thanks to this code, can make print 's after Mon's name with this change:

	hlcoord 4, 1
	call PlaceString
-	ld hl, $1
-	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], "の" ; leftover from Japanese version; blank tile $c9 in English
+       ld hl, $0
+       add hl, bc
+       ld [hl], "'s"
	hlcoord 1, 3
	ld de, NicknameTextString
	jr .placeString


This font is load in Battle Scene, Pokémon Party, Mon's Status Screens, when you Startup the PC and Naming Screen.


Limited use: (japanese opening quote) this tile itself is unused, but when you see the 2nd page in Status Screen the BOLD P to print PP is load above this one. You can make this tutorial to remove gfx/font/P.png and move his to gfx/font/font_battle_extra.png.

, , , , , and (tiles for Text Box and the empty space) that ones are complete desnecessary since they are load above the ones from gfx/font/font_extra.png.

Unused tiles: (japanese ellipsis). This is mencioned in home/text.asm, but I don't known what this means, I just replace with another random character:

	call PlaceString
	ld h, b
	ld l, c
	pop de
	inc de
	jp PlaceNextChar

TMCharText::      db "TM@"
TrainerCharText:: db "TRAINER@"
PCCharText::      db "PC@"
RocketCharText::  db "ROCKET@"
PlacePOKeText::   db "POKé@"
-SixDotsCharText:: db "……@"
+SixDotsCharText:: db "..@"
EnemyText::       db "Enemy @"
PlacePKMNText::   db "<PK><MN>@"

-; wait for button press or 30 frames while printing "…"s
+; wait for button press or 30 frames while printing "."s
	pop hl
	ld a, [hli]
	ld d, a
	push hl
	ld h, b
	ld l, c

-	ld a, "…"
+       ld a, "."
	ld [hli], a
	push de
	call Joypad
	pop de
	ldh a, [hJoyHeld] ; joypad state
	jr nz, .next ; if so, skip the delay
	ld c, 10
	call DelayFrames
	dec d
	jr nz, .loop

	ld b, h
	ld c, l
	pop hl
	jp NextTextCommand


The two others indent/hyphen are underscore tiles used in engine/menus/naming_screen.asm. There's no charmap for they.


If your gfx/font/font_extra.png become like above, your engine/menus/naming_screen.asm need to be supposed like this:

	ld b, 10 ; pokemon max name length
-	ld a, $76 ; underscore tile id
+       ld a, $75 ; underscore tile id
	ld [hli], a
	dec b
	jr nz, .placeUnderscoreLoop
	ld a, [wNamingScreenType]
	ld a, [wNamingScreenNameLength]
	jr nc, .pokemon2
	cp 7 ; player or rival max name length
	jr .playerOrRival2
	cp 10 ; pokemon max name length
	jr nz, .emptySpacesRemaining
	; when all spaces are filled, force the cursor onto the ED tile
	call EraseMenuCursor
	ld a, $11 ; "ED" x coord
	ld [wTopMenuItemX], a
	ld a, $5 ; "ED" y coord
	ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a
	ld a, [wNamingScreenType]
	ld a, 9 ; keep the last underscore raised
	jr nc, .pokemon3
	ld a, 6 ; keep the last underscore raised
	ld c, a
	ld b, $0
	hlcoord 10, 3
	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], $77 ; raised underscore tile id
+       ld [hl], $76 ; raised underscore tile id

; calculates the length of the string at wStringBuffer and stores it in c

This font is load in Overworld.


Unused tiles: the BOLD incomplete alphabet A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, L, M. Probably this has come from Yoshi no Tamago (JP)/Yoshi (US)/Mario & Yoshi (EU), who too has developt earlier by Game Freak, as seen here.

(hiragana small "i"), (hiragana small "u"), , , , , ·, , (hiragana small "a"), (hiragana small "e") and (hiragana small "o").

The Bold V and S has used in the Link Battle Screen (engine/battle/link_battle_versus_text.asm):

; display "[player] VS [enemy]" text box with pokeballs representing their parties next to the names
	call LoadTextBoxTilePatterns
	hlcoord 3, 4
	ld b, 7
	ld c, 12
	call TextBoxBorder
	hlcoord 4, 5
	ld de, wPlayerName
	call PlaceString
	hlcoord 4, 10
	ld de, wLinkEnemyTrainerName
	call PlaceString
; place bold "VS" tiles between the names
	hlcoord 9, 8
-       ld a, $69
+	ld a, "<BOLD_V>"
	ld [hli], a
-       ld [hl], $6a
+	ld [hl], "<BOLD_S>"
	xor a
	ld [wUpdateSpritesEnabled], a
	callfar SetupPlayerAndEnemyPokeballs
	ld c, 150
	jp DelayFrames

The alternative : (known in charmap.asm as <COLON>) is used to print Time in engine/movie/hall_of_fame.asm:

	predef DisplayDexRating
	hlcoord 0, 4
	ld b, 6
	ld c, 10
	call TextBoxBorder
	hlcoord 5, 0
	ld b, 2
	ld c, 9
	call TextBoxBorder
	hlcoord 7, 2
	ld de, wPlayerName
	call PlaceString
	hlcoord 1, 6
	ld de, HoFPlayTimeText
	call PlaceString
	hlcoord 5, 7
	ld de, wPlayTimeHours
	lb bc, 1, 3
	call PrintNumber
-	ld [hl], $6d
+       ld [hl], "<COLON>"
	inc hl
	ld de, wPlayTimeMinutes

in engine/menus/main_menu.asm:

	ld de, wPlayTimeHours
	lb bc, 1, 3
	call PrintNumber
-	ld [hl], $6d
+       ld [hl], "<COLON>"
	inc hl
	ld de, wPlayTimeMinutes
	lb bc, LEADING_ZEROES | 1, 2
	jp PrintNumber

in engine/menus/start_sub_menus.asm:

; loads tile patterns and draws everything except for gym leader faces / badges
	ld de, wPlayerName
	call PlaceString
	hlcoord 8, 4
	ld de, wPlayerMoney
	ld c, $e3
	call PrintBCDNumber
	hlcoord 9, 6
	ld de, wPlayTimeHours ; hours
	lb bc, LEFT_ALIGN | 1, 3
	call PrintNumber
-	ld [hl], $d6 ; colon tile ID
+       ld [hl], "<COLON>"
	inc hl
	ld de, wPlayTimeMinutes ; minutes
	lb bc, LEADING_ZEROES | 1, 2
	jp PrintNumber

	ld a, BANK(TrainerInfoTextBoxTileGraphics)
	jp FarCopyData2

and in _DexRatingText in data/text/text_2.asm:

-	text "#DEX Rating<COLON>"
+       text "#DEX Rating:"

Now delete unused staff in charmap.asm:

; Actual characters (from gfx/font/font_extra.png)

-	charmap "<BOLD_A>",  $60 ; unused
-	charmap "<BOLD_B>",  $61 ; unused
-	charmap "<BOLD_C>",  $62 ; unused
-	charmap "<BOLD_D>",  $63 ; unused
-	charmap "<BOLD_E>",  $64 ; unused
-	charmap "<BOLD_F>",  $65 ; unused
-	charmap "<BOLD_G>",  $66 ; unused
-	charmap "<BOLD_H>",  $67 ; unused
-	charmap "<BOLD_I>",  $68 ; unused
-	charmap "<BOLD_V>",  $69
-	charmap "<BOLD_S>",  $6a
-	charmap "<BOLD_L>",  $6b ; unused
-	charmap "<BOLD_M>",  $6c ; unused
-	charmap "<COLON>",   $6d ; colon with tinier dots than ":"
-	charmap "ぃ",         $6e ; hiragana small i, unused
-	charmap "ぅ",         $6f ; hiragana small u, unused
-	charmap "‘",         $70 ; opening single quote
-	charmap "’",         $71 ; closing single quote
-	charmap "“",         $72 ; opening quote
-	charmap "”",         $73 ; closing quote
-	charmap "·",         $74 ; middle dot, unused
-	charmap "…",         $75 ; ellipsis
-	charmap "ぁ",         $76 ; hiragana small a, unused
-	charmap "ぇ",         $77 ; hiragana small e, unused
-	charmap "ぉ",         $78 ; hiragana small o, unused

	charmap "┌",         $79
	charmap "─",         $7a
	charmap "┐",         $7b
	charmap "│",         $7c
	charmap "└",         $7d
	charmap "┘",         $7e
	charmap " ",         $7f

; Actual characters (from gfx/font/font_battle_extra.png)

This is one of three Battle Huds who obviously load in Battle Scene.


Unused tiles: (japanese ellipsis).


Making the above alternance, now go to engine/battle/draw_hud_pokeball_gfx.asm and make that edit:

; The tile numbers for specific parts of the battle display for the player's pokemon
	db $73 ; unused ($73 is hardcoded into the routine that uses these bytes)
-	db $77 ; lower-right corner tile of the HUD
+       db $76 ; lower-right corner tile of the HUD
	db $6F ; lower-left triangle tile of the HUD
; The tile numbers for specific parts of the battle display for the enemy
	db $73 ; unused ($73 is hardcoded in the routine that uses these bytes)
	db $74 ; lower-left corner tile of the HUD
-       db $78 ; lower-right triangle tile of the HUD
+	db $77 ; lower-right triangle tile of the HUD
	ld [hl], $73
	add hl, bc
	ld a, [wHUDGraphicsTiles + 1] ; leftmost tile
	ld [hl], a
	ld a, 8
	add hl, de
-	ld [hl], $76
+       ld [hl], $75
	dec a
	jr nz, .loop
	add hl, de
	ld a, [wHUDGraphicsTiles + 2] ; rightmost tile
	ld [hl], a



Limited use: <LV> (level symbol), lower-left triangle tile of the HUD (no charmap) and lower-right triangle tile of the HUD (no charmap) are complete desnecessary since they are load above the ones from gfx/font/font_battle_extra.png.

You only need to edit engine/pokemon/status_screen.asm:

; Predef 0x37
	call LoadMonData
	ld a, [wMonDataLocation]
	jr c, .DontRecalculate
; mon is in a box or daycare
	ld a, [wLoadedMonBoxLevel]
	ld [wLoadedMonLevel], a
	ld [wCurEnemyLVL], a
	ld hl, wLoadedMonHPExp - 1
	ld de, wLoadedMonStats
	ld b, $1
	call CalcStats ; Recalculate stats
	ld hl, wd72c
	set 1, [hl]
	ld a, $33
	ldh [rNR50], a ; Reduce the volume
	call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3
	call ClearScreen
	call UpdateSprites
	call LoadHpBarAndStatusTilePatterns
	ld de, BattleHudTiles1  ; source
	ld hl, vChars2 tile $6d ; dest
-	lb bc, BANK(BattleHudTiles1), 3
-	call CopyVideoDataDouble ; ·│ :L and halfarrow line end
+       lb bc, BANK(BattleHudTiles1), 1
+       call CopyVideoDataDouble ; ·│
	ld de, BattleHudTiles2
	ld hl, vChars2 tile $78
	lb bc, BANK(BattleHudTiles2), 1
	call CopyVideoDataDouble ; │
	ld de, BattleHudTiles3
	ld hl, vChars2 tile $76
	lb bc, BANK(BattleHudTiles3), 2
	call CopyVideoDataDouble ; ─ ┘

Expanding Tileset

Determine tileset's maximum tile number in home/overworld.asm:

INCLUDE "data/tilesets/bike_riding_tilesets.asm"

; load the tile pattern data of the current tileset into VRAM
	ld a, [wTilesetGfxPtr]
	ld l, a
	ld a, [wTilesetGfxPtr + 1]
	ld h, a
	ld de, vTileset
-       ld bc, $600
+	ld bc, $790
	ld a, [wTilesetBank]
	jp FarCopyData2

; this loads the current maps complete tile map (which references blocks, not individual tiles) to C6E8

Now determine where gfx/font/font_extra.png is loaded in VRAM.

Go to home/load_font.asm:

	ldh a, [rLCDC]
	bit 7, a ; is the LCD enabled?
	jr nz, .on
	ld hl, TextBoxGraphics
-       ld de, vChars2 tile $60
+	ld de, vChars2 tile $79
	ld bc, TextBoxGraphicsEnd - TextBoxGraphics
	ld a, BANK(TextBoxGraphics)
	jp FarCopyData2 ; if LCD is off, transfer all at once
	ld de, TextBoxGraphics
-       ld hl, vChars2 tile $60
+	ld hl, vChars2 tile $79
	lb bc, BANK(TextBoxGraphics), (TextBoxGraphicsEnd - TextBoxGraphics) / $10
	jp CopyVideoData ; if LCD is on, transfer during V-blank


If you don't edit engine/overworld/movement.asm, characters above the new tiles will dissapears:



The last thing now.

We need to use the function call ReloadMapData to some menus don't be load above the new tileset space.


	ld a, [wPartyCount]
	and a
	jp z, RedisplayStartMenu
	xor a
	ld [wMenuItemToSwap], a
	ld [wPartyMenuTypeOrMessageID], a
	ld [wUpdateSpritesEnabled], a
	call DisplayPartyMenu
	jr .checkIfPokemonChosen
	xor a
	ld [wMenuItemToSwap], a
	ld [wPartyMenuTypeOrMessageID], a
	call GoBackToPartyMenu
	jr nc, .chosePokemon
	call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3
	call RestoreScreenTilesAndReloadTilePatterns
	call LoadGBPal
+	call ReloadMapData
	jp RedisplayStartMenu
	call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1
	ld a, POTION
	ld [wcf91], a
	ld [wPseudoItemID], a
	call UseItem
	pop af
	ld [wPartyAndBillsPCSavedMenuItem], a
	jp .loop
.notHealthyEnough ; if current HP is less than 1/5 of max HP
	ld hl, .notHealthyEnoughText
	call PrintText
	jp .loop
	text_far _NotHealthyEnoughText
	call RestoreScreenTilesAndReloadTilePatterns
+	call ReloadMapData
	jp CloseTextDisplay
	ld hl, .newBadgeRequiredText
	call PrintText
	jp .loop
	text_far _NewBadgeRequiredText

; writes a blank tile to all possible menu cursor positions on the party menu
	xor a
	ld [wPseudoItemID], a
	call UseItem
	ld a, [wActionResultOrTookBattleTurn]
	and a
	jp z, ItemMenuLoop
	jp CloseStartMenu
	ld a, [wUpdateSpritesEnabled]
	push af
	call UseItem
	ld a, [wActionResultOrTookBattleTurn]
	cp $02
	jp z, .partyMenuNotDisplayed
	call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3
	call RestoreScreenTilesAndReloadTilePatterns
+	call ReloadMapData
	pop af
	ld [wUpdateSpritesEnabled], a
	jp StartMenu_Item
	pop af


	call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1
	call GetPredefRegisters
	push hl
	ld a, [wIsInBattle]
	dec a
	hlcoord 0, 0
	ld b, 4
	ld c, 11
	call z, ClearScreenArea ; only if in wild battle
	ld a, [wcf91]
	ld [wd11e], a
	call GetMonName
	ld hl, DoYouWantToNicknameText
	call PrintText
	hlcoord 14, 7
	lb bc, 8, 15
	ld [wTextBoxID], a
	call DisplayTextBoxID
	pop hl
	ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
	and a
	jr nz, .declinedNickname
	ld a, [wUpdateSpritesEnabled]
	push af
	xor a
	ld [wUpdateSpritesEnabled], a
	push hl
	ld [wNamingScreenType], a
	call DisplayNamingScreen
	ld a, [wIsInBattle]
	and a
	jr nz, .inBattle
	call ReloadMapSpriteTilePatterns
+       call ReloadTilesetTilePatterns


	INCBIN "gfx/town_map/town_map.rle"

; clear town map graphics data and load usual graphics data
	xor a
	ld [wTownMapSpriteBlinkingEnabled], a
	call GBPalWhiteOut
	call ClearScreen
	call ClearSprites
	call LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics
	call LoadFontTilePatterns
+	call ReloadTilesetTilePatterns
	call UpdateSprites
	jp RunDefaultPaletteCommand

; a = map number

Final Result

You can have a arrangement like this:


in charmap.asm:

	charmap "é",         $ba
	charmap "'d",        $bb
	charmap "'l",        $bc
	charmap "'s",        $bd
	charmap "'t",        $be
	charmap "'v",        $bf

	charmap "'",         $e0
	charmap "<PK>",      $e1
	charmap "<MN>",      $e2
	charmap "-",         $e3

	charmap "'r",        $e4
	charmap "'m",        $e5

	charmap "?",         $e6
	charmap "!",         $e7
	charmap ".",         $e8

-	charmap "ァ",         $e9 ; katakana small a, unused
-	charmap "ゥ",         $ea ; katakana small u, unused
-	charmap "ェ",         $eb ; katakana small e, unused
+	charmap "<COLON>",   $e9
+	charmap "<BOLD_V>",  $ea
+	charmap "<BOLD_S>",  $eb

	charmap "▷",         $ec
	charmap "▶",         $ed
	charmap "▼",         $ee
	charmap "♂",         $ef
	charmap "¥",         $f0
	charmap "×",         $f1
-	charmap "<DOT>",     $f2 ; decimal point; same as "." in English
	charmap "/",         $f3
	charmap ",",         $f4
	charmap "♀",         $f5

	charmap "0",         $f6

note who I have centered the ., diffent from vanilla, and I removed the <DOT>.

Using Expanded Tileset

Captura de Tela (260)

The last square tile represent the last tile who you can use.

When you let bigger the gfx/tilesets/overworld.png like above, will pass the ROMX limit. You can move to a new SECTION in gfx/tilesets.asm:

SECTION "Tilesets 1", ROMX

-Overworld_GFX::     INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/overworld.2bpp"
-Overworld_Block::   INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/overworld.bst"

RedsHouse2_GFX::    INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/reds_house.2bpp"
RedsHouse2_Block::  INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/reds_house.bst"

House_GFX::         INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/house.2bpp"
House_Block::       INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/house.bst"
Mansion_GFX::       INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/mansion.2bpp"
Mansion_Block::     INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/mansion.bst"
ShipPort_GFX::      INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/ship_port.2bpp"
ShipPort_Block::    INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/ship_port.bst"
Interior_GFX::      INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/interior.2bpp"
Interior_Block::    INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/interior.bst"
Plateau_GFX::       INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/plateau.2bpp"
Plateau_Block::     INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/plateau.bst"

SECTION "Tilesets 2", ROMX
+SECTION "Tilesets 4", ROMX

+Overworld_GFX::     INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/overworld.2bpp"
+Overworld_Block::   INCBIN "gfx/blocksets/overworld.bst"


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