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Taylor Gerring edited this page Feb 4, 2015 · 3 revisions

eXtended Ethereum API

NOTE: This documentation is out-of-date and in need of refresh against current codebase

General, easy to use, ethereum query interface. This API allows you to easily interface with ethereum's state and their respective objects, create transactions and directly evaluate contract code.

import ""

Be aware that all methods return something. Nil isn't ever returned unless explicitly specified.


  • XEth: Top level query interface
  • World: world object through which you can query ethereum's state and objects.
  • Config: config object through which you can query the Config contract if available.
  • Object: object which functions as a proxy for StateObject. Returned by config


  • New(ethchain.EthManager) *XEth: instantiate a new ethpipe object.

XEth Methods

  • World() *world: returns the world object through which you can query ethereum's state.
  • Balance(address []byte) *Value: returns the balance of the given address.
  • Exists(address []byte) bool: returns whether an object with the given address exists.
  • Nonce(address []byte) *uint64: returns the the nonce of the given address.
  • Block(hash []byte) *Block: returns the given block by hash.
  • Storage(address, storage []byte) *Value: returns the given object by address's value given by the storage address.
  • ToAddress(privateKey []byte) []byte: converts a private key to an ethereum address.
  • Execute(address, data []byte, value, gas, price *Value) []byte: Simulates an evaluation of the object's code given by the address and returns the outcome.
  • ExecuteObject(object *Object, data []byte, value, gas, price *Value) []byte: Similar to the above only takes an actual StateObject instead of an address.
  • Transact(key *KeyPair, address []byte, value, gas, price *Value, data []byte) ([]byte, error): creates a new transaction using the given key.

World Methods

  • State() *State: returns the current state of the ethereum world object.
  • Get(addres []byte) *StateObject: returns the object given by the address. Returns nil if no object associated with the address can be found.
  • Config() *config
  • IsListening() bool: returns whether the client is listening for connections.
  • IsMining() bool: returns whether the client is mining.
  • Peers() *list.List: returns the current connected peers.
  • Coinbase() *StateObject: TODO

Config Methods

  • Get(name string) object: returns the associated object given by the name.
  • Exist() bool: returns whether the config object exist in ethereum's present state.

Object Methods

  • StorageString(str string) *Value: returns the storage value given by the key as str (Note, right pads zero to length of 32).
  • Storage(addr []byte): return the storage value given by the key as address.


import ""

xeth := xeth.New(ethereum)

var addr, privy, recp, data []byte
var object *ethstate.StateObject
var key *ethcrypto.KeyPair

world := xeth.World()
peers := world.Peers()

// Shortcut functions
xeth.Storage(addr, addr)
// Doesn't change state
xeth.Execute(addr, nil, Val(0), Val(1000000), Val(10))
// Doesn't change state
xeth.ExecuteObject(object, nil, Val(0), Val(1000000), Val(10))

conf := world.Config()
namereg := conf.Get("NameReg")

var err error
// Transact
tx_hash, err = xeth.Transact(key, recp, ethutil.NewValue(0), ethutil.NewValue(0), ethutil.NewValue(0), nil)
if err != nil {
// Create
contract_addr, err = xeth.Transact(key, nil, ethutil.NewValue(0), ethutil.NewValue(0), ethutil.NewValue(0), data)
if err != nil {
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