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pglewis edited this page Jan 17, 2013 · 23 revisions
  • X_ID_X ... this is an obscure one I stumbled upon, should it be documented? Are there any others like it?

  • Document WP name length limitations (CPT: 20 chars, Tax: 32 chars)

  • Getting to meta stuff campus.meta_value = 'Conway' if it's meta-based d.campus = 'Conway' if it's table-based = 'Conway' if it's a relationship

  • groups are only currently available for wp object forms

  • sanitize_title( $title, $fallback_title ) to generate permalink ready strings

  • Admin ui: $ui = apply_filters( 'pods_admin_ui_' . $pod->pod, apply_filters( 'pods_admin_ui', $ui, $pod->pod ), $pod ); To change default ui screens, you can modify the $ui var that is sent to pods_ui with pods_admin_ui or pods_admin_ui_podname. only problem is pods_ui( $ui ) is used, no deprecated handling so it has to be in the new format, which isn't documented yet, so we need to get that documented

  • you can use [pods]{@my_field}[/pods] in a post type that's extended by pods; [pods]{@post_title} {@any_field} {@post_date}[/pods] or [pods field="any_field"]

  • ?pods_debug_sql=1 will output all select() queries select() queries only run on things like find() and fetch() and in relationships for field output

  • ?pods_debug_sql_all will output all queries that go through pods_query

  • Order of parsing/evaluation: PHP, magic tags, HTML

  • These are basically equivalent: [pods name="rabbit" id=1]{@name}[/pods] [pods name="rabbit" id=1 field="name"]

  • github zip

  • github main url

  • issue create

  • submit site credentials

  • general discussion forums

  • WordPress Plugin Comparison - Content Type / Custom Fields

  • PODS_TABLELESS mode means no Advanced Content Types, no wp_podsrel, no table-based storage and PODS_LIGHT mode means no components will get loaded