Releases: helium/miner
Validator 1.13.3 Release - Mandatory Update
Mainnet Validator latest build: v1.13.3 - Mandatory Update
The core team has tagged v1.13.3
as a mandatory release and is ready for general availability.
We request Validator Hosters to upgrade to this latest version no later than 2022-08-10 00:00 UTC/August 9, 2022 5:00 PM PDT.
This build addresses:
Pre 1.13.2 builds: An issue discovered on Testnet related to MOBILE token payment transactions.
During Testnet post activation testing, the core team detected an issue in v1.13.2 that certain older txns (stake, transfer validator, transfer hotspot, etc) were not updated for the MOBILE changes.
IMPORTANT: any v1.12.4 builds or earlier, do NOT perform the upgrade while the validator is in the Consensus Group.
Change log:
miner changes:
Merge pull request #1785 from helium/adt/validator1.13.3
Merge pull request #1784 from helium/pevm/audit-146
Merge pull request #1783 from helium/adt/gateway-rs-alpha-0.29
blockchain from edc710e9893b272c31c68de00b29a2b2dac619dd to 690cb567e048d016bd40f13d8962f510c1d12060
Merge pull request #1446 from helium/rg/fix-versioned-entries
no changes for: libp2p sibyl ecc508 relcast dkg hbbft helium_proto
Validator 1.13.2 Release - Mandatory Update
Mainnet Validator latest build: v1.13.2 - Mandatory Update
The core team has tagged release v1.13.2
as a mandatory release and is ready for general availability.
We request Validator Hosters to upgrade to this latest version no later than 2022-08-09 00:00 UTC/5:00 PM PDT.
This build addresses an issue discovered on Testnet related to MOBILE token payment transactions. More specifics about the issue posted in the Helium Discord #announcements channel.
The MOBILE subDAO, as proposed by HIP 53, was approved by the community July 25, 2022. HIP 53 details here:
Validators can upgrade directly from 1.11.x
or above. However, if upgrading from version v1.12.4
or earlier only upgrade when the Validator is NOT in the Consensus Group.
Change log:
blockchain from b7e79e3571ad087ac41dea4da5d4423576804d4d to edc710e9893b272c31c68de00b29a2b2dac619dd
Merge pull request #1443 from helium/pevm/nonce-bugfix
Merge pull request #1442 from PaulVMo/remove-gw-from-h3dex-fix
Merge pull request #1440 from helium/pevm/fix-hnt-balance-bug
Merge pull request #1424 from helium/mj/ul-direct-send-2
Merge pull request #1437 from helium/adt/bump-libp2p
Merge pull request #1439 from helium/rg/fix-json-encoding
Merge pull request #1427 from PaulVMo/re-try-is_hex_populated-optimization
Merge pull request #1429 from helium/mj/erlang-lorawan-dep
Merge pull request #1438 from PaulVMo/fix-h3dex-snapshot-load
Merge pull request #1436 from helium/andymck/txn-mgr-logging-tweaks
Merge pull request #1434 from helium/andymck/bump-grpcbox-618be0
Merge pull request #1431 from helium/rg/subnetwork-reward-token-type
Merge pull request #1430 from helium/andymck/bump-grpcbox-654c7a
libp2p from 704f6d93da10677a54de9ef9b780e1e7faa98867 to 3d81f62ba1c036e417237fb4e9e1ac6cddd8d3f2
Merge pull request #447 from helium/adt/fix-dialyzer
Merge branch 'adt/fix-dialyzer' of github:helium/erlang-libp2p into adt/fix-dialyzer
Merge pull request #446 from helium/adt/fix-stungun-protocol-matching
Merge pull request #445 from helium/jc/stungun_peer_public_check
Merge pull request #444 from helium/jc/local_peer_get_exception
no changes for: sibyl ecc508 relcast dkg hbbft helium_proto
Validator 1.12.5 Release
Mainnet Validator latest build: v1.12.5
The core team has tagged release v1.12.5
ready for general availability. This release contains performance improvements as well as a fix for the auto-skip feature.
This is a non-mandatory, but recommended release. Validators can upgrade directly from v1.11.x
or above.
IMPORTANT: only perform the upgrade to v1.12.5 when the validator is NOT in the consensus group.
To avoid validators from auto updating while in the Consensus Group, the core team will hold off on tagging v1.12.5 as latest
until 24 hrs from now Wed Jul 20 2022 19:00:00 UTC/ 12:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT).
This allows any existing users to manually update before then or turn off auto update.
change log:
./ validator1.12.4 validator1.12.5
updating repos... done
miner changes:
Merge pull request #1774 from helium/pevm/1.12.5
Merge pull request #1730 from helium/jg/guard_val_untagged_releases
Merge pull request #1768 from helium/rg/fix-audit-144
Merge pull request #1771 from helium/adt/relcast-serializing
Merge pull request #895 from helium/adt/portable-skip-messages
blockchain from 3c37c31919d48b35518c3931499cb0f5e75de451 to b7e79e3571ad087ac41dea4da5d4423576804d4d
Merge pull request #1426 from helium/sk/fix-state-channel-close-crash
Merge pull request #1428 from helium/rg/bypass-subnetwork-reward-limit
Merge pull request #1425 from PaulVMo/more-h3dex-lookup-fix
libp2p from 070fea4a05e8a9d7e5cd0af1c9c4c4f7a507aaa7 to 704f6d93da10677a54de9ef9b780e1e7faa98867
Merge pull request #437 from helium/jc/handle_empty_pubkey
Merge pull request #443 from helium/jg/bump_rebar_gpb_plugin
sibyl from d4ed25f76699387b535d10b4fc43178eea2d1dd2 to 31338293d61bf525c2a653516d1b683b330ca029
Merge pull request #69 from helium/andymck/force-refresh-peer-if-not-found
Merge pull request #68 from helium/andymck/log-no-route-for-challenger
relcast from 9e40445dcd6440c9a2292d0f227d96a86f3d386b to cfe013e5363d06294478078c7baeb808acdb349c
Merge pull request #50 from helium/adt/serialize-native-terms
dkg from 93ed01b6464dcbb6504ba90e43a86656a1dcef90 to 59e10e50d2114c1bb91ae393527122bdbf31a690
Merge pull request #38 from helium/adt/less-serializing
hbbft from f4b8137fd4ac3a54dcaf21ba44856f77b8c97814 to 16a75ba127b745ae8b062b19de0f10dc70e25564
Merge pull request #78 from helium/adt/less-serializing
no changes for: ecc508 helium_proto
Validator 1.12.4 Release
Mainnet Validator latest build: v1.12.4 - Mandatory Update
The core team has tagged Validator v1.12.4
as a mandatory release and is ready for general availability.
We request Validator Hosters to upgrade to v1.12.4 no later than 2022-07-19 00:00 UTC.
Not upgrading to this latest release by the deadline will negatively impact future rewards.
This build provides support for the MOBILE token issuance as defined and approved by the community in HIP 51:
It enables transactions that can create the new MOBILE subnetwork and assign a pre-mined amount of MOBILE tokens on the chain.
When activated, this will enable MOBILE token mining by online 5G radios.
It also includes a core update to address an h3dex snapshot garbage collection issue.
Further information about emission schedule can be found here:
Change log
1.12.3 to 1.12.4
miner changes:
Merge pull request #1773 from helium/pevm/spawn-consensus-mgr-submit
blockchain from 16610ee964ec3685c5a0a41ebe40d59843fb7c90 to 3c37c31919d48b35518c3931499cb0f5e75de451
Merge pull request #1420 from PaulVMo/h3dex-gc-in-snapshot-load
no changes for: libp2p sibyl ecc508 relcast dkg hbbft helium_proto
1.11.7 to 1.12.4
miner changes:
Merge pull request #1773 from helium/pevm/spawn-consensus-mgr-submit
Merge pull request #1769 from helium/andymck/poc-logging-tweaks
Merge pull request #1770 from helium/jma/node-config
Merge pull request #1732 from helium/andymck/grpc-txn-submit
Merge pull request #1764 from helium/andymck/dont-reactive-denylist-spots
Merge pull request #1750 from PaulVMo/disable-prewarm-env-var
Merge pull request #1749 from helium/jg/bugfix_denylist_loading
Merge pull request #1748 from helium/jg/lgw_alpha28
blockchain from 73ee062df0b969b73ebf30536bbc252fd98a8695 to 3c37c31919d48b35518c3931499cb0f5e75de451
Merge pull request #1420 from PaulVMo/h3dex-gc-in-snapshot-load
Merge pull request #1419 from helium/pevm/limit-subnetwork-payout
Merge pull request #1415 from helium/pevm/snapshot-subnetworks
Merge pull request #1416 from helium/andymck/fix-poc-selector-count
Merge pull request #1216 from helium/andymck/grpc-txn-submit
Merge pull request #1412 from helium/dpezely/routers-by-netid-to-oui-01
Merge pull request #1407 from helium/macpie/sc_client_update
Merge pull request #1410 from helium/rg/fix-subnetwork-reward
Merge pull request #1408 from helium/rg/move-hrl-to-include
Merge pull request #1397 from helium/sk/close-iterators
Merge pull request #1372 from helium/sk/fix-ledger-context-leaks
Merge pull request #1398 from helium/jg/fix_balance_clearing
Merge pull request #1406 from helium/pevm/bump-p2p
Merge pull request #1405 from helium/pevm/dialzzz
Merge pull request #1403 from PaulVMo/h3dex-remove-gateway-fix
Merge pull request #1404 from helium/jma/b58-key-decode
Merge pull request #1401 from PaulVMo/add-cache-cli
Merge pull request #1354 from helium/rg/hip-xx-experiments
Merge pull request #1396 from helium/andymck/optimise-core-sc-server-handler
Merge pull request #1402 from helium/jma/blockchain-ledger-undefined
Merge pull request #1400 from helium/jma/poc-v5-crash-fix
libp2p from f2a33f4165b1597adb26b429f54dc50dd4afee22 to 070fea4a05e8a9d7e5cd0af1c9c4c4f7a507aaa7
Merge pull request #442 from helium/pevm/fix-dist
Merge pull request #432 from mawdegroot/mg/fix-unintentional-relay
Merge pull request #440 from helium/jma/force-network-id-fix
sibyl from fad1613d6152c04866fa71305d4cb1569563d17c to d4ed25f76699387b535d10b4fc43178eea2d1dd2
Merge pull request #67 from helium/andymck/dont-reactive-denylist-spots
Merge pull request #66 from helium/andymck/fix-nonself-port
Merge pull request #65 from helium/andymck/bump-core-241846
Merge pull request #64 from helium/andymck/bump-grpcbox-654c7a5
Merge pull request #62 from helium/andymck/optimise-sc-handler
Merge pull request #63 from helium/andymck/fix-reactivate
helium_proto from 7c90dde32ff582a856aeb6c8926e52abfcc8611f to 3de41dd9ebe9a67b170d08ab70eecea201e6aa92
Merge pull request #146 from helium/andymck/track-txn-protocol-version
Merge pull request #149 from helium/rg/rename-subnetwork-reward
Merge pull request #144 from helium/madninja/follower-service-rs
Merge pull request #93 from helium/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/tmpl-1.0.5
no changes for: ecc508 relcast dkg hbbft
Validator 1.11.7 Release
Mainnet Validator latest build: v1.11.7 - Mandatory Update
Validator operators are requested to update to the latest 1.11.7 release tagged by the core team by 06/30/2022 00:00 UTC or risk their nodes halting. This upgrade is necessary in order to activate critical performance related chain variables on chain.
Thanks again for your support and timely updates as we continue the transition to Light Hotspots. The latest release includes a bug fix to the chain variable pre-cache warm up that allows a distributed chain variable activation without impact to consensus times post-activation.
Other changes in this release include a fix to HIP17’s determination of a gateway’s activity, witness receipt validation, validator performance improvements, and balance-learning transactions.
List of changes are here: validator1.11.6... validator1.11.7
#1750: Add environment variable replacement to disable cache prewarming
#1749: Handle exceptions in lists:any
helium/blockchain-core#1405: Dialyzer fix for different ledger fetch path
helium/blockchain-core#1404: Add function to convert B58 keypair to seed words
helium/blockchain-core#1403: Bug fix for removing gateways from h3dex
helium/blockchain-core#1402: Ledger lookup should happen in erlang:spawn
helium/blockchain-core#1401: Add cache CLI
helium/blockchain-core#1400: Handle no hexes on a new network
helium/blockchain-core#1398: Handle txn fees in balance clearing payment transactions
helium/blockchain-core#1397: Fix unclosed rocksdb iterators
helium/blockchain-core#1396: State channel handler optimizations
helium/blockchain-core#1372: Fix ledger context leaks in poc_receipts_v1 and rewards_v2 transactions
helium/blockchain-core#1354: Add support for multi-tokens
helium/erlang-libp2p#442: Fix tests for network id changes
helium/erlang-libp2p#432: Try to prevent stungunning relayed peers
helium/erlang-libp2p#440: Bug fix, unwrap network_id correctly
helium/sibyl#63: Use ledger instead of chain when invoking reactivated_gw
helium/sibyl#62: Various optimizations and remove duplicate event handle sub
helium/proto#149: Rename individual subnetwork reward
helium/proto#144: Add follower service to rust build
Validator 1.11.6
validator1.11.6 validator1.11.6 release
Validator 1.11.0
Validator operators are requested to update to the latest 1.11.0
release tagged by the core team by 05/24/2022 00:00 UTC or risk their nodes halting. This upgrade is necessary in order to activate critical performance related chain variables on chain.
Thanks again for your support and timely updates as we continue the transition to Light Hotspots. The latest release includes a garbage collection fix that addresses an issue where local PoC key data (which includes the PoC private key) on the challenger was being garbage collected too early. The end result would be the PoC would not be initiated by the challenger, but potential targets would be notified of a possible PoC and upon checking in with the challenger would be returned an invalid_or_expired
Other changes in this release include a fix to HIP17’s determination of a gateway’s activity, witness receipt validation, validator performance improvements, and balance-learning transactions.
The full changeset is here: validator1.10.9...validator1.11.0
A summary is below:
miner changes:
- Merge pull request #1270 from helium/jma/vendor-jsonrpc2
- Merge pull request #1654 from helium/andmck/check-target-improvements
- Merge pull request #1673 from helium/andymck/fix-localkey-gc
- Merge pull request #1678 from helium/andymck/fix-local-key-gc-cadence
- Merge pull request #1666 from helium/jg/disable_poc_statem_vals
blockchain (helium/blockchain-core@adc9541...ce5f544 )
- Merge pull request #1359 from helium/jg/skip_receipt_val_var
- Merge pull request #1138 from helium/jg/closing_clearing_payments
- Merge pull request #1360 from helium/andymck/harmonize-activity-usage
- Merge pull request #1360 from helium/jma/gh1357
- Merge pull request #1353 from helium/jg/close_snapshot_zreference
sibyl (helium/sibyl@73ce7b3...88c6850)
- Merge pull request #51 from helium/andymck/harmonize-activity-usage
- Merge pull request #52 from helium/andymck/handle-gws-going-inactive
helium_proto (helium/proto@73ed90c...c3826f6)
no changes for: libp2p ecc508 relcast dkg hbbft
Validator 1.10.9
Mainnet Validator latest build: v1.10.9 - Critical Update
The core team has tagged Validator 1.10.9
as a critical update ready for general availability.
Validator operators please update to the latest release 1.10.9 without delay and make sure configured ports (default 8080) are externally accessible.
After extensive monitoring, the core team observed the 1.10.8 release is not providing the results the team had expected to improve the Proof-of-Coverage (PoC) receipt issue impacting the network.
As a result, the team made the decision to push out another release to fix a PoC manager issue which will allow the team to collect better data to make an informed decision about whether or not to roll back Light Hotspot activation.
miner changes:
Merge pull request #1649 from helium/jg/rollup_deps
Merge pull request #1648 from helium/andymck/fix-key-handling
Merge pull request #1078 from PaulVMo/heartbeat-ip-check
blockchain from 8f15b8530081f83c7c5540d6d6edaf74185b98e8 to adc9541a0b63ead33777a6a169d86565d13694bf
Merge pull request #1349 from helium/pevm/bump-grpcbox-to-master
sibyl from 6e5f7ba2ffaed68bb8121b9c62d699595aafeaea to 73ce7b355a1d8864f4c0d211a62ca85418629ac9
Merge pull request #49 from helium/jg/rollup_dep_changes
no changes for: libp2p ecc508 relcast dkg hbbft helium_proto
Validator 1.10.8
The core team has tagged Validator 1.10.8 as a critical update and is ready for general availability.

Validator operators please update to the latest release 1.10.8 without delay and make sure configured ports (default 8080) are externally accessible.
This update is designed to fix the lowered Proof-of-Coverage receipts issue (and consequently lowered rewards).
In addition, Validators should experience performance improvements with this update since it removes the need for a total region search and simply checks that the witness is in the same region as the challengees.
HUGE thanks for your continued support while the community transitions to Light Hotspots.
We recognize the effort each time an update is requested and deeply appreciate it.
List of changes:
miner changes:
Merge pull request #1647 from helium/jg/val_release_1_10_8
Merge pull request #1643 from helium/jg/fix_poc_statem_log
Merge pull request #1642 from helium/jg/audit-134
Merge pull request #1637 from helium/andymck/tweak-logging
Merge pull request #1636 from helium/andymck/fix-mor-ledger-cases
Merge pull request #1635 from helium/andymck/drop-0-freq-witnesses
Merge pull request #1633 from anthonyra/ara/reimplement-shuffle-of-witnesses
Merge pull request #1639 from helium/andymck/fix-localkey-gc-trigger
Merge pull request #1623 from helium/andymck/persist-poc-keys
Merge pull request #1631 from helium/madninja/var_133
Merge pull request #1630 from helium/andymck/fix-queued-poc-decision
Merge pull request #1645 from helium/andymck/fix-merge-artifact
blockchain from fd993511e87a80cdab330a3fa36fa1a85c986fc7 to 8f15b8530081f83c7c5540d6d6edaf74185b98e8
Merge pull request #1344 from helium/sk/fix-snap-test-compressed-file-read
Merge pull request #1347 from helium/adt/less-region-lookups
sibyl from 8ebf9db62dc6f4508fbef8244153d7486b14c105 to 6e5f7ba2ffaed68bb8121b9c62d699595aafeaea
Merge pull request #48 from helium/jg/rollup_core_dep_updates
no changes for: libp2p ecc508 relcast dkg hbbft helium_proto
Validator 1.10.5
The core team has tagged release v1.10.5. This release adds and addresses the following:
- provides more retries for sending witnesses
- properly-configured Validators unable to establish connections to Hotspots (this can affect Proof-of-Coverage as that's the main communication channel to receive and send receipts).
- configuration that prevents Validators from loading and running the denylist allowing denied Hotspots to earn.
Port reminder: Please confirm configured port(s) (default 8080) are externally accessible or your Validators will lose out on rewards.