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pglewis edited this page Dec 15, 2012 · 1 revision


Return the value for a field. If you are getting a field for output in a theme, most of the time you will want to use display() instead. This function will return arrays for relationship and file fields.

public function field ( 
	$single = false 


Parameter Type Details
$name string or array The field name, or an associative array of parameters
$single boolean (optional) For tableless fields, to return the whole array or the just the first item

Additional Parameter Options

Option Type Default Details
name string $name The field name
orderby string null (optional) For tableless fields, you can choose to return an array of items in a specific order
single bool $single (optional) For tableless fields, to return the whole array or the just the first item
in_form bool false (optional) For internal use. If set to true, always return a full array of data


(mixed) or (null) Value returned depends on the field type, null if the field doesn't exist, false if no value returned for tabl


    // We have a "books" Pod with "category" and "the_author" 
    // as single-select relationship fields, related to 
    // "categories" and "authors" Pods
    $params = array(
        'where'   => ' LIKE "%rings%"',
        'limit'   => -1  // Return all rows

    // Create and find in one shot
    $books = pods( 'books', $params );

    if ( 0 < $books->total() ) {
        while ( $books->fetch() ) {
        <h2><?php echo $books->field( 'name' ); ?></h2>
        <p>Author: <?php echo $books->field( '' ); ?></p>
        <br />
        <p>Category: <?php echo $books->field( '' ); ?></p>
        <br />
        } // end of books loop
    } // end of found books

The above example will output:

<h2>The Lord of the Rings</h2>
<p>Author: J. R. R. Tolkien</p>
<br />
<p>Category: Fiction</p>
<br />

Tutorials and other Resources

Displaying Pods Items using Pods Pages & Pods Templates Contributed by Masino Sinaga How to use Pods Pages and Pods Templates with magic tags to show pods data.

Available Since Version


Source File

field() is located in /pods/classes/Pods.php

See Also