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bonsak edited this page Nov 22, 2012 · 3 revisions

#pods_view() Include a file that's child/parent theme-aware, and can be cached into object cache or transients. This acts much like get_template_part(), but uses the full file name.

function pods_view ( 
    $data = null, 
    $expires = false, 
    $cache_mode = 'cache', 
    $return = false 


Parameter Type Details
$view string Path of the file to be included, this is relative to the current theme
$data array or null (optional) Data to pass on to the template, using variable => value format; To pass all currently scoped variables just use compact( array_keys( get_defined_vars() ) ), or use compact( array( 'any', 'variable', 'name' ) ) to pass just specific ones
$expires int or boolean (optional) Time in seconds for the cache to expire, set to false to disable caching
$cache_mode string (optional) Specify the caching method to use for the view, available options include cache, transient, or site-transient
$return boolean (optional) Whether to return the view or not, defaults to false and will echo it


(string or boolean) The view output, false if the file was not found


// Grab the sidebar and pass a variable to it,
// without having to set it global (messy)
$i_can_access_this = 'I can access this variable in sidebar.php, unlike when I use get_template_part()';

pods_view( 'sidebar.php', compact( array_keys( get_defined_vars() ) );

// Echo the rss-feed.php file and cache it
// for future use as a transient for 3600 seconds (60 minutes)
pods_view( 'rss-feed.php', null, 3600, 'transient' );

###Available Since Version


###See Also