Trouser-Streak v0.2.1
I messed up somewhere and downward stairs murders you with this release. I am trying to fix it now
-Can now Turn AutoMountain with directional keys. LeftKey turns the Mountain building left, RightKey turn right, ForwardKey turns mountain upward, BackKey turns mountain downward.
previous changelog because this update so small
-AutoStaircaseFly renamed to AutoMountain
-AutoMountain builds stairs in the direction you aim. It builds upward if you are looking toward the horizon or higher, and builds downward if you are looking down. The use key (Right Click) Disables AutoMountain.
-Fixed the ability to accidentally ruin AutoStairs placement by pressing directional keys
-Removed the AirPlace options from AutoStairs that didn't actually do anything
-DELETED AutoStaircaseDown, in favour of the new changes to AutoStaircaseFly(now AutoMountain)
-Added TPFly. It is a purely setPos based flight. Based off the ClickTP code, credits to Meteor for that. EXPERIMENTAL, movement is a little weird lol
-Width, Height, Depth options added to HandOfGod
-Added ClickExplosion option to ExplosionAura. Spawns creepers at the location you are aiming which explodes with 0tick delay with the power you set
-Prevent velocity Flight antikick from clipping into the ground, and liquids, and hurting you (hopefully)