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eco-ci will now post the energy reading in the PR conversation #397

merged 5 commits into from
Aug 4, 2023


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@dan-mm dan-mm commented Jul 25, 2023

No description provided.

@ArneTR ArneTR changed the base branch from dev to main July 25, 2023 10:25
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Eco-Ci Output:

Total Energy [Joules]: 2831.7
Total Avg. CPU Utilization: 21.0947
Total Avg. Power [Watts]: 3.60727
Total Duration [seconds]: 794
Label 1: Measurement #1
Energy Used [Joules]: 2831.7
Avg. CPU Utilization: 21.1831
Avg. Power [Watts]: 3.60727
Duration [seconds]: 787

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Eco-Ci Output:

Total Energy [Joules]: 1863.96
Total Avg. CPU Utilization: 17.3971
Total Avg. Power [Watts]: 2.67426
Total Duration [seconds]: 704
Label 1: Measurement #1
Energy Used [Joules]: 1863.96
Avg. CPU Utilization: 17.4901
Avg. Power [Watts]: 2.67426
Duration [seconds]: 698

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Eco-Ci Output:

Total Energy [Joules]: 2216.44
Total Avg. CPU Utilization: 18.2947
Total Avg. Power [Watts]: 3.03207
Total Duration [seconds]: 739
Label 1: Measurement #1
Energy Used [Joules]: 2216.44
Avg. CPU Utilization: 18.3767
Avg. Power [Watts]: 3.03207
Duration [seconds]: 733

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ArneTR commented Jul 26, 2023

nice to see that the general functionality is working.

As discussed: Can you please rework it to be similar to the view of the Github Actions Summary.

Graph is not needed, but would be nice if possible.

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ArneTR commented Aug 4, 2023

@dan-mm Status?

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github-actions bot commented Aug 4, 2023

Eco-CI Output:

Label 🖥 avg. CPU utilization [%] 🔋 Total Energy [Joules] 🔌 avg. Power [Watts] Duration [Seconds]
Total Run 23.1276 2642.82 3.09827 862
Measurement #1 23.2598 2642.82 3.09827 856

📈 Energy graph:

 5.89 ┤                                                 ╭╮                                               ╭╮                                                              ╭─────────────────╮  ╭─────╮                               ╭───╮╭╮    ╭─────╮╭──╮
 5.47 ┤               ╭╮                                ││                                               ││                                                             ╭╯                 │  │     ╰─────╮  ╭──╮╭╮                 │   ││╰─╮  │     ││  │
 5.04 ┤      ╭╮      ╭╯│   ╭╮                   ╭╮     ╭╯│          ╭╮  ╭╮ ╭──╮   ╭╮       ╭╮       ╭╮ ╭╮│╰╮     ╭╮ ╭╮             ╭────────╮╭─╮╭╮    ╭╮              ╭╮│                  ╰╮╭╯           ╰╮ │  ╰╯│                ╭╯   ╰╯  │ ╭╯     ╰╯  │       ╭╮  ╭╮ ╭─╮                            ╭─╮                      ╭╮          ╭╮                       ╭╮                                                                                             ╭╮          ╭╮╭╮                          ╭╮                          ╭╮                         ╭╮                             ╭╮                          ╭╮╭╮                          ╭╮╭╮                                                  ╭╮                                 ╭╮            ╭╮                                                               ╭╮                ╭╮╭╮╭╮                            ╭
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 4.20 ┤      │ ╰╮  ╭╮│  ╰╯                                                      ╰╯      │ │          │ │   ╰╮    ││╭╯   │         │              │╭──╯                 ││                                  │╭╯    │                │        │╭╯          │       ││  ││╭╯  ╰╮          ╭╮││         ││ │  │         ╭╮          ││          ││          │ │          ││          ││                     ╭╮          ╭╯│                     ╭╮          ││          ││          ││││         ╭╮            ╭─╮││                    ││ ││ ││                       ││││          ╭╮╭╮         ╭╮ ╭─╮││          ││              ││││          ││││         ││ │╰╯│          ╭╮╭╮            ╭──╮                    ││                                 │╰╮          ╭╯│││ ╭╮                ╭╮           ╭╮              ││           ││                ││││││          ││           ││ │
 3.78 ┤      │  │ ╭╯││                                                                  │ │          │ │    │    │││    │         │              ││                    ││                                  ││     │╭╮              │        ││           │       │╰╮ │╰╯    │         ╭╯│││         ││ │  │         ││         ╭╯│          ││          │ │          ││          ││         ╭╮          ││          │ │          ╭╮         ││          ││         ╭╯│          │╰╯│         ││         ╭╮ │ │││         ╭╮         ││ │╰─╯│         ╭╮         ╭╮ ││││          ││││         ││ │ ╰╯│         ╭╯│╭╮         ╭╮ │╰╯│         ╭╯│││         ││ │  ╰╮         ││││         ╭╮ │  │                    │╰─╮                              ╭╯ │          │ ││╰╮││                │╰╮          │╰─╮            │╰╮         ╭╯│╭╮              │╰╯││╰╮         ││╭╮         ││ │
 3.36 ┤      │  │╭╯ ╰╯                                                                  ╰╮│          ╰╮│    ╰╮╭╮╭╯╰╯    │  ╭─╮   ╭╯              ││                    ╰╯                                  ││     ╰╯│            ╭─╯        ╰╯           ╰╮     ╭╯ │╭╯      │       ╭╮│ │││         ││ │  │         │╰╮        │ ╰╮        ╭╯╰╮        ╭╯ ╰╮        ╭╯╰╮         │╰╮        │╰─╮        │╰─╮        │ ╰╮        ╭╯╰╮        │╰╮         │╰╮        │ ╰╮         │  ╰╮        │╰╮        │╰╮│ ╰╯╰╮        ││         ││ │   │         ││        ╭╯│╭╯╰╯╰╮       ╭╮│╰╯╰╮        │╰╮│   │        ╭╯ │││        ╭╯│╭╯  │        ╭╯ │││         ││ │   │       ╭╮│╰╯╰╮        │╰╮│  │         ╭╮         │  │        ╭─╮        ╭─╮        │  ╰╮       ╭╮│ ││ ╰╯│                │ ╰╮       ╭╮│  │            │ │        ╭╯ │││              │  ╰╯ │       ╭╮│╰╯│         ││ │
 2.93 ┤    ╭─╯  ╰╯                                                                       ╰╯           ╰╯     ╰╯╰╯       │╭─╯ ╰╮ ╭╯               ││                                                        ╰╯       │            │                        │     │  ││       │       │││ ╰╯│        ╭╯│ │  │         │ │        │  │        │  ╰╮       │   │        │  │         │ │        │  │        │  │        │  │        │  │        │ │         │ │        │  │        ╭╯   │        │ │        │ ││    │        ││         ││ │   │         ││        │ ││    │       │╰╯   │        │ ││   │        │  │││        │ ││   │        │  ╰╯│        ╭╯│ │   │       │╰╯   │        │ ││  │        ╭╯│         │  │        │ │        │ │        │   │       │╰╯ ╰╯   │                │  │       │││  │            │ │        │  │││              │     │       │╰╯  │         ││ │
 2.51 ┤ ╭╮ │                                                                                                            ╰╯    ╰╮│                ╰╯                                                                 │ ╭──╮ ╭──╮  │                        │  ╭╮ │  ││       │       │╰╯   │        │ │ │  │        ╭╯ │        │  │        │   │       │   │        │  │         │ │        │  │        │  │        │  │        │  │        │ │        ╭╯ │        │  │        │    │        │ │        │ ││    │        ││         │╰╮│   │        ╭╯│        │ ││    │       │     │        │ ││   │     ╭╮ │  │││        │ ││   │        │    │        │ │ │   │ ╭╮    │     │        │ ││  │        │ │         │  │        │ │        │ │        │   │       │        │        ╭──╮╭──╮│  │       │╰╯  │         ╭─╮│ │        │  ╰╯│        ╭───╮ │     │       │    │         │╰╮│
 2.09 ┤ │╰╮│                                                                                                                   ╰╯                                                                                   ╰─╯  │╭╯  ╰─╮│                        ╰╮ │╰╮│  ││       │╭─╮    │     │╭╮  ╭─╮ │ │╭╯  │ ╭╮╭╮  ╭╯  │    ╭╮ ╭╯  │  ╭──╮ ╭╯   │    ╭──╯   ╰╮ ╭─╮  ╭╯  │  ╭╮   ╭─╯ │   ╭╮╭╮╭╯  │  ╭──╮╭─╯  │╭─╮ ╭╮ ╭╯  ╰╮ ╭╮   ╭╯  │╭╮ ╭╮  ╭╯ ╰╮   ╭╮ ╭╯  ╰─╮ ╭─╮ ╭╯  ╰╮ ╭─╮╭╮╭╯    │       ╭╯ │    ╭╮ ╭╯ ╰╯    │  ╭──╮ ╭╯╰╮        │ ╰╯   │   ╭╮  ╭╯ │ ╭─╮ ╭╮ │ ││    │ ╭──╮  │     │╭────╮ ╭╯ ╰╯   │ ╭╮  ││╭╯  ╰╯╰╮  ╭─╮  │ ││   ╰─╮ ╭╮╭╮ │    ╰──╮╭╮  ╭╯ │╭╯   │ ││ ╭╮ │     │ ╭╮╭╮  ╭╯ ││  │  ╭─╮╭╮╭╯ ╰╮  ╭─╮ ╭─╯  ╰╮  ╭╮╭╮ │ │╭╮ ╭╮  ╭╯ │    ╭╮╭─╯   ╰─╮ ╭╮╭─╯        │╭╮     ╭╯  ╰╯  ││  ╰╮    ╭╮│    ╰╮  ╭╮ ╭╮╭╯ ││ │╭─╮    ╭╯    │ ╭╮     │   │╭╯     │╭╮╭╮   │    ╰──╮  ╭╮╭╮│ ││
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Watts over time

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Contributor Author

dan-mm commented Aug 4, 2023

It can be merged in, everything's done on the eco-ci side of things for this.

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ArneTR commented Aug 4, 2023

then let's go 🚀 :)

@ArneTR ArneTR merged commit 367dc5a into main Aug 4, 2023
@ArneTR ArneTR deleted the pr-energy-comment branch August 4, 2023 13:18
ArneTR added a commit that referenced this pull request Aug 4, 2023
* 'main' of
  eco-ci will now post the energy reading in the PR conversation (#397)
  SCI metric (#412)
  Fixes the github security errors (#411)
ArneTR added a commit that referenced this pull request Aug 4, 2023
* main:
  Ignore filesystem paths
  Bugfix: Phases ordering was wrong way round
  eco-ci will now post the energy reading in the PR conversation (#397)
  SCI metric (#412)
  Fixes the github security errors (#411)
  API does not block returning machines, but will now return if they are available or not
  Enables empty services in the usage_scenario (#409)
  wrong import now appends date
  Fixes the error on mac on which /tmp is a symlink to /private/tmp (#410)
  Fixes the metric output file becoming corrupted (#393)
  Only available machines may be listed
  Index.js now can filter by repo and filename (#408)
  Python requirements are now freshly updated with every install
  Gunicorn container now on python3-slim (Debian) instead of Ubuntu 22.04
ArneTR added a commit that referenced this pull request Aug 8, 2023
* main: (42 commits)
  Added exception handling to
  Fix and better display of SCI values in badged and dashboard
  Increased the waiting time for powermetrics to shut down
  Bugfix for non-string types replacement
  Docker prune is now the default for
  Bump psycopg[binary] from 3.1.9 to 3.1.10 (#413)
  Bump fastapi from 0.100.1 to 0.101.0 (#414)
  Bump orjson from 3.9.2 to 3.9.3 (#415)
  Ignore filesystem paths
  Bugfix: Phases ordering was wrong way round
  eco-ci will now post the energy reading in the PR conversation (#397)
  SCI metric (#412)
  Fixes the github security errors (#411)
  API does not block returning machines, but will now return if they are available or not
  Enables empty services in the usage_scenario (#409)
  wrong import now appends date
  Fixes the error on mac on which /tmp is a symlink to /private/tmp (#410)
  Fixes the metric output file becoming corrupted (#393)
  Only available machines may be listed
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Successfully merging this pull request may close these issues.

2 participants