Added support and visualization for per-process power profiling. New tracks can now be enabled from the system profile configuration window, under the 'Battery' options.
Frame boundaries for a frame profiler trace can be adjusted to use extension delimiters with the new ‘Use ANDROID_frame_boundary extension’ checkbox in the trace settings. #1179
Improved Vulkan extensions support:
- VK_KHR_imageless_framebuffer #1101
- VK_KHR_separate_depth_stencil_layouts #1068
- VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing #1154
- VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve #1066
Major updates to dependencies and external libraries: #1201
- Perfetto to version 29+
- In Linux, AGI upgraded the compiler from GCC-9 to Clang-12.
- For MacOS, it is possible to compile AGI for arm64 directly.
- Bazel version is updated to 5.2.0
- Update to Go 1.19 and its dependencies.
Device validation system fixes and improvements:
- Updated UI to display different instructions for different error codes #1137
- Fixed some Adreno devices failing validation #1138
- Fixed some Adreno devices not showing up in the list #1169
Various other bug fixes and improvements including:
- Potential memory leak fixes for command pool creation #1151
- Readability improvements for power rail names. #1160
- GPU frequency tracks are now using a common maximum value. #1163
- Memory leak and error code handling fixes for spvc calls #1105
- Change awk script to be able to work on MacOS as well #1136
- Fix encoding of pointers of 32-bit apps. b4c0390
- Log messages are now using system local timestamps #1184
- Fuchsia device scanning is disabled when the SDK is not found at start #1183