Releases: etianl/Trouser-Streak
Trouser-Streak v0.2.6
Updated release to latest meteor full release
attempted to fix another case where AutoMountain kills you. (when pressing spacebar if blocks are in the way)
curently released for 1.19.2, will update to 1.19.3 soon
Trouser-Streak v0.2.6
For meteor latest dev build before the full 0.5.1 release
attempted to fix another case where AutoMountain kills you. (when pressing spacebar if blocks are in the way)
curently released for 1.19.2, will update to 1.19.3 soon
Trouser-Streak v0.2.5
-Added SwapStackonRunOut option to AutoMountain, if enabled when you run out of blocks it'll swap to another in your hotbar. Take care not to have anything in your hotbar that'll mess up the Mountain (will now be listed in the readme)!!!
-Added InvertDir@Limit option to AutoMountain. It'll stop you one block short of your set build limit and send you down instead of stopping at the limit.
-Renamed the BuildLimit option in AutoMountain to UpwardBuildLimit. It never did limit you going down
-reorganized classes
Trouser-Streak v0.2.4
-FireballRain+ renamed to Airstrike+, to better honour the original writer.
-Added OnDemandSpacing option to AutoMountain, which adjusts the spacing of your blocks live while placing with the press of the jumpKey. Careful how much you set both spacing options they add together
-Added AutoDraw option to Instakill. It automatically draws your bow.
-added Slot0 option to shulkerDupe. Doops only the top left slot when enabled
-Boom+ now spawns at foot level instead of eye level with most things to prevent things obstructing your view
-fixed the buttons in InstaKill. Just enable whatever amount of packets you want
-made the antikick for TPFly a lil safer (maybe?) while still not imparting velocity (I want it to be purely setPos based, for experimental purposes)
-removed FireballClicker. Boom can be used to do the same thing, and moar.
-removed AutoBuildDown. It was only really put in there as a hodge-podged way to make downward stairs before I got the downward stairs making workin
Trouser-Streak v0.2.3
-automountain slight fixes
-added trident to InstaKillBow, and changed the name to InstaKill
-added LecternCrash. Credits to Coderx-Gamer
Trouser-Streak v0.2.2
-Fixed building stairs in survival mode murdering you with AutoMountain (I apologize for not testing before the last release)
-TPfly fixes
Best mountains yet!
-AutoStaircaseFly renamed to AutoMountain
-AutoMountain builds stairs in the direction you aim. It builds upward if you are looking toward the horizon or higher, and builds downward if you are looking down. The use key (Right Click) Disables AutoMountain.
-Fixed the ability to accidentally ruin AutoStairs placement by pressing directional keys
-Removed the AirPlace options from AutoStairs that didn't actually do anything
-DELETED AutoStaircaseDown, in favour of the new changes to AutoStaircaseFly(now AutoMountain)
-Added TPFly. It is a purely setPos based flight. Based off the ClickTP code, credits to Meteor for that. EXPERIMENTAL, movement is a little weird lol
-Width, Height, Depth options added to HandOfGod
-Added ClickExplosion option to ExplosionAura. Spawns creepers at the location you are aiming which explodes with 0tick delay with the power you set
-Prevent velocity Flight antikick from clipping into the ground, and liquids, and hurting you (hopefully)
-Can now Turn AutoMountain with directional keys. LeftKey turns the Mountain building left, RightKey turn right, ForwardKey turns mountain upward, BackKey turns mountain downward.
Trouser-Streak v0.2.1
I messed up somewhere and downward stairs murders you with this release. I am trying to fix it now
-Can now Turn AutoMountain with directional keys. LeftKey turns the Mountain building left, RightKey turn right, ForwardKey turns mountain upward, BackKey turns mountain downward.
previous changelog because this update so small
-AutoStaircaseFly renamed to AutoMountain
-AutoMountain builds stairs in the direction you aim. It builds upward if you are looking toward the horizon or higher, and builds downward if you are looking down. The use key (Right Click) Disables AutoMountain.
-Fixed the ability to accidentally ruin AutoStairs placement by pressing directional keys
-Removed the AirPlace options from AutoStairs that didn't actually do anything
-DELETED AutoStaircaseDown, in favour of the new changes to AutoStaircaseFly(now AutoMountain)
-Added TPFly. It is a purely setPos based flight. Based off the ClickTP code, credits to Meteor for that. EXPERIMENTAL, movement is a little weird lol
-Width, Height, Depth options added to HandOfGod
-Added ClickExplosion option to ExplosionAura. Spawns creepers at the location you are aiming which explodes with 0tick delay with the power you set
-Prevent velocity Flight antikick from clipping into the ground, and liquids, and hurting you (hopefully)
Trouser-Streak v0.2.0
Best mountains yet!
-AutoStaircaseFly renamed to AutoMountain
-AutoMountain builds stairs in the direction you aim. It builds upward if you are looking toward the horizon or higher, and builds downward if you are looking down. The use key (Right Click) Disables AutoMountain.
-Fixed the ability to accidentally ruin AutoStairs placement by pressing directional keys
-Removed the AirPlace options from AutoStairs that didn't actually do anything
-DELETED AutoStaircaseDown, in favour of the new changes to AutoStaircaseFly(now AutoMountain)
-Added TPFly. It is a purely setPos based flight. Based off the ClickTP code, credits to Meteor for that. EXPERIMENTAL, movement is a little weird lol
-Width, Height, Depth options added to HandOfGod
-Added ClickExplosion option to ExplosionAura. Spawns creepers at the location you are aiming which explodes with 0tick delay with the power you set
-Prevent velocity Flight antikick from clipping into the ground, and liquids, and hurting you (hopefully)
Trouser-Streak v0.1.9
-Added different buttons denoting how many loops InstaKillBow does. Turn off the options you do not want in the inventory screen because they all add up if you do not. MovePackets: 100 is normal. ENABLE ONLY ONE AT A TIME
-InstakillBow now toggles AntiHunger off on using bow, to ensure the arrow flys fast
-Added missing Normal antikick to Velocity mode in Meteor Flight
-All Autostaircase modules can now be enabled while Flight is on. Flight will be turned off on activation
-Fixed strange movement bugs when enabling AutoStaircaseFly with no blocks in hand.
Trouser-Streak v0.1.8
-Added InstaKillBow. Shoots arrows with incredible power. Credits to Saturn5Vfive for this
-You can now enable AutoStaircaseFly while flight is enabled, it will be disabled when the stairs start.
-Improved the antikick in AutoStaircaseFly
-The timer options for AutoStaircasers now can be tuned to the decimal place, for finer adjustments