The 3.4.0 release includes more than 40 merged pull requests since the 3.3.0 version. New features include dateline wrapping for tile based sources. See for instance the tiled WMS example and the WMTS example.
Also the draw interaction can be used to draw circles see the updated Draw features example which now has a Circle option.
Upgrade notes
No upgrade notes for this release.
Overview of all changes
- #3383 - GML3 tests time out in unit tests (@bartvde)
- #3401 - Allow GeoJSON to be serialized according to the right-hand rule. (@tschaub)
- #3403 - Remove unused goog.require (@fredj)
- #3362 - Configure proj4 options and transforms upon construction (@ahocevar)
- #3394 - Fix fullscreen pseudo CSS class name (@fredj)
- #3399 - Clarify when widths need to be configured on a tile grid (@ahocevar)
- #3398 - Make sure that the return value of wrapX() is stable (@ahocevar)
- #3396 - Move the compare function out of ol.interaction.Modify.handleDownEvent_ (@fredj)
- #3395 - ol.Interaction.Modify fixes (@fperucic)
- #3387 - Add wrapX option for ol.source.WMTS (@ahocevar)
- #3393 - Remove unused define (@fredj)
- #3392 - Fix switching class name of full-screen control (@tsauerwein)
- #3391 - Minor code cleanup (@fredj)
- #3388 - Add new geometry layout option for polyline format (@fredj)
- #3385 - Fix ol.tilegrid.TileGrid#getZForResolution (@elemoine)
- #3377 - Support wrapX for attributions (@ahocevar)
- #3382 - Create github source links (@ahocevar)
- #3376 - Add ol.source.Tile support for wrapping around the x-axis (@ahocevar)
- #3378 - Clarify where to ask questions (@ahocevar)
- #3380 - Test the GeoJSON layout (@fredj)
- #3360 - Don't unlisten image twice when disposing an ol.ImageTile (@fredj)
- #3361 - Listen on localhost to avoid phantomjs browsing (@ahocevar)
- #3365 - Better docs for #getPointResolution (@ahocevar)
- #3363 - New ol.proj features (@bill-chadwick)
- #3305 - Add image loading events to image sources (r=@ahocevar,@elemoine) (@bartvde)
- #3343 - Line arrows example (@fredj)
- #3354 - Mark ol.format.GeoJSON#writeFeature(s) option param optional (@fredj)
- #3346 - Set the 'properties' member to null if the feature has not properties (@fredj)
- #3344 - Minor code cleanup (@fredj)
- #3237 - Add circles to Draw interaction. (@Morgul)
- #2691 - Add will-change CSS properties (@fredj)
- #3336 - Use ol.Map#getTargetElement function (@fredj)
- #3335 - Update rbush to version 1.3.5 (@fredj)
- #3322 - Remove unneeded map.isDef call (@fredj)
- #3327 - Add css to dist directory (@ahocevar)
- #3324 - Add interface definition for ol.SelectEvent (@ahocevar)
- #3315 - Fix Tissot indicatrix example description (@fredj)
- #3312 - Fix HiDPI support for ArcGIS REST (@ahocevar)
- #2910 - Support multiple featureTpes in GML parser (@bartvde)
- #3309 - Fix select event always reporting as multi select (@bjornharrtell)
- #3307 - Handle all non-degree units in ol.control.ScaleLine (@ahocevar)