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bonsak edited this page Nov 20, 2012 · 1 revision


Save an item by giving an array of field data or set a specific field to a specific value. Though this function has the capacity to add new items, best practice should direct you to use add() for that instead.

public function save ( 
	$data = null, 
	$value = null, 
	$id = null 


Parameter Type Details
$data array or string An associative array of field information or a field name
$value mixed (optional) Value of the field, if $data is a field name
$id int (optional) ID of the Pod item to update


(int) The item ID


// Get the book item with an ID of 5
$pod = pods( 'book', 5 );

// Set the author (a user relationship field)
// to a user with an ID of 2
$pod->save( 'author', 2 );

// Set a group of fields to specific values
$data = array(
    'name' => 'New book name',
    'author' => 2,
    'description' => 'Awesome book, read worthy!'

// Save the data as set above
$pod->save( $data );

// Let's save another book's data..
// Save the same data from above,
// but for the book with an ID of 4
$pod->save( $data, null, 4 );

Tutorials and other Resources

Hooking into the Save / Delete process in the Pods API Contributed by owi See examples on how to use filters and actions to hook into the Save / Delete process in Pods API.

Available Since Version


Source File

save() is located in /pods/classes/Pods.php

See Also