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Taylor Gerring edited this page Jun 12, 2015 · 12 revisions

Running tests on go-ethereum

This page assumes go-ethereum has been configured according to the Developers Guide. All commands (unless stated otherwise) are assumed to be run from $GOPATH/src/

Unit tests

See Travis or Coveralls for status.

Test the full codebase locally by changing to the repository directory and running

test ./...

Integration tests

Integration tests for Go are included in the tests directory and can be run with standard go testing (i.e. go test). To run all the integration tests simply run:

go test ./tests/


Alternatively, there is a CLI application, ethtest who can be used to run these tests without Go. The binary can be built from ./cmd/ethtest and then run from anywhere (such as the root directory of the test files). Some examples:

Run all tests from current directory, looking in their respective sub directories for json files: ethtest

Run all VM json tests from ./VMTests/ directory ethtest --test "vm" --file "./VMTests/"

Run all tests in a cousin directory supplied by environment variable ETHEREUM_TEST_PATH="../../tests/files" ethtest --test "all"

Run a single transaction test ethtest --test "tx" --file "./TransactionTests/ttTransactionTest.json"


   --test "all"		Test type (string): VMTests, TransactionTests, StateTests, BlockTests
   --file "."		Test file or directory. Directories are searched for .json files 1 level deep [$ETHEREUM_TEST_PATH]
   --continue		Continue running tests on error (true) or exit immediately (false)


VM Test wiki

go test ./tests/vm_test.go


State Test wiki

go test ./tests/state_test.go


Transaction Test wiki

go test ./tests/transaction_test.go


Blockchain Test wiki

go test ./tests/block_test.go


RPC Tests repo

  1. Load test JSON with
    geth blocktest <pathToTheTestRepo>/BlockTests/bcRPC_API_Test.json RPC_API_Test rpc
  2. Run rpc-tests (
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