All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog
- Update provider_region to nil for Google provider (#184)
- Add compliance information (#169)
- Set the switch types for VMware switches (#180)
- Add vm_ems_ref to event_streams (#176)
- Add miq_task_id column to miq_queue table (#167)
- Add lan info to a guest_device (port) (#165)
- Updating switches data (#160)
- Adding product details columns to asset_details table (#181)
- Remove the limits from the tables in sorted order (#179)
- Remove all instances of ManageIQ::Providers::Hawkular::MiddlewareManager from ext_management_systems (#161)
- Move SchemaMigration model from ManageIQ to ManageIQ::Schema plugin (#175)
- Add last_updated_on to configuration_script_sources (#172)
- Add ems_ref column to physical_racks table (#170)
- Add hostname to Vm (#168)
- create a physical rack table (#156)
- nil out invalid hostnames on MiqServer records (#164)
- Add unique_set_size for servers and workers (#139)
- Migrate Zone NTP settings to SettingsChanges (#122)
- Update ResourceGroup type for Azure (#131)
- Add user_id group_id tenant_id to MiqQueue (#83)
- Add severity column to miq_alerts table (#77)
- Change the table used for LXCA config patterns (#75)
- Add parent/child support for lans as well as subnets (#69)
- Change dialog field description to text field to accomodate larger sizes (#73)
- Add an ID to the event that refer to origin system's event (#70)
- Adding scan_results table for ScanResult model (#57)
- Update orchestration template types (#55)
- Add numeric columns to Container Quota Items (#44)
- Models for tiers in showback (#66)
- Add serial_number to hardware (#63)
- Add schema support for LXCA config patterns (#61)
- Add container_project_id to persistent_volume_claims (#60)
- Add object_labels to Container Template (#32)
- Added AutomateWorkspace which can be retrieved using REST API (#50)
- Add hash_expression to MiqAlert (#49)
- Migrate the roles that we live migrate at startup (#58)
- Add expression to entitlements (#47)
- Add Resource to OpenSCAP results (#42)
- Add DialogFieldAssociation table (#41)
- Custom fonticons and colors in the CustomButton(Set) model (#39)
- Add type to ContainerTemplate to allow subclassing. (#35)
- Migrations for merging container_definition and container (#24)
- Add options to ems (#23)
- Move the db:check_schema task to the public tasks.rake file (#124)
- Require the activerecord extension from the pg-pglogical gem (#126)
- Remove the limit from string columns in all tables (#125)
- Downcase ems_ref for Azure resource groups (#123)
- Fix migration column caching. (#136)
- Add columns for mw domain entities in event streams table (#86)
- Rename the provisioning_manager_id column in the customization_scripts table (#85)
- Change rake spec to run all specs and be the default (#78)
- Fix migration name typo: s/shorback/showback/ (#76)
- Fix db:migrate:reset by setting DatabaseTasks.migrations_paths (#68)
- Fix issue with showback_rate belongs and type of the data in steps let INFINITY (#67)
- Skip editing /etc/fstab if it doesn't exist (#52)
- Set ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths correctly (#51)
- Migrate Picture content from BinaryBlobs to Pictures table (#153)
- Add tables for v2v migration (#149)
- Handle cases where a Picture with that id doesn't exist (#159)
- Delete the dangling blob when there is a blob without a picture (#158)
- Change container_quota_items float columns to decimals (#151)
- Move Openstack refresh settings under the root where they belong (#146)
- Rename Tables and some changes for Showback Models (#96)
- Add user_id group_id tenant_id to EventStream. (#94)
- Migrate MiddlewareServer to MiddlewareServerWildfly and MiddlewareServerEap (#81)
- Add requests and limits to Persistent Volume Claim (#74)
- Ensure EMS relationships are established on upgrade. (#117)
- Add an 'Allocated cpu cores' chargeback rate detail to existing chargeback rates (#108)
- Migrate EmsRefresh.refresh queue args to data (#107)
- Convert containers hawkular Endpoints port=nil to port=443 (#98)
- Add sub_metric column to chargeback_rate_detail (#93)
- Move Openstack refresher settings (#91)
- Migrate existing dialog field association data to use new relationship (#80)
- single sequence for all metrics sub tables (#48)