v0.0.29 (2016-04-25)
Closed issues:
- After Sign-in success, The following requests on Angular side are unauthorized. #285
- Update NPM version #281
- auth_headers empty #280
- The future of authentication #265
- Token persistence on sign in with email #260
- Tokens on
ionic serve
andionic emulate -l
#255 - Auth Headers not added, using localStorage and sending API request via Angular service #252
- ng-token-auth is not storing the cookie on sign in #242
- Module 'ng-auth-token' is not available! #237
- Response function not working and not retrieving the value #232
- Auth headers not sent #231
- is it possible to change the api path outside of the provider? #227
- validateToken throws an error when server is unavailable #224
- Ionic 1.1.0 works with Angular 1.4.3 #222
- Missing is empty check on parseLocation #221
- npm over bower ? #210
- Wrong uid persists in header #177
Merged pull requests:
- Add Angular 1.5.3 support #274 (irobayna)
- Angular 1.5.2 support #272 (irobayna)
- submitLogin can have more arguments, to pass to $http.post #267 (romaintb)
- Fix tests for createPopup #264 (merqlove)
- Add createPopup function to config #262 (merqlove)
- Update README URLs based on HTTP redirects #259 (ReadmeCritic)
- PhantomJS fix + minor #258 (merqlove)
- bower dependencies - compatible with Angular 1.5 #257 (charlesdg)
- adds session storage option #247 (MatthewVita)
- Update bower.json #234 (charlesdg)
- Added parameter to filter in validateUser #229 (borodiychuk)
- Custom Cookies Options #228 (dlanileonardo)
- Fix parseLocation failing on empty string #223 (AdamQuadmon)
v0.0.29-beta1 (2015-10-05)
Closed issues:
- Cannot assign to read only property 'confirm_success_url' #218
- Authentication error with OAuth and Cordova InAppBrowser #214
- Showing navbar menu only if user authenticated. #213
- Is $auth.signOut supposed to send token info? #212
- token and client_id from InAppBrowser not persisted in ionic app on android #208
- omniauth redirect_callbacks not working when using gem alongside regular devise #203
- Dont instantiate the controller before validate user #200
- invite user #199
- README Example using angular ui router part #195
- Cookie alternatives #194
- sameWindow flow #193
- Localstorage private navigation #192
- Protractor $timeout issue #182
- Which software did you use to create the "flow" schema ? #160
- Handling 404 for locked users #149
Merged pull requests:
- fix(validate-token): gracefully handle empty data response #217 (barillax)
- Allow auth cookie to be set securely #215 (dtannen)
- Add validateOnPageLoad documentation #211 (dmackerman)
- Updated minor typo on line 249 #209 (parkerlewis9)
- fix(localStorage): do a better localStorage check so it does not blow… #201 (nbrustein)
- Fix minor typo #197 (angelxmoreno)
- Changed $timeout to $interval for scheduled user validation #196 (fatbeard2)
- Adding forceValidateToken flag to configuration #184 (gueorgui)
v0.0.28 (2015-08-09)
Closed issues:
- User attributes #187
- Does validateUser() reload $auth.user from the backend? #176
- Safari does not get to message listener event and does not close the window #175
- Ionic + in app browser + cookies = doesn't work #162
- IE11 don't open new tab #159
- Using ngCordova to set up the facebook authentication #141
- Should I expect $auth.user to be loaded when in my controller? #139
- Curl works but angular return 404... #135
- doc-request: Docs for signedIn, others #128
- Support for RESTful URLs #122
- 404 on POST to /auth #120
- How can I set display types (page, popup, touch) for Facebook? #117
- Redirect if not authenticated #103
- undefined method tokens in version 0.1.30 #98
- ng-token-auth with Ionic Framework/Cordova #90
- Need advice: server side with PHP #47
- sample code without coffeescript #8
Merged pull requests:
- make sure listeners can be cleaned up #190 (nbrustein)
- feat(improved-omniauth): add support for sameWindow and inAppBrowser omniauth flows #188 (booleanbetrayal)
v0.0.27 (2015-07-29)
Closed issues:
- Issue with $location.search #186
- Can't authorize (user_signed_in? always show false) #178
- recommended method to save user info #174
- Subdomain for cookies #173
- Header not set in ios safari && chrome #171
- redirection not working on ios safari #169
- compatibility with ngCookies #166
- How to integrate with Angular modules that uses jQuery AJAX #163
- signOut function is not deleting local storage auth_headers key #158
- From Ionic, Request header field If-Modified-Since is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers. #157
- access-token provided but disappears #153
- Problem loading ng-token-auth into ionic app #150
- Password change protection #127
- SecurityError: when cookies are deactivated in browser #124
Merged pull requests:
- added a check for $location.search in case it's empty #185 (Chocksy)
- Typos fixes #181 (jakubrohleder)
- Updated readme to reflect devise_token_auth update #180 (jakubrohleder)
- fix(ios): fix invalid cookie expiration in iOS private browsing mode #172 (booleanbetrayal)
- fix(params): retain external query-string params during validateUser redirects #168 (booleanbetrayal)
- fix(getSavedConfig): catch window.localStorage error #161 (nbrustein)
- feat(oauth): fire oauth-registration event when a new user is created through oauth #156 (nbrustein)
- docs(testing): adding installation of karma command line tools #155 (nbrustein)
- docs(README): add Successfully installed sass-3.4.14 #154 (nbrustein)
- Allow Custom Storage Configurations #138 (sgtpepper43)
v0.0.25 (2015-05-19)
Closed issues:
- Login/Registration routes restricted after user validation #143
- Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] #136
- delete #133
- Which is the best way to handle expired session? #130
- Cookie "expires" is never set #119
- How to use cross domain auth? #113
- ng-token-auth with multiple backends? #97
- ngCookies in .min.js file #96
Merged pull requests:
- Update README.md #145 (jasonswett)
- fix typo in README.md #137 (zavan)
- Add feature for autologout when session has expired #132 (askobara)
- add into README.md description of auth:session-expired #131 (askobara)
- CommonJS package manager support #129 (flaviogranero)
v0.0.25-beta1 (2015-03-14)
Closed issues:
- If-Modified-Since = 0 raise java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid format: "0" exception #126
- config api url #125
- Session lost on page reload #121
- Question about accessing user #116
- Can't get storage to work with custom authentication API #115
- Do we need to do anything special to get ngResource working? #114
- locationProvider html5Mode preventing password reset #112
- API and APP on the same host with omniauth #111
- Cookie is not stored if client & server are on different domain #110
- User is logged in before I reset password. #109
- Remember me functionality #107
- Why are the functions added to the $rootScope instead of encapsulated in a service? #106
- Wrong variable name on README #105
- Redirect not logged in users to the login state? #102
- cookies auth_headers value %7B%7D #101
- Can't get error message #100
- redirect-url not included in confirmation instructions email view #99
- Is there any "User is logged method" like ? #95
- Set apiUrl from $location #94
- http headers not being sent in Android #93
- angular-cookies #91
- Heroku $rootScope.user get wrapper by 'user' #89
- auth_headers not set #88
- The action 'new' could not be found for DeviseTokenAuth::RegistrationsController #87
- Changing the action of submitLogin #86
- Restricting Access to Certain Routes #85
- Websocket support #84
- ipCookie missing #83
- Does this work with OAuth 2's implicit grant and Resource Owner Password Credentials ? #80
- Facebook login redirects #78
- isAuthenticated function #76
- how to keep user stay logged in ? #75
- ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken #74
- User is not accessible in controller #72
- Why use ngCookie instead of the standard ngCookies? #71
- Cookie path not settable #70
- Configuring parameter names #69
- How to handle CSRF token issues #68
- Problem with facebook authentication #67
- Additional fields like First Name in registration form #65
Merged pull requests:
- Fixed the examples in the README #82 (dagumak)
- Update README.md #73 (barqshasbite)
v0.0.24 (2014-11-18)
v0.0.24-beta7 (2014-11-15)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- fix(update-user): update header values if corresponding keys are received on update response #64 (booleanbetrayal)
v0.0.24-beta6 (2014-11-05)
Closed issues:
- restrict access #55
v0.0.24-beta4 (2014-11-03)
Closed issues:
- $auth.requestPasswordReset #62
- NameError - undefined local variable or method `set_reset_password_token' #59
- Readme correction #58
v0.0.24-beta2 (2014-10-28)
Closed issues:
- Support for devise's allow_unconfirmed_access_for #53
- $auth.submitLogin callback don't fire #51
- Not sending autorization header with token #50
- Presence of ng-token-auth causes problems in controller test #45
Merged pull requests:
v0.0.24-beta1 (2014-10-24)
Closed issues:
- Unable to register a user #52
- Rails - Unpermitted parameters #49
- User is logged in? #46
- Email / Password Login fails #42
Merged pull requests:
- fix(error-handling): ensure authHeaders are updated on error responses if token headers are provided #48 (booleanbetrayal)
v0.0.23 (2014-10-09)
v0.0.23-beta2 (2014-10-06)
v0.0.23-beta1 (2014-10-02)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Fix typo in README.md. #44 (horrorvacui)
v0.0.22 (2014-09-24)
Closed issues:
- Auth headers not sent with multipart/form-data #41
v0.0.22-beta7 (2014-09-22)
v0.0.22-beta5 (2014-09-18)
v0.0.22-beta4 (2014-09-16)
Closed issues:
v0.0.22-beta3 (2014-09-15)
Closed issues:
v0.0.22-beta2 (2014-09-14)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- fix(headers): fix strict object keys check for angular.extend in 1.3.0.rc1 #34 (booleanbetrayal)
v0.0.22-beta1 (2014-09-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add method to cancel registration #22
Closed issues:
- gulp dev doesn't work. #30
- Login form - Unpermitted parameters: session #28
- Installing on Rails site using Angular #26
Merged pull requests:
- add bowerrc file to test directory #33 (zwhitchcox)
- Change bundle install to bower install #25 (davidsavoya)
v0.0.21 (2014-09-02)
Merged pull requests:
v0.0.21-beta2 (2014-08-31)
Closed issues:
- Receiving "Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: a" after JS minification #23
v0.0.21-beta1 (2014-08-29)
Implemented enhancements:
- Option for $localStorage #14
- Add interceptor to catch 401 responses, hold http requests until user has been authenticated. #2
Closed issues:
- Validate promises return truncated user object #20
- User not logged in after email confirmation #18
- After the installation, I included the ng-token-auth to my module and I got error #16
Merged pull requests:
- return the full user object when resolving validation promises #21 (booleanbetrayal)
- Update README: reflect abstract state view rule. #19 (cseeger)
v0.0.20 (2014-08-19)
v0.0.20-beta3 (2014-08-19)
Closed issues:
- Unauthorized error when not logged in #15
v0.0.20-beta2 (2014-08-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- What If my api doesn't use .data #12
v0.0.20-beta1 (2014-08-18)
v0.0.19 (2014-08-18)
v0.0.19-beta1 (2014-08-18)
Closed issues:
- Password Reset Implementation #11
Merged pull requests:
v0.0.18 (2014-08-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- add JOSN Web Token authorization header format #7
- Only add the auth header if request url matches api url. #3
- Only verify tokens that have not expired. #1
v0.0.17 (2014-07-21)
v0.0.17-alpha.1 (2014-07-21)
Closed issues:
- Looking for more robust conditional routing based on user's authenticated state. #10
v0.0.16 (2014-07-15)
v0.0.15 (2014-07-15)
Closed issues:
- Note that this is not secure, and that access to any restricted content should be limited by the server as well. #9
- [Demo app] RecordInvalid in DeviseTokenAuth #6
v0.0.13 (2014-07-08)
Closed issues:
- documentation issues #5
v0.0.12 (2014-07-07)
v0.0.11 (2014-07-06)
v0.0.10 (2014-07-05)
v0.0.9 (2014-07-05)
Closed issues:
- Add email registration, email signup events #4
v0.0.8 (2014-07-03)
v0.0.7 (2014-07-03)
v0.0.6 (2014-07-01)
v0.0.5 (2014-06-30)
v0.0.4 (2014-06-30)
v0.0.3 (2014-06-30)
v0.0.2 (2014-06-30)
v0.0.1 (2014-06-28)
Closed issues:
- After Sign-in success, The following requests on Angular side are unauthorized. #285
- Update NPM version #281
- auth_headers empty #280
- The future of authentication #265
- Token persistence on sign in with email #260
- Tokens on
ionic serve
andionic emulate -l
#255 - Auth Headers not added, using localStorage and sending API request via Angular service #252
- ng-token-auth is not storing the cookie on sign in #242
- Module 'ng-auth-token' is not available! #237
- Response function not working and not retrieving the value #232
- Auth headers not sent #231
- is it possible to change the api path outside of the provider? #227
- validateToken throws an error when server is unavailable #224
- Ionic 1.1.0 works with Angular 1.4.3 #222
- Missing is empty check on parseLocation #221
- npm over bower ? #210
- Wrong uid persists in header #177
Merged pull requests:
- Add Angular 1.5.3 support #274 (irobayna)
- Angular 1.5.2 support #272 (irobayna)
- submitLogin can have more arguments, to pass to $http.post #267 (romaintb)
- Fix tests for createPopup #264 (merqlove)
- Add createPopup function to config #262 (merqlove)
- Update README URLs based on HTTP redirects #259 (ReadmeCritic)
- PhantomJS fix + minor #258 (merqlove)
- bower dependencies - compatible with Angular 1.5 #257 (charlesdg)
- adds session storage option #247 (MatthewVita)
- Update bower.json #234 (charlesdg)
- Added parameter to filter in validateUser #229 (borodiychuk)
- Custom Cookies Options #228 (dlanileonardo)
- Fix parseLocation failing on empty string #223 (AdamQuadmon)
v0.0.29-beta1 (2015-10-05)
Closed issues:
- Cannot assign to read only property 'confirm_success_url' #218
- Authentication error with OAuth and Cordova InAppBrowser #214
- Showing navbar menu only if user authenticated. #213
- Is $auth.signOut supposed to send token info? #212
- token and client_id from InAppBrowser not persisted in ionic app on android #208
- omniauth redirect_callbacks not working when using gem alongside regular devise #203
- Dont instantiate the controller before validate user #200
- invite user #199
- README Example using angular ui router part #195
- Cookie alternatives #194
- sameWindow flow #193
- Localstorage private navigation #192
- Protractor $timeout issue #182
- Which software did you use to create the "flow" schema ? #160
- Handling 404 for locked users #149
Merged pull requests:
- fix(validate-token): gracefully handle empty data response #217 (barillax)
- Allow auth cookie to be set securely #215 (dtannen)
- Add validateOnPageLoad documentation #211 (dmackerman)
- Updated minor typo on line 249 #209 (parkerlewis9)
- fix(localStorage): do a better localStorage check so it does not blow… #201 (nbrustein)
- Fix minor typo #197 (angelxmoreno)
- Changed $timeout to $interval for scheduled user validation #196 (fatbeard2)
- Adding forceValidateToken flag to configuration #184 (gueorgui)
v0.0.28 (2015-08-09)
Closed issues:
- User attributes #187
- Does validateUser() reload $auth.user from the backend? #176
- Safari does not get to message listener event and does not close the window #175
- Ionic + in app browser + cookies = doesn't work #162
- IE11 don't open new tab #159
- Using ngCordova to set up the facebook authentication #141
- Should I expect $auth.user to be loaded when in my controller? #139
- Curl works but angular return 404... #135
- doc-request: Docs for signedIn, others #128
- Support for RESTful URLs #122
- 404 on POST to /auth #120
- How can I set display types (page, popup, touch) for Facebook? #117
- Redirect if not authenticated #103
- undefined method tokens in version 0.1.30 #98
- ng-token-auth with Ionic Framework/Cordova #90
- Need advice: server side with PHP #47
- sample code without coffeescript #8
Merged pull requests:
- make sure listeners can be cleaned up #190 (nbrustein)
- feat(improved-omniauth): add support for sameWindow and inAppBrowser omniauth flows #188 (booleanbetrayal)
v0.0.27 (2015-07-29)
Closed issues:
- Issue with $location.search #186
- Can't authorize (user_signed_in? always show false) #178
- recommended method to save user info #174
- Subdomain for cookies #173
- Header not set in ios safari && chrome #171
- redirection not working on ios safari #169
- compatibility with ngCookies #166
- How to integrate with Angular modules that uses jQuery AJAX #163
- signOut function is not deleting local storage auth_headers key #158
- From Ionic, Request header field If-Modified-Since is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers. #157
- access-token provided but disappears #153
- Problem loading ng-token-auth into ionic app #150
- Password change protection #127
- SecurityError: when cookies are deactivated in browser #124
Merged pull requests:
- added a check for $location.search in case it's empty #185 (Chocksy)
- Typos fixes #181 (jakubrohleder)
- Updated readme to reflect devise_token_auth update #180 (jakubrohleder)
- fix(ios): fix invalid cookie expiration in iOS private browsing mode #172 (booleanbetrayal)
- fix(params): retain external query-string params during validateUser redirects #168 (booleanbetrayal)
- fix(getSavedConfig): catch window.localStorage error #161 (nbrustein)
- feat(oauth): fire oauth-registration event when a new user is created through oauth #156 (nbrustein)
- docs(testing): adding installation of karma command line tools #155 (nbrustein)
- docs(README): add Successfully installed sass-3.4.14 #154 (nbrustein)
- Allow Custom Storage Configurations #138 (sgtpepper43)
v0.0.25 (2015-05-19)
Closed issues:
- Login/Registration routes restricted after user validation #143
- Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] #136
- delete #133
- Which is the best way to handle expired session? #130
- Cookie "expires" is never set #119
- How to use cross domain auth? #113
- ng-token-auth with multiple backends? #97
- ngCookies in .min.js file #96
Merged pull requests:
- Update README.md #145 (jasonswett)
- fix typo in README.md #137 (zavan)
- Add feature for autologout when session has expired #132 (askobara)
- add into README.md description of auth:session-expired #131 (askobara)
- CommonJS package manager support #129 (flaviogranero)
v0.0.25-beta1 (2015-03-14)
Closed issues:
- If-Modified-Since = 0 raise java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid format: "0" exception #126
- config api url #125
- Session lost on page reload #121
- Question about accessing user #116
- Can't get storage to work with custom authentication API #115
- Do we need to do anything special to get ngResource working? #114
- locationProvider html5Mode preventing password reset #112
- API and APP on the same host with omniauth #111
- Cookie is not stored if client & server are on different domain #110
- User is logged in before I reset password. #109
- Remember me functionality #107
- Why are the functions added to the $rootScope instead of encapsulated in a service? #106
- Wrong variable name on README #105
- Redirect not logged in users to the login state? #102
- cookies auth_headers value %7B%7D #101
- Can't get error message #100
- redirect-url not included in confirmation instructions email view #99
- Is there any "User is logged method" like ? #95
- Set apiUrl from $location #94
- http headers not being sent in Android #93
- angular-cookies #91
- Heroku $rootScope.user get wrapper by 'user' #89
- auth_headers not set #88
- The action 'new' could not be found for DeviseTokenAuth::RegistrationsController #87
- Changing the action of submitLogin #86
- Restricting Access to Certain Routes #85
- Websocket support #84
- ipCookie missing #83
- Does this work with OAuth 2's implicit grant and Resource Owner Password Credentials ? #80
- Facebook login redirects #78
- isAuthenticated function #76
- how to keep user stay logged in ? #75
- ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken #74
- User is not accessible in controller #72
- Why use ngCookie instead of the standard ngCookies? #71
- Cookie path not settable #70
- Configuring parameter names #69
- How to handle CSRF token issues #68
- Problem with facebook authentication #67
- Additional fields like First Name in registration form #65
Merged pull requests:
- Fixed the examples in the README #82 (dagumak)
- Update README.md #73 (barqshasbite)
v0.0.24 (2014-11-18)
v0.0.24-beta7 (2014-11-15)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- fix(update-user): update header values if corresponding keys are received on update response #64 (booleanbetrayal)
v0.0.24-beta6 (2014-11-05)
Closed issues:
- restrict access #55
v0.0.24-beta4 (2014-11-03)
Closed issues:
- $auth.requestPasswordReset #62
- NameError - undefined local variable or method `set_reset_password_token' #59
- Readme correction #58
v0.0.24-beta2 (2014-10-28)
Closed issues:
- Support for devise's allow_unconfirmed_access_for #53
- $auth.submitLogin callback don't fire #51
- Not sending autorization header with token #50
- Presence of ng-token-auth causes problems in controller test #45
Merged pull requests:
v0.0.24-beta1 (2014-10-24)
Closed issues:
- Unable to register a user #52
- Rails - Unpermitted parameters #49
- User is logged in? #46
- Email / Password Login fails #42
Merged pull requests:
- fix(error-handling): ensure authHeaders are updated on error responses if token headers are provided #48 (booleanbetrayal)
v0.0.23 (2014-10-09)
v0.0.23-beta2 (2014-10-06)
v0.0.23-beta1 (2014-10-02)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Fix typo in README.md. #44 (horrorvacui)
v0.0.22 (2014-09-24)
Closed issues:
- Auth headers not sent with multipart/form-data #41
v0.0.22-beta7 (2014-09-22)
v0.0.22-beta5 (2014-09-18)
v0.0.22-beta4 (2014-09-16)
Closed issues:
v0.0.22-beta3 (2014-09-15)
Closed issues:
v0.0.22-beta2 (2014-09-14)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- fix(headers): fix strict object keys check for angular.extend in 1.3.0.rc1 #34 (booleanbetrayal)
v0.0.22-beta1 (2014-09-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add method to cancel registration #22
Closed issues:
- gulp dev doesn't work. #30
- Login form - Unpermitted parameters: session #28
- Installing on Rails site using Angular #26
Merged pull requests:
- add bowerrc file to test directory #33 (zwhitchcox)
- Change bundle install to bower install #25 (davidsavoya)
v0.0.21 (2014-09-02)
Merged pull requests:
v0.0.21-beta2 (2014-08-31)
Closed issues:
- Receiving "Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: a" after JS minification #23
v0.0.21-beta1 (2014-08-29)
Implemented enhancements:
- Option for $localStorage #14
- Add interceptor to catch 401 responses, hold http requests until user has been authenticated. #2
Closed issues:
- Validate promises return truncated user object #20
- User not logged in after email confirmation #18
- After the installation, I included the ng-token-auth to my module and I got error #16
Merged pull requests:
- return the full user object when resolving validation promises #21 (booleanbetrayal)
- Update README: reflect abstract state view rule. #19 (cseeger)
v0.0.20 (2014-08-19)
v0.0.20-beta3 (2014-08-19)
Closed issues:
- Unauthorized error when not logged in #15
v0.0.20-beta2 (2014-08-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- What If my api doesn't use .data #12
v0.0.20-beta1 (2014-08-18)
v0.0.19 (2014-08-18)
v0.0.19-beta1 (2014-08-18)
Closed issues:
- Password Reset Implementation #11
Merged pull requests:
v0.0.18 (2014-08-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- add JOSN Web Token authorization header format #7
- Only add the auth header if request url matches api url. #3
- Only verify tokens that have not expired. #1
v0.0.17 (2014-07-21)
v0.0.17-alpha.1 (2014-07-21)
Closed issues:
- Looking for more robust conditional routing based on user's authenticated state. #10
v0.0.16 (2014-07-15)
v0.0.15 (2014-07-15)
Closed issues:
- Note that this is not secure, and that access to any restricted content should be limited by the server as well. #9
- [Demo app] RecordInvalid in DeviseTokenAuth #6
v0.0.13 (2014-07-08)
Closed issues:
- documentation issues #5
v0.0.12 (2014-07-07)
v0.0.11 (2014-07-06)
v0.0.10 (2014-07-05)
v0.0.9 (2014-07-05)
Closed issues:
- Add email registration, email signup events #4
v0.0.8 (2014-07-03)
v0.0.7 (2014-07-03)
v0.0.6 (2014-07-01)
v0.0.5 (2014-06-30)
v0.0.4 (2014-06-30)
v0.0.3 (2014-06-30)
v0.0.2 (2014-06-30)
v0.0.1 (2014-06-28)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator