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1.x to 2.0 Migration

bonsak edited this page Nov 20, 2012 · 1 revision

Full 1.x to 2.0 information:

You can get the latest information about the differences between Pods 1.x and 2.0 here:

Syntax changes from Pods 1.x to Pods 2.0:

2.0 is backward compatible with the 1.x syntax. Deprecated notices will be reported appropriately for deprecated 1.x functions and methods if your error reporting is set to display them.

A short introduction to the 2.0 syntax for some of the more commonly used functions and methods

Short 2.0 Tutorial, thank to Pods user Masino Sinaga

My image field is not displaying ('field.guid' is returning "array")

If the image upload field is set to single-select (under 'Advanced Field Options'), it should return a single value. Multi-select fields will return an array of items.

pods_ui() is not working, but the 1.x pods_ui_manage() function does work

Try pods_ui( $obj, TRUE ) (TRUE enables deprecated options)

Error: Call to a member function get_field() on a non-object

External references to $this need to be changed to $obj