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Releases: helium/miner

Validator 1.17.2 Release- Mandatory

26 Jan 20:43
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Mainnet Validator latest build: v1.17.2 - Mandatory Update

The core team has completed internal testing, and based on community feedback for 1.17.1 released GA build v1.17.2. Thank you beta testers.

This mandatory release builds upon 1.17.1 and includes a number of significant fixes identified during Off-Chain Proof-of-Coverage testing on devnet.

Validator operators, please upgrade to this latest version no later than 2023-01-31 11:59 PM UTC, 3:59 PM PT.

In addition to the bug fixes found during Off-Chain PoC, this mandatory release also includes support to ensure the programmatic PoC emission changes (HIP 75) can take place in a timely manner and will require an accelerated upgrade window.

More information about HIP 75 here:

Validators can upgrade directly from v1.15.x or above.


updating repos... done

miner changes:
Merge pull request #1889 from helium/adt/validator1.17.2
Merge pull request #1888 from helium/adt/validator-1.17.1
Merge pull request #1887 from helium/adt/isolate-var-txns
Merge pull request #1879 from helium/madninja/validator1.17
Merge pull request #1878 from mawdegroot/patch-1

blockchain from f71f7efc391633913287f685408ae1e9f8709adf to 0b454cb8b634d57f1be99855565441014d4b9591
Merge pull request #1521 from helium/rg/bypass-token-treasury
Merge pull request #1520 from helium/adt/fix-0-reward-witness-tagging
Merge pull request #1519 from helium/adt/isolate-var-txn-chain-var
Merge pull request #1518 from helium/adt/fix-tagged-witnesses-offchain-poc
Merge pull request #1516 from helium/adt/increment_var_nonce_in_rescue_block
Merge pull request #1514 from helium/rg/log-follower-mod
Merge pull request #1515 from helium/adt/fix-delayed-rescue-block-absorb
Merge pull request #1511 from helium/adt/fix-0-share-dialyzer
Merge pull request #1517 from helium/adt/offchain-poc-rewards-to-json
Merge pull request #1510 from helium/adt/disable-checkpoint-dropping-on-absorb-fail
Merge pull request #1509 from helium/adt/v6-targeting-no-gateways
Merge pull request #1507 from helium/rg/zero-shares-bugfix
Merge pull request #1505 from helium/adt/better-cli-sync-error-when-paused
Merge pull request #1504 from helium/adt/fix-fastforward-cli
Merge pull request #1506 from helium/rg/subnetwork-mint
Merge pull request #1501 from helium/jg/grpcbox-update

no changes for: libp2p sibyl ecc508 relcast dkg hbbft helium_proto```

Validator 1.16.2 Release- Mandatory

10 Jan 16:35
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Mainnet Validator latest build: v1.16.2 - Mandatory Update

The core team has completed internal testing, and based on community feedback upgraded release v1.16.2 from beta to GA. Thank you beta testers.

This is a mandatory release with a more accelerated upgrade window to set the foundation for the off chain PoC transition work scheduled for next week.

Key update is a fix to avoid loss of proposal data by consensus nodes which is rare, but may become more likely with the transition to off-chain PoC.

Validator operators, please upgrade to this latest version no later than 2023-01-17 11:59 PM UTC, 3:59 PM PT.

Validators can upgrade directly from v1.15.x or above.


updating repos... done

miner changes:
Merge pull request #1876 from helium/adt/validator1.16.2
Merge pull request #1871 from helium/adt/bump-gwrs

hbbft from 16a75ba127b745ae8b062b19de0f10dc70e25564 to d6d511510ca59cc47dfc78097b2429a3153efe6b
Merge pull request #79 from helium/adt/account-for-truncated-proposals

no changes for: blockchain libp2p sibyl ecc508 relcast dkg helium_proto

Validator 1.16.1 Release- Mandatory

15 Dec 22:28
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Validator Mainnet Validator latest build: v1.16.1 Update - Mandatory Release

Based on internal testing and community feedback, the core team has upgraded release v1.16.1 from beta to GA. Thank you beta testers.

This is a mandatory release. Due to the holidays, there will be a longer upgrade window. Validator operators, please upgrade to this latest version no later than 2023-01-04 11:59 PM UTC, 3:59 PM PT.

Key updates for this release include:

  • fix issue with off-chain PoC reward calculation
  • provide chain variable foundation for L1 switch

Validators can upgrade directly from v1.15.x or above.

./ validator1.15.12 validator1.16.0
updating repos... done

miner changes:
Merge pull request #1867 from helium/rg/major-validator-version-upgrade
Merge pull request #1866 from helium/adt/bump-core
Merge pull request #1557 from PaulVMo/proportional-block-time-catchup
Merge pull request #1840 from helium/rg/audit-160
Merge pull request #1860 from helium/rg/audit-163
Merge pull request #1862 from helium/rg/audit-165
Merge pull request #1861 from helium/rg/audit-164
Merge pull request #1859 from helium/rg/audit-162
Merge pull request #1858 from helium/rg/audit-161
Merge pull request #1856 from helium/adt/fix-miner-blockhistory-no-chain
Merge pull request #1855 from helium/adt/gwrs-fixes
Merge pull request #1854 from helium/jg/add_protoc_to_alpine

blockchain from 784d92497550b598fb9da729ba8fc8e591e8a5ab to f71f7efc391633913287f685408ae1e9f8709adf
Merge pull request #1498 from helium/adt/bump-core
Merge pull request #1494 from helium/adt/dont-take-early-snapshots
Merge pull request #1497 from helium/adt/final-halt
Merge pull request #1496 from helium/adt/no-offchain-poc-oracle-rewards
Merge pull request #1491 from helium/adt/dont-store-file-paths-in-snap-names

libp2p from 3d81f62ba1c036e417237fb4e9e1ac6cddd8d3f2 to bd8c6363a0a414e64f31511e126b7d0b986d8ba4
Merge pull request #449 from helium/adt/bump-relcast

sibyl from 693c6947c59b0c9c3931077ebd97210e294190c1 to 3b377e01b57141d118acb35e3f787b136a32048f
Merge pull request #79 from helium/adt/bump-core

relcast from cfe013e5363d06294478078c7baeb808acdb349c to 613b3e8ca0586faf3bf682e861620885f9b82a76
Merge pull request #51 from helium/adt/callback-messages-in-status

no changes for: ecc508 dkg hbbft helium_proto

Validator 1.15.12 Release

07 Nov 23:03
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Validator Mainnet Validator latest build: v1.15.12 Update

Based on internal testing and community feedback, the core team has upgraded release v1.15.12 from beta to GA. Thank you beta testers.

This is a highly recommended, but non-mandatory release.

Key fixes include:

  • addresses bug when loading snapshots (the pmap issue)
  • change snapshot generation to avoid using the possibly corrupt lagging ledger in favor of a known-good ledger checkpoint
  • adds the hbbft artifact cli command used by core developers to debug the most recent stall
  • contains a patch (shout out to @groot) to improve the block time calculation on nodes with less than 50,000 blocks in their local blockchain.db
  • includes a new deny list key to be added to the list

In addition, this release also contains the following fixes snapshot handling in blockchain core:

  • not pre-calculating the h3dex if the chain var is unset
  • fixing get_context for direct ledgers

Validators can upgrade directly from v1.15.x or above.

Changes here:

Merge pull request #1846 from helium/jma/hbbft-artifact
Merge pull request #1848 from mawdegroot/mg/blocktime-from-api
Merge pull request #1489 from helium/adt/fix-snapshot-taking
Merge pull request #1488 from helium/adt/fix-streaming-pmap

Merge pull request #1853 from helium/jg/val11512
Merge pull request #1852 from helium/jg/rust_gw_healthcheck

blockchain from 0d7882a09d2d123edd7c1fce06dac55933a2d4a0 to 784d92497550b598fb9da729ba8fc8e591e8a5ab

Merge pull request #1490 from helium/adt/fix-snapshot-issues
no changes for: libp2p sibyl ecc508 relcast dkg hbbft helium_proto```

Validator 1.15.6 Release

19 Oct 07:38
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The core team has tagged mandatory release v1.15.6.

This release includes a patch to fix a latent bug in environments where multiple validator instances may be running on the same machine causing a resource exhaustion (due to too many open files on the server).

Validator operators are requested to upgrade to v1.15.6 without delay. Failure to upgrade could result in another chain halt.

Validators can directly update to v1.15.6 from v1.14.0 or above.

The latest tags have been updated to v1.15.6.

Besides the patch, this release includes all the updates from 1.15.5:

Validator 1.15.5 Release

12 Oct 21:04
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The core team has tagged mandatory release v1.15.5 the latest GA build.

We request Validator Operators to upgrade to this latest version no later than 2022-10-24 11:59 PM UTC, 4:59 PM PDT.

Not upgrading to this latest release by the deadline will negatively impact future rewards.

Key updates for this release include:

  • add initial support for off-chain proof of coverage (HIP 70)
  • add support for funding the subnetwork treasury (HIP 51)
  • enables more precise Proof of Coverage targeting
  • improve performance of PoC receipt validation
  • fix bug that caused zero rewards spam for non-HST holders and enables HST transfers again
  • fix bug for validator/node operators (JSON-RPC)
    -provide default in code for Hotspot denylist

In addition, the release supports an upcoming HIP that changes election dynamics but will not be activated until the HIP is presented, discussed, and passed a community vote.

Change log:

miner changes:
Merge pull request #1832 from helium/adt/validator1.15.5
Merge pull request #1807 from mbthiery/add-default-hotspot-denylist
Merge pull request #1829 from helium/adt/validator1.15.4
Merge pull request #1828 from helium/adt/validator1.15.3
Merge pull request #1827 from helium/adt/fix-poc-mgr-upgrades-again
Merge pull request #1826 from helium/adt/validator1.15.2
Merge branch 'helium:master' into add-default-hotspot-denylist
Merge pull request #1824 from helium/adt/validator1.15.1
Merge pull request #1822 from helium/adt/upgrade-poc-mgr-records
Merge pull request #1823 from helium/adt/fix-denylist-spec
Merge pull request #1821 from helium/rg/audit-156
Merge pull request #1819 from helium/adt/validator-1.15.0
Merge pull request #1808 from PaulVMo/fix-balance-jsonrpc
Merge pull request #1818 from helium/andymck/offchain-poc
Merge pull request #1817 from helium/rg/audit-155
Merge pull request #1816 from helium/rg/audit-154
Merge pull request #1815 from helium/rg/audit-153
Merge pull request #1810 from helium/jma/seed-node-config

blockchain from b6aca665dfa1cf5bdf81bf4c410275a463b0cc0c to 83ed1aff3a7139870a1bde1896eec0d6bfb776eb
Merge pull request #1482 from helium/adt/upgrade-receipts
Merge pull request #1480 from helium/adt/fix-tenure
Merge pull request #1475 from helium/adt/offchain-poc
Merge pull request #1468 from PaulVMo/faster-cg-ejection
Merge pull request #1478 from helium/adt/subnetwork-fund-txn
Merge pull request #1477 from helium/adt/remove-zero-security-rewards
Merge pull request #1474 from helium/rg/upgrade-proto
Merge pull request #1470 from helium/rg/revert-max-payment-json
Merge pull request #1471 from PaulVMo/expand-hex-gc-collection-var
Merge pull request #1469 from helium/andymck/receipt-val-optimisation
Merge pull request #1807 from mbthiery/add-default-hotspot-denylist

sibyl from 47cfe7b896f83f5da2993d859d070fb5cee68c44 to 06a32a2c9f03a63bd8d51e3bc7b3bb9759ffd2f9
Merge pull request #74 from helium/adt/bump-core-for-receipt-proto
Merge pull request #72 from helium/andymck/filter-out-cg-members

helium_proto from a9c1d484e117384c195e0980bd0225c219f78996 to 62fb7e800b0611a810213454b0cd13f29ea609d8
Merge pull request #180 from helium/rg/bump-rebar3
Merge pull request #170 from helium/madninja/entropy
Merge pull request #166 from helium/jg/last_reward_follower_api
Merge pull request #165 from helium/jsk/windows-specific-build
Merge pull request #164 from helium/madninja/protoc
Merge pull request #163 from helium/jg/remove_optional_params

no changes for: libp2p ecc508 relcast dkg hbbft

Validator 1.14.0 Release

22 Aug 14:55
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Mainnet Validator latest GA build: v1.14.0

The core team has tagged release v1.14.0 ready for general availability. This release includes support for a number of chain variables and should improve gossip.

Validators can upgrade directly from 1.13.x builds.

Change log:

miner changes:
Merge pull request #1743 from PaulVMo/add-heartbeat-interval-to-poc-key-lifespan
Merge pull request #1804 from helium/pevm/non-miner-gossip
Merge pull request #1800 from helium/adt/validator-memory-leaks
Merge pull request #1805 from helium/adt/gateway-rs-v1.0.0-alpha.31
Merge pull request #1801 from helium/adt/less-libp2p-for-hotspots
Merge pull request #1777 from BenoitDuffez/rssis_calc_from_rssic
Merge pull request #1803 from helium/rg/audit-151
Merge pull request #1760 from helium/andymck/bump-http2-client-0bbf8d
Merge pull request #1742 from PaulVMo/denylist-cli-and-jsonrpc
Merge pull request #1802 from helium/rg/var-150
Merge pull request #1799 from helium/pevm/var-148
Merge pull request #1798 from helium/rg/audit-149

blockchain from 14eecaec37a33d8cff70025259177f2f58993879 to b6aca665dfa1cf5bdf81bf4c410275a463b0cc0c
Merge pull request #1393 from PaulVMo/validate-heartbeat-age
Merge pull request #1414 from helium/jma/cli-sync-await
Merge pull request #1464 from helium/jg/fix_broken_ledger_test
Merge pull request #1467 from PaulVMo/fix-hex-ets-leak
Merge pull request #1465 from helium/rg/fix-subnetwork-reward-hash
Merge pull request #1463 from helium/rg/sec-rewards-bugfix
Merge pull request #1462 from helium/jg/grpc_txn_submit_with_key

helium_proto from a0a58da6420b3cfb47778d549af4b0cd256e7ece to a9c1d484e117384c195e0980bd0225c219f78996
Merge pull request #161 from helium/jg/export_transaction_svc

no changes for: libp2p sibyl ecc508 relcast dkg hbbft

Validator 1.13.7 Release

15 Aug 20:43
Choose a tag to compare

Mainnet Validator latest GA build: v1.13.7 Update

The core team has tagged release v1.13.7 and it's ready for general availability.

This is a non-mandatory, but highly recommended release and contains a number of performance improvements including reducing the amount of CPU needed.

IMPORTANT: Although a dot release, v1.13.7 contains many significant changes and the upgrade step is lengthy and computationally intense. The team recommends not rolling a whole machine at once.

Time to complete the upgrade depends on system specs, but budget for at least a few minutes of CPU-intensive work as it builds new caches. One community member reported 25 mins for their Validator to absorb its next block after upgrading.

A workaround includes the following: upgrade the initial Validator, then upgrade another with auto-snaps disabled, then manually snap it from the upgraded one. This gets you the cache, which is persistent, included in the snap.

In addition, this release also addresses a number of core fixes including a fix to prevent the type of issue that caused the chain halt earlier this week from ever reoccurring, fixing a transaction manager bug that will benefit any network actor that submits transactions.

This is a “one-way upgrade”, meaning downgrading from this fix would require reloading a pre-v1.13.7 snapshot.

Change log:

miner changes:
Merge pull request #1796 from helium/adt/validator1.13.7
Merge pull request #1793 from helium/adt/process-skips-resiliency
Merge pull request #1792 from PaulVMo/fix-debian-docker-apt-depend
Merge pull request #1780 from helium/adt/ubuntu-validators

Merge pull request #1461 from helium/andymck/fix-deferred-height-bug
Merge pull request #1460 from helium/adt/clean-ledger-for-snapshots
Merge pull request #1459 from helium/adt/fix-snapshot-context-handling
Merge pull request #1458 from helium/jg/iodata_size_fix
Merge pull request #1452 from helium/rg/fix-negative-payment-json
Merge pull request #1454 from helium/adt/validator1.13.x
Merge pull request #1456 from helium/pevm/only-clear-once
Merge pull request #1457 from helium/adt/ledger-context-hygiene
Merge pull request #1451 from helium/andymck/bump-proto-a0a58d
Merge pull request #1435 from helium/rg/iot-testing
Merge pull request #1374 from helium/jg/txn_absorb_metrics
Merge pull request #1447 from helium/rg/extend-payment-json
Merge pull request #1449 from helium/adt/replace-leaky-ets-witness-cache
Merge pull request #1448 from helium/adt/parallel-validate-and-absorb
Merge pull request #1444 from helium/pevm/cream-conversion
Merge pull request #1445 from helium/adt/memoize-h3dex-counts

Merge pull request #70 from helium/andymck/bump-grpcbox-6180be

Merge pull request #159 from helium/jg/follower_height_nonoptional
Merge pull request #158 from helium/madninja/region_params
Merge pull request #153 from helium/lthiery/update-makefile-nanopb
Merge pull request #125 from helium/jc/sync-final-flag
Merge pull request #150 from helium/madninja/poc-mobile-service

no changes for: libp2p ecc508 relcast dkg hbbft

Validator 1.13.6 Release

09 Aug 18:35
Choose a tag to compare

Mainnet Validator latest GA build: v1.13.6

The core team has tagged release v1.13.6 and it’s ready for general availability. This release only contains a newer blessed snapshot for any validators that are halted because of ledger drift.

This is a non-mandatory, but highly recommended release for halted validators.

Validators in this situation are halted because they upgraded after the chain resumed, and had drifted off from main ledger. Their local block height became higher than the blessed snapshot and they wouldn’t have used it.

Validators can upgrade directly from v1.12.x or above or if they are already on v1.13.5 manually load the new snapshot.

Validator 1.13.5 Release - Emergency

09 Aug 03:04
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Mainnet Validator Emergency Release: v1.13.5

The core team has tagged emergency release v1.13.5.

All Validators please upgrade to this emergency release AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

This build includes a new blessed snapshot and fixes the varhook issue that caused the halt when the new chainvar was released.

After upgrade validator operators need to check the block height and if it doesn’t end in 990, then manually update using the latest blessed snapshot:

More information about chainvar halt here: